> 10 jun 2006 / ILLUMINATI UPDATE - since posting the above segments i have been attacked by 3 separate people, and in a massive cover-up both the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments have failed to arrest even one person!?! - luckily i have civil rights laws that protect me and i have 5 years to file a lawsuit, so this is the calm before the storm - i'm gonna take it easy this summer and wait until the political climate changes; i'll get to it later on down the line when we have a legitimate federal government in power - oh, and the strange thing is that CRAZY TOM (click on the SUPERBIRDLAND web page and scroll down to CRAZY TOM section) attacked me the very next day after posting the above illuminati segment, and later admitted to me that he knows the police chief of campbell - he said he has 'done work for him before'...hmmm...whatever that means...just remember the word 'illuminati' can also mean 'government employee' - and not only can government employees can be found almost everywhere in our society, but they can also have questionable agendas as well - LOVE THY NEIGHBOR ~ TRUST NO ONE?...

LRE NOTE: THE PLOT THICKENS ~ S.W.A.T. TEAM FOR THE BRAZEN DUCK FEEDER!? - exactly 4 days after posting the 'ILLUMINATI UPDATE' segment above, i was thrown to the ground, bloodied up and arrested (FOR FEEDING DUCKS WHICH I HAVE FED FOR APPROXIMATELY 10+ YEARS WITH THE BLESSINGS OF AN EX-MAYOR OF SANTA CLARA!?) by an angry santa clara police officer who's fragile cop ego was severely tested in my last encounter with him a few weeks before this when he failed to do anything about threats i had received from a mentally unstable neighbor of mine who later attacked me (click here: X)...he drove up in an unmarked police car with an even angrier looking, skinhead nazi undercover cop freak who asked me while i was being handcuffed; "are you on drugs?" (hmmm...what kind? pharcameutical drugs? - you know; he didn't ask me; "have you ever done drugs?" [probably] or "are you gonna do drugs?" [maybe] or "have you done drugs recently?" [i can't remember - is weed a drug?] - the truth is i was not on drugs at the time so i simply told him the truth - click here: X X X) - they then called up a posse of police officers from both the city of santa clara and sunnyvale to restrain me; the brazen duck feeder!? go to: > 14 jun 2006 / RESISTING ARREST OR CITATION? ~ JOURNALIST KIDNAPPED BY SCPD! - i was later released with all charges dropped, as this wrongful cop encounter was just an obvious intimidation attempt to distract from the segment posted above - you see; i had placed likroper.com stickers on the poles next to the driveways leading into the santa clara police station parking lot to bring attention to my neighborhood's speeding problem a few weeks before this, so i know somone at the SCPD was reading my web site - the bright side of this story is that i will be forever grateful to one star santa clara police officer who apparently saw that my arrest was clearly wrongful and spoke out on my behalf - many people wrongfully assume that everything the cops do is ok, but that couldn't be farther from the truth, as this was nothing more than a miserably failed attempt at destroying my good name - oh, and the santa clara county deputy district attorney took a leave of absence the same day of this false arrest!?...

> 19 aug 2006 / MARTIAL LAW? - a father of a US soldier told me last night that the bush administration plans on attacking iran soon, then reinstating the draft under a different name thereafter (other than iraq; iran is the worlds' second largest producer of oil)...also; a) apparently the federal government allegedly punished the people of santa cruz for their 'anti-new world order dissent' back in 2005 by purposely practicing martial law in the santa cruz mountains and over the city of santa cruz as well 'just to see how the people would react' (go to: http://santacruz.indymedia.org/feature/display/13977/index.php) and - b) apparently martial law was put into effect many years ago here in america because of an isolated incident (911? katrina? the rodney king riots?), therefore making it that much easier for bush to 'sieze control' of the country whenever he pleases - i was also told about how 'the illuminati' has plans to allow american society to (once again - 1 2 3) decay to a level where the citizens will all get desperate and kill each other so the government does not have to do it for them, and so the federal government can officially re-declare martial law as well (are the feds letting gangs run loose in santa cruz just to destabilize political activity in the area and make the local people pay for their outspoken nature?...hmmm) - i was also told that president clinton allegedly attended illuminati meetings, but eventually stopped (perhaps) once he realized the true nature of their business - and with knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the conspiracy, the clinton administration tried to dismantle the international conspiracy (X) with demilitarization (etc), making mister clinton a major target for political retaliation (X) - this same soldier has been repeatedly reprimanded by his commanding officer for the content of his phone conversations with his father - I'M NOT AMUSED - the bizarre universal mindfuck thing about all of this is that i was being told all of the above information at an amusement park of all things - and it's probably a coincidence, but right after posting this segment, i saw CRAZY TOM at a local liquor store buying some hard liquor > the surveillance of US citizens (by AT&T & VERIZON etc) is really all about keeping tabs on government employees more than anything else; it's all about controlling dissenters and leakers - and all i can say is GOOD LUCK!

LRE NOTE: 30 sep 2006 / after seeing roughly 10 people get their heads blown off with handguns on network television recently, i had a revelation; the US government allows violence on TV while prohibiting sex; a) as a tool of depopulation - see AIDS document above - and b) as way to legitimize their own violent acts - QUESTION: why would the government not allow janet jacksons' breast on TV, yet allow young children to see people getting their heads blown off nightly on network TV? - ANSWER: because even though a mere breast does not constitute sex - it does to the bush administration; so that's that - IT'S THE SIMPLE DEPOPULATION EQUATION - SO DO THE MATH: SEX and /or SEXY = MORE HUMANS while VIOLENCE and/or WAR = LESS HUMANS and LESS HUMANS = DEPOPULATION - and now with the synthetic biological agent AIDS; SEX = DEPOPULATION as well - interesting fact: psychological testing is required for those who are a harm to themselves or others; so is american society mentally ill and/or do war supporters need psychological testing?...

> 30 sep 2006 / HEIL! BUSH - ULTIMATE POWER HAS JUST BEEN GIVEN TO THE DEVIL: well, it looks alot like the US military has already been used as a tool of oppression against the people of santa cruz county, and it's even been used against me (i had a helicopter hovering and doing three circles directly over my house a few weeks before my brother's mysterious death back in 1999, and the US military flew a helicopter directly over - about 50 feet altitude - when i was last recording at my guitar players' residence - and even though porter goss quit the CIA the day after this, it is still wrong to do such a thing) and in light of the fact that the people of santa cruz are the most politically educated and active constituencies in our nation besides maybe san francisco or berkeley (in what is supposed to be the proudest democracy in the world other than costa rica) i think the military has already proven that they are not worthy of such powers, SO YOU CAN TAKE YOUR JOB AND SHOVE IT MISTER BUSH! (LRE NOTE: mister bush is by far the most violent dictator in the history of humankind and/or without a doubt the worst president in the history of the united states; so why has he just been given ultimate power by the US congress? and what was the san jose mercury news distracting you with the day the legislation was being passed?; a squirrel attack in mountain view of all things!?)...

> 4 sep 2006 / HIROSHIMA UPDATE - i was told by a very reliable source on saturday night that an airbase in spain is PACKED with munitions waiting to head over to iran - the soldier used the word HIROSHIMA when talking to his dad about the weapons, alluding to the possibility that the bush administration may be planning on wafting some radioactive materials into the common atmosphere for us all to breath in downwind - isn't that wonderful...

> 7 oct 2006 / SAY NO TO WAR IN IRAN! - as unbelievable as it may see; the White House has given a "prepare to deploy" order sending the USS Eisenhower to the Persian Gulf, and leaked reports are warning that the Bush Administration is making further preparations for a military strike against Iran - is this simply an escalation of the administration’s saber-rattling? - an attempt to provoke Iran and create a Tonkin Gulf-like rationale to justify military strikes? - or is this actually the first step of planned military action against Iran, with the administration’s declarations of attempted diplomacy just as phony as they were before the Iraq war? - we cannot wait to prevent an unprovoked attack against Iran! - military action against Iran would inevitably kill large numbers of innocent people, foster even greater hatred towards the United States, and bring international condemnation - our own intelligence agencies have concluded the Iraq war has worsened the terrorist threat, and a war against Iran would add immeasurably more fuel to the fire - Stand up to the Administration - CLICK HERE TO DEMAND NO WAR IN IRAN!

IT COULD HAPPEN! - the republicans will lose BIG this tuesday, and with nothing else to lose; bush will counter this by attacking iran with a nuclear attack, sending a radioactive cloud over the surrounding territories (and therefore angering the chinese and russian governments, amongst many others) - this will cause all young americans to be drafted into forced military service, and once the united states is stretched to the absolute limit militarily, the chinese (with help from the russians) could then attack the mainland united states in the dead of night as we sleep and take over our country - dick cheney and george bush could then be kidnapped and tortured; 1) first with a bit of waterboarding; 2) then tarred and feathered; 3) then coercively interrogated; 4) then put in front of a firing squad; 5) then fed to stray dogs and pooped out the next day...

> 24 aug 2006 / VAMPIRE ILLUMINATI - if the illuminati is an international vampire who sucks the life blood out of society, then kindness and compassion is the crucifix and stake in the heart that ultimately strikes fear into, and slays the heart of the evil neo-con vampire - we must answer violence with non-violence; hatred with love; intolerance with tolerance; and heartlessness with compassion - if we all do so, we can successfully end the illuminati's reign of terror and evil grip upon society...

> 30 sep 2006 / CHOOSE FREEDOM - part of the illuminati's evil plan is to seed violence and racial tension into society to the point where we all become desensitized to it, and fox news service and CBS are the illuminati's main propaganda tools, along with MTV/VH1 and many other stations who have a tendency to promote surveillance and/or violence and/or racial tensions through their broadcasting as of late (likely an upper-management problem at MTV/VH1) - and just like how terrorists rally their troops through media coverage of their ramblings, when the TV drama CSI says something like "we're cops ~ we do whatever we want" this is a hollywood-based form of brainwashing which in a sense tells all the impressionable government employees out there how to - perhaps wrongfully - do their jobs (and this could be why some say the illuminati and hollywood are connected) - the media's role is to take over the government's role by glorifying this violence and tension in order to spread the necessary chaos throughout society, with an eventual goal of martial law through race riots - for instance; here's a good example: SANTA MONICA -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger apologized Friday for saying during a closed-door meeting that Cubans and Puerto Ricans are naturally feisty and temperamental because of their combination of "black blood" and "Latino blood." etc...

> hmmm...let's put it this way; when i toured all over america, the latino audiences i played for in puerto rico and mcallen texas were by far the most passionate (a cultural difference i believe - not as genetic one)...the best big white audience was at a arena in mississippi, but for the most part, the white audiences i played for were generally stiff as a board - you know;
the thing i hate the most about the democrats is that they are communicatively nitpicky (and/or politically correct) and actually encourage their constituents to do their dirty work by violating the unalienable rights of people within their own party (the first amendment etc), therefore destabilizing it in the process...

(another way the people of the united states are destabilized comes from abroad; for instance, when european car companies run TV ads promoting the unsafe usage of their vehicles, this leads to the increased death of U.S. citizens...more people die from vehicular related accidents than from gunfire, so why does BMW continue to run irresponsible TV ads? - i'll tell you why; because they probably really don't give a fuck about the american people, they just want our money...the fact is; there are more vehicular-related deaths than tobacco-related, and even tobacco makers cannot advertise on tv, so why are car manufacturers not facing the same regulations?...we are all free to be responsible, but if car companies continue advertising the way they do, they should either clean up their acts or face new legislation to change the course of their advertising)...

the democratic party falls into the evil hands of the illuminati at every turn; as democrats have a tendency to be gullible and easily moldable 'illuminatic pawns' so to speak...that's right; comments like arnold's do nothing to destabilize white republican voters in idaho (for instance) who are off happily out huntin' together, shootin' stuff; NO! - the intensive media exposure of arnold's comments instead works to destabilize the racially and culturally diverse democratic party more than anything else, and it shows that democrats are just as willing to start a race riot just to win an election as republicans are to establish martial law!...where is ralph nader when you need him?...he won't speak A WORD about this kind of stuff because he understands the dymanics of doing so...but does that mean that i should just shut up? - i don't think so...

> 20 aug 2006 / NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) - people probably often wonder what the term 'new world order' really means, but the name in a sense speaks for itself as a self-fulfilling prophesy; first off - 1) it is all about surveillance and tracking individuals; first for financial reasons (A), second for surveillance reasons (AT&T, VERIZON etc); 2) it is also all about the 'new economy', which essentially amounts to this, or in laymans terms; 'you need more money to survive now if you actually have self-esteem and therefore opted out of college hazing and/or corporate employment - and forget about health care if you are poor'; 3) and just like over in china, it could also mean your neighbor is secretly watching you because you question the government and openly show dissent about anything from war to marijuana (i talked to a retired cops' daughter who was smoking a joint with her boyfriend in santa cruz on saturday night, and she said that many cops see marijuana as nothing more than a bunch of paperwork they don't want to deal with, but admitting this could bring retaliation because only harsh hardliner cops are promoted, others are let go - oh and whatever happened to joseph mcnamara's progressive ideologies?); 4) NWO could also mean cops colluding with organized crime (or even your neighbors) attempting to destabilize your political activity and/or assassinate your character and/or silence you and/or turn you into a hermit by repeatedly harassing you for everything and nothing (actually very 'old world order', but still a very useful tool of government); 5) NWO could mean wishy-washy local (socialist?) politicians with no backbone in cahoots with international interests from china wanting to shut down the subversive cactus club in san jose, and getting help from the ABC; 6) or even allowing local gangs to run wild in the late 1980s and early 1990s, then turning around and using this as an excuse to create an unconstitutional youth curfew to set a new precedent of wrongfully punishing ALL youth by limiting their civil liberties, then drugging them on psychoactive 'medication' to keep them paranoid about the outside world and in front of computers slowly getting increasingly obese (and therefore more easily moldable for NWO social engineering purposes - will crazy fat people control the future?); 7) and what about all the open space (and the small business community as well) disappearing for walmart?; 8) and what about the USA patriot act? - etc...

silicon valley is ground zero for the new world orders' slow erosion of rights, and all the changes that have been essentially thrust upon this region (and then the world) as of late are part of this new international mandate; everything from gentrification - to internet surveillance and tracking - to GPS tracking of wildlife and humans - to the new theocratic (and therefore oppressive) NEW AMERICAN EUNUCH (XXX) view towards sex and sexuality - or even allowing women to hijack the sexual revolution to purposefully divide the sexes to stop the dangerous flow of ideas between sexes which occurred during the 1960s; NWO also means division by $$$ - race - gender - age - religion and/or ideology; any way people can be divided - they will be divided under this new way of thinking, as a way to control the masses more than anything else and make us all more easily moldable...civil liberties will also be increasingly limited, as all who give a flying fuck about flying and/or fucking will be put under suspicion as a way to control the movement and growth of the population...

native american ideology says that as we make decisions for the present, we must simultaneously remember seven generations into the past as we project seven generations into the future ~ because forgetting the good which has come to us from the past is no way to go into the future...

LRE NOTE: back during the clinton era, the republicans used the clinton/lewinski 'scandal' to further their asexual christian-right agenda, not only viewing this kind of behavior as sinful, but also a democratic weakness to prey upon and criminalize...and the funny thing is, many sort of 'asexual and/or homosexual and/or transexual and/or unisexual' democratic women and men either bought this new agenda hook-line-and-sinker, or were ashamed to disagree with it (much like playing the terrorism card) - quite simply; democrats clearly have more sex than republicans, so if sex could be increasingly criminalized then more and more democrats could be felonized and less of them could vote - and the whole depopulation aspect is just icing on the cake...