EXPRESSION TOO HOT FOR FACEBOOK AND/OR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT -- FACEBOOK SUPPRESSES ET/UFO DISCLOSURE WITH COINTELPRO SPYING, CENSORSHIP @ > NOTE: THE ROPER ARMY's facebook posts began mysteriously disappearing; so i backed them up and put them here instead -- 'the overflowing damn ~ cannot be contained' -- if any of you do not like this; move to china or russia...

> THIS WAS COPIED FROM CRYPTOME.ORG: From "xxxx, xxxxx" <> / Date Sun, 19 Sep 2010 14:24:33 -0400 / Subject Re: Social Networking: HUMINT , OSINT or neither? (UNCLASSIFIED) -- "At DHS Open Source, we view social networks as OSINT collection, since the sites are publically available and if users post information openly then their expectation of privacy are overcome by events. Generally, collection from social networks are passive and no interaction with the site members ever occurs. If interaction does occur, then that crosses the gray area into HUMINT." -- xxxxxxxx / Department of Homeland Security / Comm: xx / Blackberry: xxx / E-mail: xxx

> ATTENTION: RUMOR HAS IT THAT THERE COULD BE MASS UFO LANDINGS WITHIN THE NEXT TWO YEARS; THOSE WHO FAIL TO LOVE WILL BE BROUGHT TO A SLAVE PLANET TO LOAD LARGE, HEAVY BRICKS ONTO RAILROAD CARS -- YOU HAVE NOW BEEN OFFICIALLY WARNED -- September 27, 1989 / Nashville, Tennessee / The photograph of this UFO [a FS-143 saucer] was provided by Commander Graham Bethune of the US Navy -- He obtained it from a close friend who claimed to have a rendezvous with another intelligence, and requested anonymity -- source:


> just so you know, the black budget is a documented fact. Hundreds of billions of dollars are paid out each year to a secretive entity that is part of, but does not answer to the U.S. government. Congress is barely aware of where the money is going, and since the Eiesnhower administration, Congress is not allowed to have any say about where the money is going. I've also seen a fleet list and schematic sheets for an entire array of electro-gravity propelled spaceships. If you want to know the answer to a question or to learn about something elusive, follow the money - Eric Marks


> PREDICTION: pre-existing gas stations will begin selling pre-charged batteries which are charged using solar powering stations in the desert, then delivered to each respective battery station [for instance; if you are on vacation and need to charge your battery, you cannot wait all night, you need a fresh battery NOW] it occurred to me; it might be a good idea for pre-existing gasoline stations to start getting into the business of distributing these said pre-charged electric vehicle batteriess; as well as refined petroleum products, to help transition us away from an oil-dominated energy economy, into a renewable energy future -- [CNBC: i don't care if G.E. (general electric) oil & gas subsea drilling and production industries has innovative new products and techniques that are helping to meet the world's current energy needs! > CNBC IS OWNED BY G.E.!?]

> oil will not go away forever, we will always need some; but consumption needs to be reduced by about 1/3 to help stop oil wars caused by the need for this relatively finite resource once, and literally; FOR ALL > electric vehicle battery note: for instance; the F-16 fighter has engines that take 24 hours to remove and replace (see: AIR FORCE); whereas the F-18 has engines that can be replaced in a fraction of the time (see: NAVY); we need electric batteries that can be replaced like the F-18 engines -- spare tire? check. spare pre-charged electric battery? check. > how easy would it be to carry one or two extra batteries in a specially made container in the trunk? independent gas station owners don't care how they profit; gasoline? pre-charged electric batteries? waddaya got?> note: i called barbara boxer last night drunk in the bathroom at the ideal bar and grill in santa cruz, and left her a message with my ideas -- note: oil consumption should be reduced by 1/3 initially; then reduced by 2/3 eventually > see also:

> SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: i have a friend who among other things; studies hubble photos and supposedly works for the CIA - we have had many a spirited conversation regarding the universe, but we tend to disagree on one point; the end of the universe; he says you can literally see the end of the universe and/or matter in the hubble photos -- now; i understand most scientists tend to focus on matter, as matter truly does matter; but! the limitless open space which that matter is contained within is my main concern; this HAS to go on forever; it cannot do anything else > LRE RESEARCH THEORY: was the BIG BANG actually a sympathetic action-reaction to an implosion elsewhere in the universe? in other words; there are likely many universes, as when most scientists refer to 'the universe', they are only referring to our particular BIG BANG, and/or our particular clump of universal matter -- even though there has likely been too many BIG BANGS to count; as perhaps BIG BANGS are a relatively common universal event? > read more @ > click on the LRE RESEARCH button -- see also: WWW.HUBBLESITE.ORG

When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence:
Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter;
Physical objects are not in space ~ but these objects are spatially extended -- ALBERT EINSTEIN

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old questions from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science -- Albert Einstein...

> EX-ITALIAN PRESIDENT: INTEL AGENCIES KNOW 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB - and in light of this; we must now give a second and third look at 911 and the IMMEDIATE EXPUNGEMENT of the USA patriot act; as our civil rights and liberties may have been sold down the river, but i'm jumping off the boat > CIA + MOSSAD = 911 > -- regardless of which evil was behind 911; the bush administration; al quaeda; the CIA; the FBI (robert hanssen); mossad; pakistan intelligence; etc etc etc; the real concern is how the US government reacted to it; the USA patriot act being passed by congress while we slept; then denying freedoms and civil liberties to american citizens; no-fly lists full of peace activists; extrordinary renditions often placing human beings in boxes full of insects; (!?) etc etc etc -- whether it was a huge mistake; or a planned mistake; either way there is something SERIOUS wrong with this picture...

> if you review the contents of this you tube site [go to:] you will see video evidence of various vicious attacks which occurred against me over the last few years; including various late night gestapo/KKK-style night raids etc etc etc -- and all happening under the watch of the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments -- and now 'they' want to talk about julian assange's consentual activities -- let me tell you; the various attacks which occurred against me over the last few years were NON-CONSENTUAL, and in fact sanctioned and/or covered-up by our corrupt local governments [santa clara and sunnyvale] so who really gives a shit about what julian assange may or may not have done? -- do they have any real proof other than weak hearsay evidence to lure him in with and detain him for exposing government/corporate corruption? > we all know the illuminati [which doesn't officially exist] has used sexual deceit ect to persecute/prosecute those who defy them for many years now, and this is EXACTLY what is happening in this case...

common criminals always like evidence of their crimes to be covered-up; and going after wikileaks for exposing US crimes against humanity is like going after michael moore for proving the CIA and/or FBI was integrally involved in the 911 attacks; along with other various entities within our government [even my CIA buddy says the CIA was involved in the 911 attacks against america] -- you can run but you can't hide; thank god someone from another country out of our jusrisdiction is playing good cop here...

> PEACE IS PRO-LIFE / THE TRUTH MATTERS -- while hillary goes around the world trying to attain peace; if she had just gotten out of the way of the legal pot issue when she was president; she would have the peace on earth she so seeks as secretary of state; because the only way we are going to bring a true, lasting peace to this earth is through the legalization of marijuana, period. > but! the trouble is; many people in america do not want to live in peace and harmony; they seek division and want to profit from resources essentially stolen through the use of warfare, and this is WRONG...

> I HAVE A BIG PROBLEM WITH MTV AND/OR VH1: since the music business has all but died in the last few years; the programming on these channels has descended into a wasteland leaning towards divisive, often violent white-against-black ect ethnic conflict, shown in trailers promoting their stupid reality shows -- AND I'M SICK OF IT! we cannot achieve THE ROPER ARMY's mandated PEACE ON EARTH as long as we have this divisive shit shoved in our faces! > call VH1 @ (212) 258-6000 and tell them to cut the crap! i want to see black and white people hugging! etc! then go to: and see if you can actually find a way to contact these idiots! -- MTV has made it almost impossible to contact them; because they obviously don't care what we have to say > while on tour many years ago (in mississippi i think); my annoying naked drum roadie (NDR) showed a good side of himself; he heard a racially-oriented argument between a black couple and a white couple coming from a nearby hotel room downstairs, so he went down and got involved to stop it -- i will always remember NDR for doing that -- i feel better now > note: since writing this; things down at MTV/VH1 have improved in this respect; thank you for waking up...


VERY INTERESTING: i read all about the nazi police state raid of angel's care in santa clara; attempting to criminalize a LEGAL BUSINESS originally given the ok by the city of santa clara planning commmission, then threatened with closure the very next day after opening because of one whining city council lady [see: BAIT AND SWITCH and WHINING CITY COUNCIL LADY] then faced with constant harassment ever since for having THE GALL to follow the law in a city that knows no law...

but! as long as there is even ONE POT CLUB in this town, people will get ther pot; and if not here, then in santa cruz; which is still a safe haven much like ancient egypt was (to the equally violent and punitive roman empire); the city of santa cruz has a directive prohibiting police officers from confiscating marijuana plants (interesting note: i have in fact SMOKED A JOINT IN FRONT OF TWO SMILING SANTA CRUZ POLICE OFFICERS AT THE BEACHBOARDWALK, AND TWO MOUNTAIN VIEW COPS AT SHORELINE AMPHITHEATRE AS WELL) as santa cruz found out long ago that it is an integral part of their tax base -- santa cruz went through all this kind of federal schmederal pot harassment way back when republicrat nazis were in control (bush, clinton) but the truth is; THE FEDS ARE SCARED SHITLESS OF THE PEOPLE OF SANTA CRUZ, YOU DON'T SEE ANY FEDS STRUTTING THEIR ANTI-MARIJUANA SHIT THERE NOW DO YOU? NO! HA! that is so fucking cool! america! yes! hahaha! victory! (not unless they want to face an angry mob of fearless santa cruz activists ready to forcefully take back their town, running down out of the hills banging their hairy chests and screaming like banshees) that's right, because the feds have a very real fear of the powerful, activist people of santa cruz, they are unlike the pushover sheep we have around here in republicrat central; santa clara county...

and in the meantime; my cannabis science inc stock has gone from .05 cents to around .16 cents, and is about to go through the roof after the next election in 2012, WHEN MARIJUANA WILL BE LEGALIZED ONCE AGAIN, and there is not a gosh darn thing you all can do about it...start spreading democracy in america as well; even the score or stop playing the game -- i've clearly won this battle; i must go...

> MARIJUANA IS THE GATEWAY DRUG TO WORLD PEACE! -- i want a job deliivering mediical pot, but the guy's afraid to hire anybody due to the government's head up their ass status, and it doesn't make it any easier when a mainstream station like CNN (which is essentially in a third world country when it comes to marijuana laws compared to the progressive california) dominates the airwaves with draconian anti-marijuana propaganda -- we need change and CNN needs to get the fuck out of the way of that change, NOW! get the fuck out of the way of marijuana, dammit! -- we're not all a bunch of goody-goodies like the clean-cut, government-controlled folks at CNN, we are real people and we want real jobs! > NON-EXISTENT REPRESENTATIVES -- when president obama won the election in 2008, the entire town of santa cruz california got up and triumphantly marched through the town - but now president obama is turning on those same voters by allowing raids at medical dispensaries -- there are only two pot clubs in santa cruz, unlike 80+ in san jose -- and they are officially licensed with the state of california, and the city of santa cruz as well; so i doubt the feds will try any further raids on those clubs, because after all; obama will likely lose even more of his voting base and be effectively booted for doing so in the question is this: since the US government clearly cannot stop the medical marijuana movement; why are they trying at all? can't they see that we have clearly won this battle -- federal belligerence will only lead to its' increased isolation; a new path must be taken > semper vigilans ~ always vigilant...

> LRE BONG ALERT: we have received reports of a bong alert here on the west coast -- it is suggested that you first inhale deeply, then exhale and get something to eat if you want; oatmeal maybe? -- this has been an official LRE BONG ALERT-- thank you > take a good look at this dangerous incendiary device: -- nothing like a good bong scare!

shut down my web site and you'll be sorry DOJ; i'll be coming out with an NWA-ish CD from hell that will make your feathers stick up...i'm going to do it anyway; but you can make the content much more interesting; depending upon your actions > note: i took this photo back in about 1989 [around when the tora bora caves where being constructed] to make fun of my girlfriend at the time who always wore towels wrapped around her head  -- i had no idea about any of this terrorism crap back then; and that's what makes it so far ahead of its' time and dangerous - perfect! accidental dangerous art! how prophetic! -- gee; the first amendment's a real bitch, aint it?!

> war in china would likely cause the roughly 3 billion people there to panic and stampede; meaning no more cheap products; etc etc etc -- but no one seems to want war more than the americans; who have been off pillaging the world for resources for many years now (go to: + -- and while the chinese are definitely not angels; at least they keep their barbarism in-house by torturing their own people; instead of the entire world as the americans do...


> from my experience; the US government will go to great extents to ignore and/or blatantly cover-up exculpatory evidence; judges play a huge part in this illegal process and it needs to STOP -- it just needed to be said, so i said it > example: ed rosenthal -- go to:


> it is apparent to me the bush administration created an economic emergency so immense [$90 zillion per day military/homeland insecurity spending etc etc etc] that if obama had not done SOMETHING drastic; our country would likely have slid into an economic depression worse than the 1930s [which would have brought on riots and/or eventual martial law as so desired (by the illuminati which does not exist)] -- and in case no one has noticed; the last three republican administrations [nixon; reagan/bush + bush/cheney] had some key things in common; war, riots and economic turmoil around the end [vietnam's 13-year quagmire + 1960s civil rights riots + desert storm + the rodney king riots + iraq/afghanistan wars + etc] because i feel this is all part of the republican master plan of sorts -- so! if anyone is angry at obama right now for anything he has done to correct this messy situation; it could be a whole lot worse otherwise...

but what really worries me is this; can we remain as a functioning democracy owing literally billion$ to china, a country known for its' disdain of democratic values? [for instance; who cares if the new housing market in china is booming; which poor people got chased out of their shacks and are now living out in the woods for those new homes?] > this is the question...

> you hear about it every day; while some wait endlessly on death row; yet another police officer takes the life of a citizen they were sworn to protect and serve; the police still remain as the judge, jury and executioner; all mixed into one -- so why is this allowed to occur? why are the police still allowed to treat people the way i would not even treat A DOG? (because i believe cops are often the type of people who actually experience enjoyment in their brain pleasure centers when they harm people; they are oftentimes what is otherwise know as EVIL) -- but! after the LA riots of the early 1990s, you would think the police here in america would FINALLY start treating people better! so what gives?! who do these fucking jerks think they are anyway?! and why are they so obsessed with taking the guns we don't have away from us, when they can SHOOT US DEAD and get a paid vacation? and! why is it if a person shoots a cop; they get life in prison; but when a cop shoots a person; they can go home and drink beer and get a PAID VACATION?! -- and since the police are essentially the most visible public relations employees working for the government; why the hell are they still allowed to shoot us DEAD? are they trying to win us all over, or what? -- THE BOTTOM LINE: WE CANNOT HAVE THE ROPER ARMY'S MANDATED PEACE ON THIS EARTH IF THE POLICE HERE IN AMERICA ARE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE ON WITH THEIR DAILY KILLING SPREE OF AMERICAN CITIZENS! -- so what can we all do about this situation? we thought taser guns were the answer; but frying granny with 10,000 volts of electricity usually doesn't cut it either; SO THE POLICE WENT BACK TO USING GUNS AGAIN!? what is the answer?

> email and/or call U.S. SENATOR BARBARA BOXER, and tell her to: 1) DRAFT A NEW LAW ALLOWING CITIZENS IN ANY STATE TO VIDEO RECORD THEIR POLICE ENCOUNTERS, AND; 2) REQUIRE ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS INVOLVED IN ANY OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTING TO BE THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED BY AN UNBIASED THIRD PARTY; 3) BE PLACED ON 12-HOUR HOLD FOR REPEATED QUESTIONING REGARDING THE EVENT; AND; 4) MANDATE CAMERAS BE INSTALLED IN ALL SQUAD CARS BY THE YEAR 2015 > FEEL FREE TO ADD ANY OTHER GOOD IDEAS YOU MAY HAVE / BARBARA BOXER CAN BE REACHED 24/7 @ 415-403-0100 and/or @ > note: my CIA buddy said that cops often carry two guns in their squad cars; one registered gun, and one unregistered to commit crimes with and/or plant as false evidence etc (they can break into your vehicle and plant a gun, then search your vehicle and arrest you) and they can supposedly simply return that said unregistered weapon to the yard any time, with no questions asked > please ask barbara boxer to draft new law that will correct this situation ASAP...

"If God is a father who loves his children, why all this slaughter of animals to gain divine favor
has the teaching of Moses been misunderstood?" - Jesus

> PATTING DOWN PATTY -- in light of all this sexy talk about TSA pat down procedures; here are some of my comments in response to this facebook post: "ACTIVIST POST: BODY SCANNERS AND INTRUSIVE PAT DOWNS TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN TRAIN STATIONS, BOATS ETC" etc > "comment #1 - "i'm worried about all the kids who know no freedoms, about to grow up and take over our society and tell us all to stay in our nursing homes on surveillance just like their old crib-cams or something" -- comment #2 - "oh; that's what high speed rail is all about; high speed molestation!? -- i'll bet these people have real enhanced sex lives due to all this sanctioned foreplay; just like internet porn investigators" -- comment #3 - "it's like having a lap dance before going home to eat dinner and have sex with your wife or something...i've never been married by the way...probably a good thing" -- comment #4 - "in/unalienable constitutional rights are allegedly granted by the creator; and no living being can deny you of them...part of this is the right to pursue happiness; so if patting down patty makes you happy" > note: i'm all for high speed rail; not high speed abuse of rights...

> i know you all probably think civil rights laws are this sort of messy sub-set of laws which don't really matter; but the truth is; they are VERY important, and designed to protect us all from physical harm, coersion and intimidation [free speech + non-violence = civil rights] in the little time i have spent reviewing these federal civil laws; it is very clear to me their intentions; to provide broad rights coverage to all sorts of people no matter what; black or white; man or woman; adult or child; christian or muslim; ect -- to protect when they vote and after they vote; and to protect all original protected classes along with all other classes as well -- and i know the prison-military industrial complex would likely suffer if these civil rights laws were applied as broadly as they are needed, terrible things could happen; crime could decrease; prison guards could get laid off; and prison gangs could start shooting marbles rather than pool; but i truly think this is the way society is heading; in an overpopulated world; civility is an absolute necessity > FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A GUARANTEED RIGHT; VIOLENCE AGAINST OTHERS IS NOT -- SAY WHAT YOU WANT WITHOUT INTIMIDATION OR THREATS OF VIOLENCE; AND DON'T LAY A HAND ON ANYBODY UNLESS THEY ALLOW YOU TO; THIS IS THE TRUE HEART OF CIVIL RIGHTS...

NOTE: the problem is this: the prison-military industrial complex cannot survive with the strong, across the board enforcement of civil rights; as war and/or crime in general tends to rely on violence and/or the violation of civil/human/animal rights; therefore violence is the essential life-blood of the prison-military industrial complex; and civil rights; THE ENEMY -- in retrospect; life is not a one way street; it's more like a 2 or 3 way street, if that's possible; and street violence is and always will be; UNACCEPTABLE...

> WELCOME TO THE NATION OF CALIFORNIA! -- it's looking more and more like california could be breaking off into a separate nation soon; with washington DC working against it's better interests; and numerous sustainable natural resources to utilize and sustain herself; california is now poised to break off from the united states and become it's own nation; it could happen tommorow; but i say let's wait until at least after new years, to get a fresh start in 2011...

> i wonder how much money G.E. and Raytheon make every time a salvo of missiles are launched and then need to be replaced; how much Olin and some military electronics corp makes every time a "smart bomb" is dropped; how much in kick-backs, or what fancy jobs paying millions in yearly salaries that the Generals at the Pentagon get when they retire -- Steve Windisch

> imagine if a ship in the chinese naval fleet pulled up into the gulf of mexico to do military exercises? the pentagon would be freaking out and deploying resistance to fight the possible threat -- so you know; what else are the chinese going to do? -- and since the US owes so much money to the chinese; don't you think this is a bad time to be strutting our military stuff around in their face? this is really about north korea's attack on south korea, so how did china get pulled into this?

> war in china would likely cause the roughly 3 billion people there to panic and stampede; meaning no more cheap products; etc etc etc -- but no one seems to want war more than the americans; who have been off pillaging the world for resources for many years now (go to: + -- and while the chinese are definitely not angels; at least they keep their barbarism in-house by torturing their own people; instead of the entire world as the americans do...

> "You know what makes me sad? YOU Do! Why don't we chug on over to Nambie Pambie Land, so you can get some self confidence for you, ya JACK WAGON!!" -- while this geico commercial is meant to be funny; many vets are emotionally fragile, and a talk like that could be enough to push them over the edge and commit suicide -- i'm sickened by the destruction of these fragile lives, and i don't find that commercial funny at all; it smacks of the illuminati's glorification of barbarism and violence -- mass murderers like that drill seargent, who survived war and got shit out the back end sane are the most dangerous people of all; they lack empathy and likely experience pleasure when inflicting pain on others -- note: if that mass-murdering piece-of-shit ex-military grunt was my therapist [if i needed one, that is] and said that kind of crap to me; he would end up very sorry for doing so when i was finished with him -- ok, i'm finished with him > The corporate-owned mainstream media is attempting to manipulate Americans into Nationalist war fervor AGAIN...uh...remember how that worked out last time? BAD for everyone on the planet...but them -- Steve Windisch

> Sometimes they'll give a war and nobody will come --
Carl Sandburg (1878 - 1967)

> it is apparent to me the bush administration created an economic emergency so immense [$90 zillion per day military/homeland insecurity spending etc etc etc] that if obama had not done SOMETHING drastic; our country would likely have slid into an economic depression worse than the 1930s [which would have brought on riots and/or eventual martial law as so desired (by the illuminati which does not exist)] -- and in case no one has noticed; the last three republican administrations [nixon; reagan/bush + bush/cheney] had some key things in common; war, riots and economic turmoil around the end [vietnam's 13-year quagmire + 1960s civil rights riots + desert storm + the rodney king riots + iraq/afghanistan wars + etc] because i feel this is all part of the republican master plan of sorts...

so! if anyone is angry at obama right now for anything he has done to correct this messy situation; it could be a whole lot worse otherwise -- but what really worries me is this; can we remain as a functioning democracy owing literally billion$ to china, a country known for its' disdain of democratic values? [for instance; who cares if the new housing market in china is booming; which poor people got chased out of their shacks and are now living out in the woods for those new homes?] > this is the question...

> ROPER ARMY ALERT: we have a major offensive going on in afghanistan right now; and this is the time peace activists have to fear the most; the US government does all their pre-emptive activist roundups in concert with their military attacks, SO LOOK OUT! watch your backs for awhile until they get this latest afghani killing spree out of their pants...i'm thinking obama has got to GO (originally posted september 27 2010) -- that's it; let's talk about education, mister obama! try to cover up your offensive offensive! > -- does anybody REALLY THINK there is any difference between the tet offensive offensive, and this latest offensive offensive, or any other offensive offensive for that matter? offensive offensives are offensive! period. hmmm...isn't that interesting; the same day our troops are off on a killling spree in afghanistan; they want us to talk about the death penalty here in california; so when will their court trials begin? in 20 years?

> Frank McClintock wrote: McChrystal stepped over the line when he publicly criticized the civilian government. Private discussions would have a better choice. The military carries out the policies of the civilian government. Let us not forget that we are involved in 2 dead end wars because of George Bush Jr. and his desire to play cowboy and carry out his plan to get rid of Hussein, a plan he voiced long before 911 -- Obama seems to be reacting to events instead of taking charge. He has surrounded himself with people who are giving him bad advise and have ties to coporate interests. At this point corporate influence is so strong that unless a president is willing to climb into bed with those interests they will use their incredible resources to block any positive or progressive programs...

Bush/Cheney were willing to get naked with the money boys and have contributed to the financial and economic mess we are in. I still believe that an Independent Special Prosecutor could shake thing up -- No one has the integrity or BALLS to actually follow through with that idea. The sins of the past are still with us and have been embraced by many of our current leaders and representatives. I think I am going to start my own political party...How does the "No Bullshit Party' sound??

> MESSAGE LEFT ON THE FACEBOOK PAGE OF S.F. D.A. KAMALA HARRIS: ok...i feel better now; in many other countries i would have already been arrested and arraigned [and/or hung on a wall and beaten] or something along those lines for showing such vapid dissent; so i want to thank you kamala; and thank you US government; for allowing me to speak and do nothing more than add more juicy stuff to my pre-existing CIA file to be used against me later if so desired > NOTE: the day after the UK's top spy spoke openly on TV; and the very same day new TSA pat down guidelines were introduced; suspicious packages suddenly popped-up all over the place...hey! did i tell you i saw my CIA buddy at safeway yesterday? we're karaoke fanatics...

> the great dichotomy: as the US military drops bombs; they look for terrorists - they should be looking for themselves...

> LOOSE RUSSIAN NUKES -- While the Bush administration was off attempting to establish democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan [more like spreading blood and guts]; democracy in Russia was slowly falling apart [apparently the competition for market share was too great for the American illuminati [which doesn't exist]; so the plug was pulled, much like it was with California and the Enron scandal; and Russia ultimately fell into the hands of organized crime [why does crime and/or lack or civil rights enforcement benefit the illuminati which doesn't exist? because it fills prisons and military bases, and ultimately wallets]...

And out of this fall from Russian democratic/economic grace came rumors of loose nukes floating around [i still don't know exactly where, and even if i did i probably wouldn't tell you]; nukes seen with satellites capable of seeing down into the ground [how far down i cannot say]; apparent leftovers from russian nuclear energy production -- And that's where my CIA buddy comes into the picture; he was allegedly sent on a mission with 3 U.S. Marines to thwart a nuclear attack on the San Andreas fault; an attack with the capablility of triggering a massive 500 year earthquake...

The mission was ultimately successful; and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited soon afterwards to attend the dedication of a historic Russian momument here in California [a clever diplomatic gesture] -- That's the good side; the bad side is this; neo-cons within the US government supposedly actually wanted this nuke to blow; likely so they could re-declare martial law and clamp down on California once again; much like 911 and the Enron scandal all wrapped into one...

> NOTE: Making it even more potentially sinister; I theorize the ultimate goal beyond the establishment of martial law was to cause a massive California fire-sale land sell-off; which would inadvertenly place prime real estate directly into the hands of rich U.S. [etc?] investors looking to nefariously stuff their wallets a little further [and if not; it would make a great Hollywood movie] -- And this is precisely why you should never vote republican; because it truly is a 'vast right wing conspiracy'; even if you don't believe that and/or care for the term...

> VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES are often used to train US soldiers to do the unthinkable; creating a killer mindset to futher prison-military industrial complex goals; BUT! we cannot have THE ROPER ARMY'S mandated PEACE ON EARTH as long as this is occurring, now can we? GOOD QUESTION: why can teenagers legally purchase depicted, sanctioned violence; while they are prohibited from purchasing pornography? is this some sort of depopulation program, or what? -- i say let's celebrate, life, love and nakedness; not violence, blood and death -- let's forcefully drive a stake into the heart of the evil illuminati [which doesn't exist] and prohibit violent video games from proliferating throughout our society; once and literally FOR ALL...

LRE ILLUMINATI NOTE: 30 sep 2006 / after seeing roughly 10 people get their heads blown off with handguns on network television recently, i had a revelation; the US government allows violence on TV while prohibiting sex; a) as a tool of depopulation > go to: - and b) as way to legitimize their own violent acts - QUESTION: why would the government not allow janet jacksons' breast on TV, yet allow young children to see people getting their heads blown off nightly on network TV? - ANSWER: because even though a mere breast does not constitute sex - it does to the bush administration; so that's that - IT'S THE SIMPLE DEPOPULATION EQUATION - SO DO THE MATH: SEX and /or SEXY = MORE HUMANS while VIOLENCE and/or WAR = LESS HUMANS and LESS HUMANS = DEPOPULATION - and now with the synthetic biological agent AIDS; SEX = DEPOPULATION as well - interesting fact: psychological testing is required for those who are a harm to themselves or others; so is american society mentally ill and/or do war supporters need psychological testing? > source: > contact the whitehouse and tell them what you think about this issue @ -- i'm not kidding when i call america a decidedly violent, sexually repressed asexual nation; it's the american way...


updated 5 dec 2010