> This CIVIL RIGHTS section was added to educate people about this all-important segment of our US laws - Unfortunately, the people who need to be educated the most are those in government like judges, cops and elected officials [etc] who all know of the term, but often do not fully understand what is behind it - The fact is; many folks in the US government [particularly right wingers] are moral pygmies much like those friendly chinese government officials across the pond; they consider civil rights to be this sort of messy little subset of laws that do not really apply and/or matter to anyone but them - but! the fact remains; CIVIL RIGHTS are all about protection of the first amendment and/or non-violence, something we all have an interest in no matter which side of the pond we originate from - the real problem is this: elected officials often cannot speak their minds for fear of electoral reprisal, and much of what the government does is accomplished through violence - read more: http://likroper.com/911.html - and more - and more