OCTOBER 2004/JANUARY 2005 / VOLUME TWELVE - NUMBER THREE / published: 27 oct 2004 



ROPER COLLECTIVE WISDOM: "one of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought"... 

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder"... 

 "A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest; a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty" - ALBERT EINSTEIN? 

>>> editor's note: rosicrucians believe in collective wisdom, and albert einstein was a rosicrucian - but did albert einstein really create this? <<< 

HISTORY OF CIA COVERT OPERATIONS: The Secret Government Origin, Identity & Purpose of MJ-12 by Milton William Cooper... 
>>>  /  Was William Cooper (activist) killed in raid on his Arizona home shortly after september 11th for knowing too much? >>>

Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the boundaries of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona , 11 were in Mexico , and 1 was in Nevada. Three occurred in foreign countries. Of those, 1 was in Norway , and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFOs were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.

An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec New Mexico. Another craft was located March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico . It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon reared its ugly head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone then "in the know". The Secret Lid immediately became an Above Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. The security blanket was even tighter than that imposed on the Manhatten Project. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world.

 A special group of America 's top scientists were organized under the the Project Sign in December 1947 to study the phenomenon. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December 1948. A low level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under "Grudge". 16 volumes were to come out of "Grudge" including the controversial "Grudge 13" which I and Bill English saw, read, and revealed to the public. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed discs and dead or alive aliens. The Blue Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project Pounce.

During these early years, the United States Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency exercised complete control over the Alien Secret. In fact the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act was passed establishing it as the CIA. The National Security Council was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council Memos and Executive Orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly "legalized" direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad.

On December 9, 1947 , Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled "Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures" at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Kennan.

The Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book 1, "Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities." United States Senate. 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976 , p 49 states: "This directive empowered the Secretary of State to coordinate overseas information activities designed to counter communism. A top secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC-4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to "undertake covert actions and to ensure, through liason with State and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American Policy".

Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supercede NSC-4 and NSC-4a and expand the covert activities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extra-legal practices and procedures as being agreeable to national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community "no holds were barred". Under NSC-10/1 an Executive Coordination Group, was established to review, but not approve, covert project proposals. NSC-10/1 & /2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and successful. These actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true state of affairs. This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding presidents from any knowledge of the alien presence other than what the Secret Government wanted them to know. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of the scientific minds of the day. This study panel was not called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive Orders set the stage for the creation of the MJ-12 only 4 years later.

Secretary of Defense James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy. He was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of the Congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by Truman. He expressed his fears to many people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital . In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. He became one of the first victims of the cover-up.

The live alien that had been taken from the 1949 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendancy to lie and for over a year would give only the "desired" answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesireable answer went unanswered. At some point during the second year of captivity he began to open up and the information derived from EBE was startling to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called "Yellow Book". Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I and Bill English were to view years later in GRUDGE 13.

In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw. EBE's system was chlorophyll based and he processed food into energy much the same as plants. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert in botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until mid 1952 when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became the expert on alien biology.

In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior alien race the United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The call went unanswered but the project continued as an effort of good faith.

President Truman created the super secret National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4, 1952 . Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications and language and establish a dialog with the aliens. The most urgent task was a continuation of the earlier effort and was code named SIGMA. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communcations and emissions from any and all devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human and alien, and to contain the secret of the alien presence. Project Sigma was successful. The NSA also maintains communcations with the Luna base and other Secret Space Programs. By Executive Order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law passed by Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premier agency within the intelligence community. Today the NSA receives 75% of the moneys allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying "where the money goes therein the power resides" is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of the NSA is still Alien communications but now includes other Alien projects as well.

President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union , informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society which became known as the "Bilderburgers". The headquarters of this group is Geneva , Switzerland . The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke.

In 1953 a new president occupied the White House. He was a man used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made decisions ONLY when his advisors were unable to come to concensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was "just do whatever it takes". He spent a lot of time on the golf course, This was no at all unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during the war. A post which carried 5 stars along with it. This President was Dwight David Eisenhower.

> During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more crashed discs were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens, Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona , 2 in Texas , 1 in New Mexico , 1 in Louisiana , 1 in Montana , and 1 in South Africa . There were hundreds of sightings.

In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be Spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth, they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project: Plato, through radio communcations using a computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens.

In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path to self destruction, and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States . The overtures were rejected.

Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a Red Star in the constellation of Orion which we called Betelgoeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited away to the base and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.

President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty between the Alien Nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space. His name and title was "Omnipotent Highness Krlll", pronounced Krill. In the American tradition of distain for royal titles he was secretly called "Original Hostage Krlll". You should know that the Alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia". It is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and the second meeting were filmed. The films exist today.

The treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on Earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other Earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the Alien nation would furnish MJ-12 with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would receive the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other. The alien guests would remain on Earth and the human guests would travel to the Alien point of origin for a specified period of time then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation and that 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use of the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases.

These Alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners of Utah , Colorado , New Mexico , Arizona , and 1 would be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles South of the western border of Area 51, known as Dreamland. All alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department and all personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the "Yellow Book".

Project REDLIGHT was formed and experimentation in test flying alien craft was begun in earnest. A super TOP SECRET facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test range. It was code named DREAMLAND. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and clearance of all personnel required a "Q" clearance as well as Executive (Presidential) approval. This is ironic due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an Area known as S-4. Area S-4 was code named "The Dark Side of the Moon".

The Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to furnish security for all alien tasked projects. This organization became the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson , Colorado . The specific teams trained to secure the projects were called "Delta".

A second project code named "Snowbird" was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFOs). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years.

A multimillion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build Deep Underground Shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funneled through this office to MJ-12 and then out to the contractors and was used to build TOP SECRET alien bases as well as TOP SECRET DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases), and the facilities promulgated by "Alternative 2", throughout the nation. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theater and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of its true purpose.

The secret White House underground construction fund was set up in 1957 by President Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of "construction and maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack: Presidential Emergency Sites". The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear blast and are outfitted with state of the art communications equipment. To date there are more than 75 sites spread around the country which were built using money from this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least an additional 22 underground sites.

The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as TOP SECRET. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and is laundered through a circuitous web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant cannot follow. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon, of Texas , the chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and its defense Subcommittee; and Representative Robert Sikes, of Florida , chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controls the money in Congress and that a power struggle is underway to remove him. At the end of the line were the President, MJ-12, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy Yard.

The money was authorized by the Appropriations Committee who allocated it to the Department of Defense as a TOP SECRET item in the Army construction program. The Army, however could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeak Division of the Navy Engineers who did not know what it was for either. Not even the Commanding Officer, who was an Admiral, knew what the fund was to be used for. Only one man, a Navy Commander, who was assigned to the Chesapeak Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military Office of the White House knew of the actual purpose, amount, and destination of the TOP SECRET fund. The total secrecy surrounding the fund meant that almost every trace of it could be made to disappear by the very few poeple who controlled it. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of this secret money.

Large amounts of money were transferred from the TOP SECRET fund to a location at Palm Beach , Florida that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island . The island is adjacent to property which was owned by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard Officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown.

Meanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C.D. Jackson's old position which had been called Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy. With Nelson's appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into the same position Henry Kissenger was ultimately to hold under President Nixon. Officially he was to give "Advice and assistance in the development of increased understanding and cooperation among all peoples". The official description was a smoke screen for secretly he was the Presidential Coordinator for the Intelligence Community. In his new post Rockefeller reported directly and only, to the President. He attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and the National Security Council which was the highest policy-making body in the government.

Nelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of the secret unit called the Planning Coordination Group which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March or 1955. The group consisted of different ad hoc members depending on the subject of the agenda. The basic members were Rockefeller, a representative of the Department of Defense, a representative of the Department of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence. It was soon called the "5412 Committee" or the "Special Group". NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.

By secret Executive memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceeded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the Press became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, The Director of Central Intelligence Allen Welch Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men".

These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The Jason Society", or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale.

The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. There were 12 members including the first 6 from Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon Dean, George Bush and Zbignew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and influential of the "Wise-Men" who served on MJ-12 were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. Their policies were to last well into the decade of the 70's. It is significant that President Eisenhower as well as the first 6 MJ-12 members from the Government were also members of the Council on Foriegn Relations.

Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all of the "Wise Men" attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen for "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership during their college years. You will be able to quickly clear up this mystery by obtaining the book "The Wise Men" by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, Simon and Schuster , New York . Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption; "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk ". I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post college and was not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees.

A chosen few were later intiated into the Jason Society. They were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were known as the "Eastern Establishment". This should give you a clue to the far reaching and serious nature of these most secret college societies. The Jason Soceity is alive and well today but now includes members of the Trilateral Commision as well. The Trilateralists existed secretly several years BEFORE 1973. The name of the Trilateral Commission was taken from the alien flag known as the Trilateral Insignia.

Majority Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy it was erroniously called the "5412 Committee" or more correctly the "Special Group". In the Johnson Administration it became the "303 Committee" because the name 5412 had been compromised in the book "The Secret Government". Actually NSC 5412/1 was leaked to the author to hide the existence of NSC 5410. Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter it was called the "40 Committee", and under Reagan it became the "FI-40 Committee". Over all those years only the name changed.

By 1955 it had become obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States . (cf the book "The Excalibur Briefing" by LtCol Thomas Bearden). It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to MJ-12 and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, occult, and religion. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft it also became apparent that our weapons were no match against them.

In November of 1955 NSC-5412/2 was issued establishing a study commitee to explore "all factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age". This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of study, the alien question.

By Secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5411 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to "examine all the facts, evidence, lies, and deception and discover the truth of the alien question". NSC 5412/2 was only a cover that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important men. The first meetings began in 1954 and were called the Quantico meetings because they met at the Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up of 35 members of the Council on Foreign Relations secret scholars known as the "Jason Society" or "The Jason Scholars". Dr. Edward Teller was invited to participate. Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski was the study director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was chosen as the groups Study Director for the second 18 months beginning in November 1955. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study.

Study Group Members - Gordon Dean, Chairman / Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Study Director- 1st Phase / Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director- 2nd Phase / Dr Edward Teller / Maj Gen. Richard C. Lindsay / Hanson W. Baldwin / Lloyd V. Berkner / Frank C. Nash / Paul H. Nitze / Charles P. Noyes / Frank Pace, Jr. / James A. Perkins / Don K. Price / David Rockefeller / Oscar M. Ruerhausen / Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin / Caryl P. Haskins / James T. Hill, Jr. / Joseph E. Johnson / Mervin J. Kelly Frank Altschul / Hamilton Fish Armstrong / Maj, Gen. James McCormick, Jr. / Robert R. Bowie / McGeorge Bundy / Wiliam A.M. Burden / John C. Campbell / Thomas K. Finletter / George S. Franklin, Jr. / I. I. Radi / Roswell L. Gilpatrick / N. E. Halaby / Gen. Walter Bedell Smith / Henry DeWolf Smyth / Shields Warren / Carroll L Wilson / Arnold Wolfers

The second phase meetings were also held at the Marine base at Quantico Virginia and the group became known as Quantico II. Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat somewhere in Maryland which could only be reached by air for MJ-12 and the study committee so that they could meet away from public scrutiny. This secret meeting place is known by the code name "The Country Club". Complete living, eating, recreation, library, and meeting facilities exist at the location.

The study group was "publicly" closed in later months of 1956 and Henry Kissinger published what was officially termed the results in 1957 as "Nuclear Waepons and Foreign Policy" by Henry A. Kissinger, published by the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, NY. In truth the manuscript had already been 80% written while Kissinger was at Harvard. The study group continued veiled in secrecy. A clue to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone. It seemed as if he were in another world which held no room for anyone else.

These statements were very revealing. The revelations of the alien presence and actions during the study must have been a great shock. Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during the time surrounding these meetings. He would never again be affected in this manner no matter what the seriousness of any subsequent event. On many occassions he would work very late into the night after having already put in a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce.

A major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be told, as it was believed that this would most certainly lead to economic collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic which could lead into anarchy. Secrecy thus continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told then the Congress could not be told, thus funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside the government. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential non-appropriated funds.

Another major finding was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood, and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist. We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion. Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens MJ-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until such time as we were able to develop a technology which would then enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union , and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime plans were developed to research and construct 2 weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology which would hopefully bring us to parity.

The results of the research were Projects Joshua and Excalibur. Joshua was a weapon captured from the Germans which at that time was capable of shattering a 4" thick armor plate at a range of 2 miles using low aimed low frequency sound waves, and it was believed this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. Excalibur was a weapon carried by missile not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL, not to deviate from designated target more than 50 meters, would penetrated 1,000 meters of tuff hard pack soil such as that found in New Mexico, would carry a 1 megaton warhead, and was intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases. Joshua was developed successfully but never used to my knowledge. Excalibur was not pushed until recent years, now there is an unprecedented effort to develop this weapon.

The events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. On suspicion that it was alien manipulation, an intelligence operation was put into motion to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the event. The United States utilized its Vatican moles that had been recruited and nurtured during World War II and soon obtained the entire Vatican study which included the prophecy. This prophecy stated that if man did not turn from evil and place himself at the feet of the Christ the planet would self destruct and the events described in the book of Revelations would indeed come to pass. It stated that a child would be born who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and a false religion beginning in 1992. By 1995 the people would discern that he was evil and was indeed the Anti-Christ.

World War III would begin in the Middle East in 1993 with an invasion of Isreal by a United Arab nation using conventional weapons which would culminate in a nuclear holocaust in the year 1999. Between 1999 and 2003 most of the life on this planet would suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of Christ would occur in 2011.

When the aliens were confronted with this finding they confirmed that it was true. The aliens explained that they had created us through hybridization (cf Genesis Revisted, Sitchen) and had manipulated the human race through religion, satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult. They further explained that they were capable of time travel and the events would indeed come to pass. Later exploitation of alien technology by the United States and the Soviet Union utilizing time travel confirmed the prophecy. The aliens showed a hologram which they claimed was the actual Crucifiction of Christ, which the Government filmed. We did not know whether to believe them or not. Were they using our genuine religions to manipulate us? Or, were they indeed the source of our religions with which they had been manipulating us all along? Or, was this the beginning scenario of the Genuine END TIMES and the RETURN OF CHRIST which had been predicted in the bible?

A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds then living. They reached the conclusion that by or shortly after the year 2,000 the planet WOULD self-destruct due to increased population and mans exploitation of the environment WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM GOD OR THE ALIENS.

By secret Executive Order of Preseident Eisenhowere, the Jason Scholars were ordered to study this scenario and make recommendations from their findings. The Jason Society CONFIRMED the findings of the scientists and made 3 recommendations called 'Alternatives 1,2, & 3". "Alternative 1" was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the Stratosphere from which the heat and pollution could escape into space; & change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three, this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due to the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the Nuclear explosions would themselves create. "Alternative 2" was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race. The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet. "Alternative 3" was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few of leave the Earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to confirm or deny the existence of "Batch Consignments" of human slaves which would be used for the manual labor in the effort as a part of the plan.

The moon, code named "Adam", would be the object of primary interest, followed by the planet Mars, code named "Eve". As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES INCLUDED BIRTH CONTROL, STERILIZATION, and the introduction of deadly microbes to control or slow the growth of the Earth's population. AIDS is only ONE result of these plans. (cf World Health Organization's smallpox vaccination map vs site origins of AIDS.) There are others. It was decided that it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of the undesireable elements of our society. The joint U.S. and Soviet leadership dismissed Alternative 1, but ordered work to begin immediately on Alternative 2 and 3 virtually at the same time.

In 1959 the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the Symposium report, machines are pictured and described which could bore a tunnel 45 feet in diamter at the rate of 5 feet per hour. It also displays pictures of huge tunnels and underground vaults containing what appear to be complex facilities and possibly even cities. It appears that the previous 5 years of all out underground construction had made significant progress by that time.

The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien connected and other black projects was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name is George Bush, who at that time was the President and CEO of Zapata Oil based in Texas . Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of offshore drilling. It was correctly thought that the drugs could be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat where it would then be taken to shore by normal transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method no customs or law enforcement agency would subject the cargo to search. George Bush agreed to help and organized the operation in conjunction with the CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had thought and has since expanded worldwide and there are now many other methods of bringing illegal drugs into the country. It must be always be remembered that George Bush began sales of drugs to our children. The CIA now controls all the worlds illegal drug markets. (ex cf Miami Judge admits documents in the Noriega case showing CIA operations to allow safe passage to drug planes in Panama , Costa Rica , and Nicaragua. 8/91)

The "official" Space Program was boosted by President Kennedy in his inaugural address when he mandated that the United States put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. Although innocent in its conception this mandate enabled those in charge to funnel vast amounts of money into black projects and conceal the REAL space program from the American people. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. In fact a joint alien, United States , and Soviet Union base already existed on the Moon at the very moment Kennedy spoke the words. (Also cf book: "Alternative 3".) On May 22, 1962 , a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today cities exist on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. (shades of film: "Total Recall".) A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of National Defense when in fact we are the closest allies.

At some point President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and the aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to MJ-12. President Kennedy assured them that if they did not clean up the drug problem he would. He informed MJ-12 that he intended to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year and ordered a plan developed to implement his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and knew nothing of "Alternative 2 or 3". Internationally the operations were supervised by an executive committee known as the "Policy Committee". In the United States they were supervised by MJ-12 and in the Soviet Union by its sister organization. President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in charge. His assassination was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas. (cf Jack Ruby- CIA connections etc.)

President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service Agent who drove his car in the motorcade and the act is plainly visible in the film. WATCH THE DRIVER AND NOT KENNEDY WHEN YOU VIEW THE FILM. All of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves all murdered within 2 years of the event. The Warren Commission was a farce and Council on Foreign Relations members made up the majority of its panel. They succeeded in snowing the American people. Many other patriots who attempted to reveal the alien secret have also been murdered throughout the intervening years. (also cf the murders necessary within the CIA to conceal Bush's bribing of the Iranian's with arms in the book: "October Surprise" by Barbara Honnegar of the Reagan White House Staff.)

During the era of the United States initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. A Moon base dubbed Luna was sighted and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge "T" shaped mining vehicles which left stitch like tracks in the Lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the photographs. It is a joint United States , Russian, and alien base. The Space Program is a farce and an unbelievable waste of money. Alternative 3 is a reality and is not at all science fiction. Most of the Appollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an "expediency". One Astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose "Alternative 3" confirming many of the allegations.

In the book "Alternative 003" the pseudonym "Bob Grodin" was used in place of the Astronaut's identity. It was also stated that he committed suicide in 1978. This cannot be validated by any source and I believe that several so-called facts in the book are really dis-information. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of that British TV expose entitled "Alternative 3". The headquarters of the international conspiracy is in Geneva Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of Representatives of the governments involved as well as the executive members of the group known as "The Bilderburgers". Meetings are held by the "Policy Committee" when necessary on a Nuclear Submarine beneath the Polar ice cap. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would insure that the meetings could not be bugged. I can say that the book is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and the knowedge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the British TV expose with information which could be proven false, just as the "Eisenhower Briefing Document" was released here in the United States under the contingency plan "Majestic Twelve", and which can also be proven false.

Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. A craft named Aurora exists at Area 51 which makes regular trips into space. It is a one stage ship called a TAV (trans atmospheric vehicle), and it can take off from the ground using a 7 mile runway, go into high orbit, return on its own power and land on the same runway. We currently have and fly atomic powered alien type craft at area S-4 in Nevada . Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets aboard these craft. We have been lied to about the true nature of the moon, the planets Mars, and Venus and the real state of technology that we possess today at this very moment.

There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the Earth or the Sun. There is an area that wobbles in and out of darkness on a seasonal basis and it is near this area that the plant life grows. The Moon does have a few man made lakes and ponds on its surface and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravitational field and a man can walk upon its surface without a space suit breathing from an oxygen bottle after undergoing decompression the same as any deep sea diver. I have seen the photographs and some of them were actually published in the book "We Discovered Alien Bases On the Moon" by Fred Steckling.

In 1969 a confrontation broke out betweenthe human scientists and the aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta forces were sent in to free them but were no match againts the alien weapons. 66 of our people were killed during this action. As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least 2 years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact. Today the alliance continues.

When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon had intended to ride out the storm confident that he could not be impeached. MJ-12, however had a different agenda. The intelligence community rightfully concluded that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the awful secrets to the public eye. Nixon was ordered to resign. He refused and so the first Military coup ever to take place in the United States was promulgated. The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a TOP SECRET message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated: "Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt." This message was sent a full 5 days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly that he would resign. I personally saw this message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do as obviously the order violated the Constitution, I was told, "I guess I will wait and see if any orders come from the White House and then I will decide". I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent.

During all the years that this has been happening the Congress and the American people have seemed to know instinctively that something was not right. When the Watergate scandal surfaced they jumped on the bandwagon and everyone thought that the agencies would be cleaned out. President Ford organized the Rockefeller Commission to do the job. At least that is what everyone thought. His real purpose was to head off the congress and keep the cover-up going. Nelson Rockefeller who headed the commission was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was the one who helped Eisenhower build the MJ-12 power structure. Rockefeller uncovered only enough to keep the hounds at bay. He threw the Congress a few bones and the cover-up rolled merrily along.

Later Senator Church would conduct the famous Church hearings. He also was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he only repeated the Rockefeller act. Again the cover-up prevailed. When Iran-Contra came along we thought this time, it had to come gushing out. Wrong again. Despite mountains of documents that pointed to drug smuggling (Noriega-CIA connections etc.), and other hidden monsters, the cover-up sailed through. The Congress even seems to go out of its way to duck the issues that were just under the surface. Who in Congress is among the select that knows?

I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and the Council on Foreign Relations that controls and launders the money from drugs and other intelligence community propriety ventures, but I can tell you the little that I know. (also cf current B.C.C.I. "world's sleaziest" bank investigation whose Panama City records relating to General Noriega, the Drug Enforcement Agency conveniently lost.) The amount of money is beyond anything you can imagine and is hidden in a vast network of banks and holding companies. You should first begin to look at the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, the Schroder Trust Company, Schroders Limited (London), Helbert Wagg Holdings Limited, J.Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co. Limited, Schroder Gerbruder and Company (Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Hengst and Company, Castle Bank and its holding companies, the Asian Development Bank, and the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding companies.

A contingency plan was formulated by MJ-12 to throw everyone off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as Majestic Twelve. It was implemented with the release by Moore, Shandera, and Friedman of the purported genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Document". The document is a fraud. The document lists the Executive Order as #092447. A number which does not exist and will not exist for quite a while at the present rate. Truman wrote Executive Orders in the 9000 range, Eisenhower wrote in the 10,000 range, Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket, and Reagan got only into the 12,000 numbers. Executive orders are numbered consecutively no matter who occupies the White House for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. The Executive Order is only 1 of several fatal flaws contained within the document. The plan so far has thrown the entire research community off the trail for several years and has resulted in the wasted expenditure of money looking for information which does not exist. It resulted in the total waste of a grant given by the Fund for UFO Research of $16000 which was given by Stanton Friedman to research the information. Many thousands of man hours have gone into looking for a "red herring'. If you doubt the secret governments ability to run you through the rose garden....think again.

Another contingency plan is in force and is working on you today. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV depicting almost every aspect of the true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and the bad. Look around and pay attention. The aliens are planning to make their presence known and the government is preparing you for it so that there will be no panic.

The worst contingency plan has also been implemented and is at work right now. For many years they have been importing drugs and selling them to the people and mainly the poor and the minorities. Social Welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent non-working element of our society. They then began to remove the social welfare programs in order to develop a large criminal class that did not exist in the 1950's and early 60's. They encouraged the manufacture and importation of deadly firearms for the criminal element to use. This was intended to foster a feeling of insecurity which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws agains firearms. Incidents were to be staged to speed up the process. By using drugs and hypnosis in a process called Orion, on mental patients the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on school yards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well underway and so far is working exactly as planned. This plan must not succeed.

Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation they will convince the American people that a state of anarchy exists within major cities. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in the newspapers. When public opinion has been won over to this idea they intend to state that a terrorist group armed with a nuclear weapon has entered the United States and that they plan to detonate this device in one of our cities. The government will then suspend the constitution and declare martial law. The secret alien army of implanted humans and all dissidents, which translates into anyone they choose, will be rounded up and will be placed in concentration camps which already exist throughout the country. They are each 1 mile square. Are the people they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make up the reported "batch consignments" of slave labor needed by the Space Colonists? The media, radio, TV, newspapers and computer networks will be nationalized and seized. Anyone who resists will be taken or killed. This entire operation was rehearsed by the government and military in 1984 under the code name REX-84 and it went off without a hitch. When these events have transpired the Secret Government and/or Alien takeover will be complete. Your freedom will never be returned and you will live in slavery for the remainder of your life. We had better wake up and we had better do it now.

Phil Klass is an agent for the CIA and this was stated in the documents which I saw between 1970 and 1973. One of his jobs as an aviation expert was to debunk everything to do with UFOs. All military commanders were instructed to call him to gain information on how to debunk and/or explain UFO contacts and/or sightings to the public and/or the press if and when the need arose.

William Moore, Jamie Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are either witting or unwitting agents of the secret government. I preferr to believe that they are unwitting, although William Moore's reported use of a Defense Investigative Service ID card and his reported self confession to Lee Graham that he was an agent of the government makes me seriously doubt it, if the reports are true. Lee Graham called me at my home, and when asked, he confirmed that Moore had indeed done this.

Stanton Friedman has told me and many others that years ago he "helped develop a nuclear reactor, to power an aircraft, that was the size of a basketball, was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream." His words, not mine. The only fuel which could go into such an engine and produce hydrogen as a by-product is water and that is precisely what at least one type of alien craft runs on, nuclear energy and water. The only place in the universe at that time to get such technology was from the aliens. Is he really unwitting? I do not know. He was a member of the Moore, Shanders, and Friedman research team and it was they who implemented the MAJESTIC TWELVE contingency plan.

In the documents which I saw between 1970 and 1973 names of individuals were listed who were to be targeted for recruitment in order that the contingency plan known as Majestic Twelve could be introduced to the public by persons known and respected by the public. Bruce Macabee, Stanton Friedman, and William Moore were among those listed. I do not know if the recruitment actually took place or not. I do know that the subsequent events do not seem to indicate that Bruce Macabee is involved but the actions of Stanton Friedman and William Moore are highly suspect.

I know that all of the major UFO research organizations were targeted for infiltration and control by the secret government just as NICAP was infiltrated and controlled. I believe that these efforts have been successful. It is very possible that the major UFO publications are also controlled.

Today MJ-12 still exists and operates just as it always has. It is made up of the same structure, 6 from the same positions in government, and 6 from the Executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or the Trilateral Commission. The Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence is publicly known as The Senior Interagency Group. (SIG).

In closing it is most important to understand that the Council on Foreign Relations and its offshoot the Trilateral Commission not only control but own this country. Long before World War II they were instrumental in helping to decide policy for the United States Government. Since World War II they have been the ONLY source of policy for the United States Government. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and their foreign counterparts report to the Bilderburgers. Almost every high level government and military official of any consequence since World War II including Presidents have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or the Trilateral Commission. All American members of the Trilateral Commission has either been or is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Each foreign nation of any importance has its own offshoot of the Council on Foreign Relations and the members of each country interact with those of other countries through the Bilderburgers to further their common goals. The foreign members of the Trilateral Commission belong to their respective organizations. Even a cursory investigation by the most inexperienced researcher will show that the members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission control the major foundations, all of the major media and publishing interests, the largest banks, all the major corporations, the upper echelons of the government, and many other vital interests. Their members are elected and appointed because they have all the money and special interests behind them. All, that is except the peoples. They are undemocratic and do not in any way represent the majority of the United States of America . These are the people who will decide who survives the coming holocaust and who does not.

The Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through the MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society and the top echelon of the government which consists mostly of their members.

Throughout our history the Aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion, magic, witchcraft, and the occult. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are in complete control of the Alien technology and are also in complete control of the nations economy. Eisenhower was the last President to know the entire overview of the alien problem. Succeeding Presidents were told only what MJ-12 and the Intelligence Community wanted them to know, and believe me it was not the truth.

MJ-12 has presented each new President with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet, and shower us with gifts of technology. In some cases the President was told nothing. Each President in turn has bought the story, or no story at all, hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make even Nazis look like Sunday School children. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, glandulars, hormonal secretions, and blood. Many people are abducted and are sentenced to live with psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. In the documents I saw, 1 in 40 humans had been implanted with devices the purpose of which I have never discovered. The government believes that the aliens are building an army of human implants which can be activated and turned upon us at will. You should also know that to date we have not even begun to become close to parity with the aliens. Is this technology worth it?

I sent 536 copies of a "Petition to Indict" to every member of the Senate and House of Representatives on April 26, 1989 . As of this date, May 23 1989 , I have only received 2 replies. One reply was from Senator Daniel P. Moynihan and the other from Senator Richard G. Lugar. Both stated that they were sending my correspondance to Senator Cranston and Senator Wilson of California as a normal custom and courtesy. Both assured me that MY Senators will promptly assist me in this matter. I have yet to hear from anyone from the State of California or from any other State for that matter aside from the two mentioned above.

The conclusions are inescapable:

(1) The secret power structure believes that, because of our own ignorance or by divine degree, planet Earth will self-destruct sometime in the near future. These men sincerely believe that they are doing the right thing in their attempt to save the human race. It is terribly ironic that they have been forced to take as their partner an alien race which is itself engaged in a monumental struggle for survival. Many moral and legal compromises have been made in this joint effort. These compromises were made in error and must be corrected and those responsible should be made to account for their actions. I can understand the fear and urgency that must have been instrumental in the decision not to tell the public. Obviously I disagree with this decision. Throughout history, small but powerful groups of men have consistently felt that they alone were capable of deciding the fates of millions and throughout history they have been wrong. This great Nation owes its very existence to the Principles of Freedom and Democracy. I believe with all my heart that the United States of America cannot and will not succeed in any effort that ignores those Principles. Full disclosure to the public should be made and we should proceed to save the human race together.

(2) We are being manipulated by a joint human/alien power structure which will result in the partial enslavement of the human race. We must use every means available to prevent this from happening.

(3) The government has been totally deceived and we are being manipulated by an alien power which will result in the total enslavement and/or destruction of the human race. We must use every means available to prevent this from happening.

(4) Something else is happening which is beyond our ability to understand at this time. We must force disclosure of all the facts, discover the truth and act upon the truth.

In any case we MUST force disclosure of the truth or no matter what happens we will surely deserve it. The situation in which we find ourselves is due to our own actions or inactions over the last 44 years. It is our own fault and we are the only ones who can change it. Through ignorance or misplaced trust we as a people have abdicated our role as the watchdog of our government. Our government was founded "of the people, for the people, by the people". There was no mention or intent to ever abdicate our role and place our total trust in a handful of men who meet secretly and decide our fate for us. In fact the structure of our government was designed to prevent that from happening. If we had done our jobs as citizens, this could never have happened. Most of us are completely ignorant of even the most basic functions of our government. We have truly become a nation of sheep. Sheep are always eventually led to slaughter. It is time to stand up in the manner of our forefathers and walk like men. I remind you all, that the JEWS OF EUROPE MARCHED OBEDIENTLY TO THE OVENS, AFTER HAVING BEEN WARNED, BELIEVING ALL THE WHILE THAT THE FACTS COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE TRUE. When the outside world was told of the holocaust occurring in Hitler's Europe it was not believed. I state here and now that Hitler was manipulated by these same aliens.

I have brought you the truth as I know it. I do not care what you think of me. I have done my duty and no matter what fate lies in store for me, I can truly meet my maker with a clear conscience. I believe first in God. The same God my ancestors believed in. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my Savior. I believe second in the Constitution of the United States of America as it was written and meant to work. I have given my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I intend to fulfill that oath.

Thank You - Milton William Cooper


TOP SECRET Grudge/Blue Book Report #13, by Ltcol Friend & Dr. J. Allen Hynek - Last seen at the Headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT) Hawaii . / TOP SECRET/MAJIC Operation Majority - Presidential Briefing document by MJ-12 - Last seen at the Headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT) Hawaii . / Operation Majority, Final Release by William Cooper - William Cooper, Fullerton , California . / The John Lear Hypothesis by John A. Lear - John A. Lear, Las Vegas , Nevada . / Report on Grudge/Blue Book #13 by Bill English - John A. Lear, Las Vegas , Nevada . The Larry Fenwick Interview by Tom Mickus, Tom Mickus, Canada . / The Krill Papers, Author and Publisher Unknown. / BRIEFING DOCUMENT: OPERATION MAJESTIC TWELVE, Author Unknown, Released by the research team of Moore, Shandera, and Friedman. / The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford- Houghton Mifflin, Boston . / The Wise Men of Foreign Affairs by Robert D. Schulzinger, Columbia University Press, NY. / The Crimes of Patriots by Jonathan Kwitny- W.W.Norton , NY . / The Department of Defense by C.W. Borklund, Frederick A. Praeger, New York . / Freedom at Risk, edited by Richard O. Curry - Temple Univ Press, Philadelphia . / The Armies of Ignorance by William Corson, The Dial Press/James Wade , NY . / Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy by Henry Kissinger- Harper & Brothers, NY. / Kissinger, Portrait of a Mind, by Stephen R. Graubard - W.W. Norton & Co., NY. / The Agency, The Rise and Decline of the CIA by John Ranelagh, Simon and Schuster , NY . / The Rockefellers and American Dynasty by Peter Collier & David Horowitz - Holt, Rinehart and Winston , NY . / Breaking Cover by Bill Gulley with Mary Ellen Roese - Simon & Schuster , NY . / Perilous Statecraft by Michael A. Ledeen - Charles Scribner's Sons, NY. / The Rockefeller Inheritance by Alvin Moscow - Doubleday & Co., NY. / Imperial Brain Trust, The Council on Foreign Relations, & United States Foreign Policy by Lawrence Shoup & WIlliam Minter - Monthly Review Press, NY. / The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas - Simon and Schuster , NY . / Government Involvemnet in the UFO Cover-up: Chronology by Pea Research - Pea Research, California . / We Have Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon by Fred Steckling, G.A.F. International, California . / The Matrix by Vladamar Valerian - Acturus Book Service My copy does not have the address or state. / Communion by Whitlet Streiber - Avon , NY . / The UFO Abductors by Brad Steiger - Berkley Books, NY. / Extra-Terrestrials Among Us by George C. Andrews - Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul , MN . / A Brief History of Time, From the the Big Bang to Black Holes by Stephen Hawkings - Bantam Books, NY. / UFO (Magazine- several issues since Spring 1988) Edited by Vickie Cooper and Sherie Stark - Published by California UFO, Los Angeles , California . / The Crash at Aztec by William Stienman - William Stienman, La Mirada , California.

I have been aided by the personal research of John Lear, Linda Howe, Bill English, William Stienman, Paul Sheppard, Roger Scherrer, Don Eckler, Tal LeVesque, Leonard Stringfield, Ron Regehr, sources who must remain unnamed, and many others who have so freely shared the results of their labor with me. I extend to you my deepest appreciation and a very warm friendship. Thank you all. William Cooper. -EOF-

Personal Statement by Milton William Cooper: (1) My reason for releasing this information to the public, / (2) My credentials, / (3) The validity of the information (% from sources, % from my own knowledge, % from research), / (4) The existence of one other person to whom I gave the information in 1972 in anticipation of one day needing to validate the information.

(1) I have 2 reasons for releasing this information at this time. (A) When I first saw the information I was sure that the government would handle the situation and not allow the people to be abducted, injured, or just disappear. My belief in the government has proven false. Not only has it not been handled but the situation has deteriorated and the incidents have increased worldwide. What has happened is against the Constitution of the United States of America which I have sworn to uphold and protect. What is happening is against every law in every state. What is happening violates the human rights of every citizen of the world. It could happen to any member or members of my family or your family at any time. I am a loyal American and have never divulged any of my countrys' secrets and except for this one I never will. I do not believe that revealing this secret is against the law as the secret itself violates every law that has ever been written. Senator Barry Goldwater was the Chairman of the Senate Commitee which aproved funds for the CIA and has stated publicly that he has no knowledge of any of this. That means and it is a fact that the Congress is ignorant of what is going on. In fact I believe that it is my duty to expose it as thoroughly and as quickly as possible. I only regret that I have waited so long. I waited because I believed so much in our system of government. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HAS BETRAYED ALL OF US. (B) In my efforts to get the information out it became obvious that soon the government would discover what I am doing and my life would be in danger. I believe that my life is now in danger and the only way to protect myself is to go public with th information. I realize that the information is hard to swallow and that many people will not believe it. I also realize that I have exposed myself to ridicule. So be it. If I am prosecuted or harmed in any way you all will know that the information is correct. If I suddenly disappear you will all know that the information is correct.

(2) I am the son of an Air Force officer and was reared on Air Force bases all over the world. My father was a pilot. As a child I repeatedly overheard pilots and airmen discuss strange stories involving UFO's, Foo Fighters, strange crashes of craft "not from here", and other subjects that were exciting to me at the time. I graduated from High School in Japan and shortly there-after joined the Air Force I finished basic at Lackland Air Force Base and was assigned to the Strategic Air Command. I was an Aircraft and Missile Pneudraulic Technician. During my training instructors would regale us with tales of lonely nights spent on flight lines alert pads, and missile silos. They told of strange alien craft that would come down and paralyse the men on station and then remove the warhead from the missile and disappear at fantastic speed. I met a sargeant who told me that he was part of a team that transported such a large crashed disk that it could only be moved at night on back roads and fences and poles had to be torn down and replaced as the convoy passed. I listened to all these stories and wondered whatwas going on but didn't really believe them. I was discharged from the Air Force in 1965. I was very adventurous at the time and joined the navy in December of 1965. I volunteered for submarines and was assigned to the USS Tiru (SS-416) at Pear Harbor , Hawaii . On a cruise to the Portland Seattle area, while on lookout a UFO the size of an Aircraft carrier rose up out of the water and disappeared into the clouds while we were on the surface and I was the Port lookout. It descended back down into the water and rose back up into the clouds again several times. It wa witnessed by myself, The Starboard lookout, The Officer of the deck, The Captain, and the Chief Quartermaster who took pictures. We were told not to discuss it with anyone ever. Upon docking at Pearl upon our return a man in plain clothes came aboard and talked to each of us with only the Captain present. He identified himself as an Intelligence Office (ONI) and asked me what I saw. I began to tell him and he yelled at me to stop and then he again asked me what I saw. I told him that I had not seen anything and he smiled at me and told me I was a very good sailor. He told me that was the right answer and dismissed me. I soon grew tired of the cramped quarters of a Submarine and de-volunteered. The rest of my history is as follows:

(2) My primary military occupation is Quartermaster (Navigation). My secondary NEC is 9545 (Internal Security). USS Tombigbee (AOG-11) Pacific and Vietnam sea duty. / Camp Carter , Vietnam / Naval Security and Intelligence / Danang Harbor Patrol (gather intelligence and secure the harbor) and Cua Viet (DMZ) river patrol duty (gather intelligence and secure the river) / USS Charles Berry DE-1035 Pacific sea duty / CINCPACFLT STAFF / Commander in Chief of the Pacific / Fleet Staff - OPSTAT reporting and Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Petty Officer of the Watch in the Command Center / USS Oriskany CVA-35 Pacific sea duty. / Honorable Discharge December 1975 Rank E-6

Since leaving the navy I have worked at several companies engaged in work for the government or the intelligence community. Some of this work involved training foreign military personnel. I have also obtained a college degree in photography. This is a field I have long been interested in. I am not now connected with the government or the intelligence community except for friends that I have made over the years. Most recently I have been involved in management of civilian training facilities

Admissions Representative / Airco technical Institute / Long Beach , California / Admissions Representative / Adelphi Business College / Anaheim , California / Executive Director / Adelphi Business College / Van Nuys , California / Marketing Executive / United Education & Software / Encino , California / Executive Director / Pacific Coast Technical Institute / Anaheim , Californiav / Executive Director - Currently The institute where I am presently employed is known to 3 of you and I do not wish it to be disclosed as the release of this information could have adverse affects upon my employment.

(3) Approximatly 50% of this information comes from documents that I saw with my own eyes and I personnaly know it to be true and absolutely accurate. I saw and read GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13. I saw and read the MAJESTY document which contained the Aquarius information. I was present at a briefing where much more information was discussed and some of it has become cloudy over the years but has come back to me when I saw information on that subject. About 50% of the information comes from my sources who will remain un-named. About 60% of the information is backed up by research and information available to you all however the information is not generaly shared. It is out there in various places and on various boards. Due to the potential monetary value of the information I believe that it probably never will be shared.

(4) In 1972 I related this information to one other person for self protection and so that the information could be verified at some latter date should the government not handle the situation. I gave him the information on the eve of my wedding. The last person to person contact I had with him was in 1974. The last contact of ANY kind was in 1976 or 1977 by phone. I have not seen him, written to him, phoned him, or had any contact with him at all since that time. I maintained this distance to prevent any accusation of collusion or hoax should it ever be neccessary to release the information. I also did it for his protection so that he would not be involved if the government should decide to harm me before the information could be released. I have him a copy of the information in the form of a copy of an original document. I retained the other copy but mine was destroyed in a storage fire. He can and will verify the information to the right person with the right code (which we agreed upon) to release it. 3 of you have his name, the last place he lived in 1976, and the code. I will not contact him until the information is verified. He can validate my intelligence background and the information. He can state all of this truthfully and because of our seperation over the years will be able to pass any lie detector test to prove this is not a hoax. I would also be able to pass the same test or any other test, sodium pentathol etc.

I have also received a call from a man named Christopher who called from an area code in Maryland . By his conversation with me on the phone I know that he has also seen the MAJESTY information and the AQUARIUS document. I also know that he is a member of Compuserve. That is all I know about him. I left out a graphic on the reconstructed document that I posted in my MAJIC file and he questioned the ommission. It is a minor detail that I did not think important but he spotted it. The only way he could have known that the graphic was missing would be that he has seen it himself. The graphic was 2 lightning bolts which strike at the bottom of the finned rocket which is enclosed in the circle. Since I could not put graphics in the document I only included a short description. v I tested my father once by relating that I had seen information while in the navy that the Government had recovered UFO's which had crashed. I did this to guage his reaction because I knew that at one time when I was very little he was the radar Officer at White Sands Proving Ground. He gave me a very knowing look and advised me not to talk about it. I have never discussed the matter with him since.



 To: / Subject: William Cooper, activist, killed in raid this morning on his Arizona home / From: Tim May / Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 21:30:28 -0800 / Cypherpunks, Various reports are appearing on this, some from the Sierra Times, some at his Web site ( ). William Cooper was the radio talk show host/UFO nut/MJ-12 believer/anti-New World Order guy. Much more is available on various sites. (He was one of the first Usenet nutcases, er, "interesting people," I encountered when I began using the New extensively in 1988.

MJ-12 (Majestic 12), his book "Behold a Pale Horse," and countless conspiracy theories. Recently he's been carrying articles about the coming police state, the USA-PATRIOT Act and the criminals who passed it, and the need for action. Apparently he was shot and killed in a midnight raid on his home in rural Arizona this morning. The Website, obviously being updated by someone else (who may wish his or her survival to be ensured!), is epressing caution that patriots not jump to any conclusions that Cooper was targetted because of his political views. Hmmmmhhh. Whatever. Time will tell.

Perhaps the warrant was being served for his unpaid taxes...but why at midnight for a tax matter? Looks like Waco all over again. Being discussed in alt.conspiracy, misc.survivalism, and, one presumes, a bunch of the UFO, militia, and patriot newsgroups. A search on Yahoo's headline news doesn't yet pick up the (alleged) AP news story quoted below, but it may by tomorrow. Or by more specialized searches. The cautious person might believe the round up of undesirables may be beginning. (Ashcroft can boast: "We have rounded up 350 more suspicious persons. Under the new USA-PATRIOT Act, we will hold them indefiniately. Chief Interrogator Alan Dershowitz is bringing his tools to torture the truth out of these perps. ") The ultra-cautious person would make certain all of the Claymores are set, and that the Sarin antidotes are close at hand for when the automatic release occurs upon entry. Here's a story posted on some of the Usenet groups:

 --begin story--
Associated Press/The Arizona Republic
Nov. 06, 2001 12:20:00

EAGAR - A national leader of the militia movement has been killed and an Apache County sheriff's deputy wounded in a shootout, authorities said. William Milton Cooper, 58, of Eager, had hosted a talk show broadcast on the Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville , which receives it via phone from his home in St. Johns . He had millions of listeners worldwide, including Timothy McVeigh. The deputy, whose name was being withheld by authorities, was shot twice in the head while trying to arrest Cooper, a state Department of Public Safety spokesman said today. Cooper was killed by another officer.

Several deputies were attempting to arrest Cooper, who was armed with a handgun, said Officer Steve Volden, a spokesman for the DPS, which was investigating the shooting. He said details of the shooting would be released later today. The deputy was in critical condition at a Phoenix hospital early today, Volden said. Cooper was one of the most widely known prophets of the "patriot movement," railing at the federal government and talking of doomsday omens in his radio broadcast.

McVeigh, who was executed in May for the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City , listened to Cooper's broadcasts for inspiration, according to testimony by James Nichols, brother of Oklahoma bombing co-defendant Terry Nichols during a 1996 pretrial hearing. Like some other patriot leaders, Cooper refused to get a driver's license or pay federal income taxes, saying he is willing to risk getting ticketed and has found a legal way to avoid the taxes.

The patriot movement grew during the 1990s, fed by a series of news events - the siege of Randy Weaver in Idaho , the raid on the Branch Davidians near Waco , Texas and the signing of gun-control laws. --end story --Tim May...
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
--Samuel Adams
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i have a musician friend who grew up on US air force bases and he claims to have repeatedly seen UFOs hovering over the electrical power stations at the bases he lived on, like they were remotely garnering energy and re-charging their power plants or something...he would call the airport tower and they would always tell him something like "go away punk"...

there is a possiblility that these UFO craft were in fact IFOs - or Identified Flying Objects - possibly part of the secret governments' fleet of super secret back-engineered UFO craft allegedly stored in underground bases all over the US...

but the time that he was awake and could not move in his bed, and sensed some sort of holographic beings doing something to his arms, that was probably an alien UFO encounter...the police were called the same night for a UFO sighting over the same part of the los gatos mountain that he lived on...he gave me a sheet of collective wisdom shortly after this event, which i started to incorporate into my then fledgling newsletter...

i then started writing my own wisdom after this, inspired partly by my mountain dwelling friend, and partly by a hare krishna girl who was sitting in front of the wherehouse records store on stevens creek boulevard in santa clara...she said something about the universe having a consciousness, and i then came up with "the eternal consciousness of the universe is peace" i think, and it just sort of grew from then on...out of the blue i received some information in the mail about the rosicrucian order, and it said something about collective wisdom...hmmm...

i have another good friend who was the soundman for a rock band that i toured the south with back in the late 1980s...he once told me that back when he was working on nuclear reactor cores for G.E. in arizona, he apparently saw a UFO speed overhead, and right after it came a US air force F-16 fighter jet, hot on its' tail!...his mother told me over the phone about the HUGE UFO over phoenix in march 1997, which was similarly chased off by a US air force F-16...

is this why so many US air force pilots were quitting their jobs back in the 1990s?...was it really all about insufficient salaries, or being ordered by their 'superiors' to chase off UFOs here to help us with our evolution of consciousness or something?...perhaps for the introduction of free energy sources, maybe? energy sources would drain the secret government of much needed tax revenues that they get from taxing energy (etc), and if free energy sources took hold, their covert little secret government party would likely be over...

either way UFOs are considered a threat to US government control and i think they freaked out, just like back in 1947 when we restructed the entire US government at a time when the US was the world's greatest superpower...the US government only restructures when it has to (like after 9-11) so why did we restructure the entire US government in 1947?...(answer: the roswell incident)...

thousands of people witnessed the UFO over phoenix in march 1997, and are probably still willing and able to give detailed testimonies regarding it, so why doesn't a brave and groundbreaking newspaper like the SF chronicle send out some reporters to phoenix and do some digging?...a local talk radio station (KTAR i believe) was all over the story for weeks after the event...was this a peaceful encounter with an alien civilization's motherhip UFO, or a big show put on by the secret government with some new back-engineered prototype craft?...that i do not know...

i think someone in the US government thought that we would all run through the streets screaming for our lives after finding out about it because the national mainstream media blacked out the story and instead focused on the nike shoe wearing, comet-chasing UFO cult that took their lives after finding out about the phoenix UFO event...

> (i saw on a late night program during the 1990s clintonian era of declassification that showed a very small, almost sort of cute, asian-looking supposed UFO being in some kind of suit that was supposedly captured at roswell after the 1947 this the sinister explanation for the korean war which ensued shortly after in 1950?...vietnam maybe?...i tend to think that the 'alien autopsy' TV program thing was just a load of crap to debunk the UFO phenomenon... 

if you want to see an 'alien being', or the product of genetic manipulation, just look at the ancient egyptian pharaoh akhenaton, who had an elongated skull that he shared with all of his would be a genetic abnormality if one sibling had the elongated skull, but all of his brothers and sisters as well? the bible, the book of ezekiel says something about the 'spinings discs', which came and went for a number of months before the birth of akhenaton and his brothers and sisters...they all shared the same 'genetic abnormality' of an elongated skull...just ask bob voder about it, he became the head of egytptian archaeological studies in egypt after telling me about all this stuff) > 

the UFO over phoenix in march 1997 was perhaps the largest news story of the last century, and once again it was all but ignored by the mainstream media here in the US!?!...and remember; at one point in the not so distant past the US secret government spent large amounts of your tax dollars debunking the UFO reality to keep all of us useless human chattel in the dark about this mysterious phenomenon, and probably continue to do so at our expense - with little or no accountability...instead the public is force-fed sensational court trial soap operas (etc) that have little or no real impact upon the lives of those who absorb this relatively useless propaganda-like information tool of distraction, and agent of character assassination...(you know, what isolated incidents do we want the collective focus of all humanity to be focused upon?...good news or bad?...i believe that focusing on good news creates more good news)...

there was also the south american guy that i talked to at the sports page in mountain view right after a shoreline amphitheatre concert a few years back...he lived right next to moffett field and said he would regularly wake up in his bed with his shirt on backwards and inside out, sweating profusely with a memory of being abducted and experimented on or something...a year later he said the experiences stopped right after i talked to him...some say the US government is implanting chips in humans with back engineered alien technology...i tend to think that if this is in fact true, then republicans are all chip-implanted... 

i also talked to a guy last summer named mike (who is the little brother of the attorney general in new mexico, i think he said) and he talked to a very high ranking US air force 4 star general who claimed to have seen UFOs numerous times...i believe  that there is somewhat of a separation between the US military/secret government operations and intelligence sharing (etc?), as those in the military are in a sense seen as 'useless human chattel' just like us civilians who are essentially nothing more than tax generating slave workers that fund this 'greater' human folly...

a commercial airline pilot who lived with my texan ex-girlfriend back in 1995 said that a large craft with bright green lights hovered over his cockpit one time while flying a commercial jet...he probably witnessed a UFO and still did not believe in them because he was very closed minded to the possiblilty...i think i may have opened his mind a little...AND NO, IT WAS NOT A STORE BOUGHT LASER BEING AIMED INTO THE COCKPIT AS THE LATEST U.S. GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE...(i hovered over my ex-girlfriend's cockpit many times...with my gear down, aiming my heat seeking moisture missile directly at her cockpit, i 'came in' for a for a smooth landing every time)...

> anyway, i have never seen a UFO myself, but i have no doubt in my mind that UFOs do exist, and i am completely open to the possibility that some of the major night time US sightings are back-engineered, super secret US government prototypes out on test flights...for more information about the UFO phenomenon go to: zecharia sitchin's web site @ / drunvalo melchizedek @ or richard c. hoagland @


BAD COP - NO DONUT - police blotter – the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

VESUVIO'S PIZZA SKATEBOARD INCIDENT - one night when i was riding my skateboard on the old el camino real cruise strip in a parking lot in santa clara right by vesuvio's pizza, i made the mistake of asking a cop passing by what time it was...he then got out of his car and made me sorry for asking him the question, and ordered me to leave, so i jumped on my skateboard and started to take off into the street...he then said to stop and come back, because riding a skateboard in the street is illegal!?!...he gave me a ticket which i contested in court...basically, the cop showed up to court and lied about the whole thing, but i think the judge knew and reduced my fine from $36 to $18 or $16 or something...this was my first experience with a cop lying or misrepresenting himself in court...

CRUISING THE EL CAMINO - i went out cruising on the el camino real on a saturday night with a friend named scott back in about 1981...we were driving along when a cop on the other side of the street suddenly jumped his car over the median island and came after us in hot pursuit...he got behind our car and called out the driver's name over his loudspeaker, as santa clara police cars had just been fitted with new computer equipment - the first in the nation i believe...

he pulled over and my friend scott jumped out first at their command, then after i stuffed a half ounce of brown columbian weed down into my underwear, i jumped out screaming at the cops something like "what is this all about!?!"or something...DOWN ON YOUR KNEES! - HANDS IN THE AIR! they said - ok! ok! i said...about eight other officers had just arrived and they had about eight shotguns pointed at our heads...they said the car we were driving matched the description of a car that had just robbed a liquor store...realizing that we were the wrong people, they looked at us with hateful glares - like they wish they had shot us, and let us go...they never found my weed, and they couldn't without looking like weirdos...

VOMIT LAUNCH - i have an old friend from high school who used to be a champion wrestler, and he told me that one night back in the 1980s (after wrongfully getting involved in a minor scuffle with bouncers while leaving a bar in cupertino) he wrestled a cop for a minute and accidentally broke his arm with a bad wrestling move...oops...this is obviously a bad thing to do, but even worse - as about three or four cops watched (along with a friend that we call 'cueball' - who witnessed the event as well ) ben was then held to the ground with a cop standing on his neck and his face down to the pavement, and about to suffocate from his own alcohol induced vomit! cueball called out to the cop 'stop standing on his neck!' or something...

if cueball hadn't said anything about it, ben would likely have suffocated on his own vomit and died...(by the way, vomit launch was the name of a chico state college party band that a chick i used to date once talked about)...

WHERE IS MY $15? - a friend of mine who was a roadie for a cover band playing in mountain view back in the mid 1990s, was approached by several police officers one night and asked for identification...after his wallet passed through the hands of the many officers, it came back to him with $15 dollars missing!?!...

SPEAK OUT IF YOU DARE - i used to write only pleasant things in my only good newsletter, then at one point for whatever reason it turned a bit to the right...i added my first bit of 'bad news' about the police to my good newsletter, and i think someone in the sunnyvale police department did not like it...the very next week i noticed a cop sitting in the patrick henry parking lot while running down at the peterson field...there had not been a cop sitting in the patrick henry parking lot for as long as i can remember when i exercised, and suddenly right after the first time i wrote some 'anti-government sentiments' (in other words; bad news about cops) there was suddenly a cop sitting ominously in the patrick henry parking lot...

then right before running one day, and about a week or so after noticing the sunnyvale cop in the patrick henry parking lot, an asian sunnyvale cop with a police dog was doing everything but trying to sick his police dog on me as i started running...too bad because all dogs love me, so nice try...also, i had been bringing the local squirrels apples and sunflower seeds for years at the time, and still do, and after leaving my gift of food for the squirrels that day, i noticed another sunnyvale cop out inspecting the squirrel food that i left under the trees, like he was searching for illicit substances or something...

SANTA CLARA COP INCIDENT - a few years back before the questionable new taser weapon was introduced, i first attempted to get the city of santa clara to do something about the speeders in the neighborhood, and had a strange encounter with a santa clara cop...after i first called the city of santa clara's traffic engineering to get some help with street signage, i got on my bike after intensely practicing drums for an hour, and headed over to my british guitar player friend's house...on the way, i found a dead squirrel and saw another squirrel up in a tree in distress over the loss...(squirrels are much more advanced socially than once thought)...i got pissed off and quickly made up two signs saying 'road kill is murder', and put one sign down the street on a stop sign...i was carrying the other sign to my friend's place when i saw a santa clara cop stopped in a crosswalk right where i had to turn...i then sort of sped past his driver's door on my bike and startled him while he was looking down at his notes or whatever...he turned the car around and came after me...

after stopping me, one of the first things he asked was if he could see my driver's license, when i was riding my bike!...he then pushed me up against the wall, said my pulse was racing and asked if i was on drugs...well gee, i just rode my bike at a hundred miles an hour, i am pissed off about the dead squirrel, i just finished playing drums for an hour and i am being hassled by a cop! damn right my pulse is racing!...

he didn't like my attitude so he put one hand on his gun holster and took a quick look over his shoulder to assess whether he should shoot me or not...seeing a row of apartments behind him, he declined to pull out his gun...i then said rather forcefully 'you wouldn't even be here if i hadn't called traffic engineering a few days ago!'...he got a funny look on his face, got into his car and quickly exited the scene...(little did the cop know, my british guitar player friend was watching the whole thing through the window of his girlfriend's duplex, right over my shoulder...he was deported a few months later, perhaps in part for witnessing this event)...

THE BOGUS RESTRAINING ORDER - i used to feed ducks right outside my window in the morning, and one particular morning i noticed a neighbor of mine attempting to run the ducks over...the very next morning i went out and tried to protect the ducks from his vehicular assault by waving my arms in front of his car when he was about 50 ft away, but he did not see me and if i did not move he would have run me over along with the ducks...i had been emailing the city of sunnyvale for a few months at the time, trying to get them to do something about the traffic and speeding in our neighborhood, and due to their lack of action thereof, the ducks blocking the street suited me just fine, because i really didn't care how the traffic was controlled, as long as it was...

the morning after this, i stood on the curb and out of harm's way from my irate neighbor, and sort of bapped on his side window lightly as he ripped by...he pulled all the way over to the opposite curb and i went over to his driver's side window, saying something like "you need to slow down"...he then attempted to grab my ponytail and threw a lame punch at me through his half-opened car window...i backed off, got his license plate number and went into the house to call the police, and he then fled the scene...

three officers came rushing over and i greeted them in the street...the first thing the cops did was look at the 15 or so stunned looking ducks standing in the street like they were suspects or something...then rookie officer dischler was given the case, and one of the other cops gave me the most evil look i have ever gotten from anyone in my life, slammed his door and tore off...sunnyvale police were overworked on the nightshift at the time and they hated their boss, who fired a sunnyvale cop once for suggesting that the sunnyvale PD be nicer to people on the beat...(we live in a town with a military base on it, so i think the 'abu ghraib' mentality sort of seeps over through osmosis to the local police or something)...

officer dischler went to the front door of my irate neighbor and was greeted by his wife, who then called her husband at work...he corroborated the whole story to dischler and no report was written because i declined to press charges and just wanted him to be warned about his unsafe driving...dischler told him to go around the block the other way and avoid driving by my house...

now, at this point i had been emailing the city of sunnyvale (as lik roper) for about five months or so, asking for assistance with the speeding in the neighborhood, which during the failed internet-boom experiment was about one car every 10 seconds or so...then after almost being run over and assaulted by my neighbor, i then emailed with my real name and threatened to sue the cities over my neighborly mishap...i printed out a few copies of this same hastily written email (which i still have a copy of) and gave a few to my neighbors as well...

over the next few days, my irate neighbor ignored officer dischler's instructions to avoid my part of the neighborhood, and continued ripping by my house, and this time rather threateningly...i called the sunnyvale police non-emergency line to say that i thought pressing charges might be the right thing to do now, and female officer rice was very nice and urged me to just let the situation drop...i called again and got dischler's older brother on the phone this time...i said something like, "i don't want to sue you guys, i just want you to patrol the neighborhood for speeders"...his voice got really low and mean, and he asked me my name and the address where i lived, and hung up the phone...

i gave up on the SVPD at that point, and then attempted communicating directly with my neighbor by leaving a note and one of my CDs in his front yard...i also left a note in his windshield saying something like "you will (hopefully) be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter - merry christmas!"...(the very next christmas eve my brother died in a head on collision, and the charge against the driver who killed him was vehicular this just a coincidence?)...

a few days after giving up on the SVPD and leaving the notes in neighbor's yard, two cops showed up (one of them officer matt beninger) and said "there's a skirmish down at city hall", and then gave me a temporary restraining order (with no authorization stamp on the back) essentially banning me from standing in the street where i almost got run over, or from being in the house that i live in!?!...can anyone say "crooked cops"?...i didn't think so...

now, an old friend from high school happened to come by a few days later and he had lots of experience with this kind of stuff...he was on a citizen-run civil rights task force and had his share of being hassled by corrupt cops in courtrooms, etc...(government officials often use cops as thugs to get their way and shove their agendas up our pipelines, so to speak)...he instructed me to go down immediately and get my 911 police report as evidence...when the stunned-looking clerk brought the emergency 911 report to me, it was all blacked out (and i still have a copy of it, but it says i can't copy it to expose the police corruption...maybe i'll post it on my web site)...hmmm...

i went to the restraining order hearing a few weeks later with my blacked out 911 call report, and officer beninger showed up in his SVPD squad car to stand next to my attacker and his wife during the hearing!?!...not feeling like i had to make any excuses whatsoever about being assaulted and almost run over by my asshole neighbor, i guess you can say that i took the fifth during the proceeding...the lady judge knew that something was awry and said to officer beninger "isn't this a neighborhood matter?"...she sent us off to try and talk it over and beninger made me sit with my accusers, instead of separating us first like he was supposed to...the mediation session then sort of blew up, and we went back into the irate neighbor's wife put on a good act and acted hysterical, and the judge knew i was not going to fight it, so she just sort of ran me through...

she said that i can't own a gun...well, i have never owned a gun and never planned on owning one because i am a real man...she named off an insulting laundry list of things that i cannot do to my neighbors (including molest them, of all things!?!...yeh right!)...she also said that accepting this restraining order is not an admission of guilt, nor will it be on public record...she may have been doing it to protect my reputation, but it still makes it a little too secret for my likings...once i accepted the bogus restraining order, the deputies in the courtroom suddenly started looking at me threateningly, like i was a criminal now or something!?!...

beninger got his restraining order and successfully thwarted my chances at a lawsuit against the city (which i never really wanted to do anyway, the only language they understand is; "i'm gonna sue you guys") then suddenly got all friendly as we said goodbye after the hearing...i then asked beninger "did you ever talk to officer dischler?" - with two witnesses present, mind you - and officer beninger then said "who's officer dischler?"...

when it was all over, the much-hated sunnyvale police chief retired, and the sunnyvale police were ordered by the city council to take a report for every call, no matter how seemingly unimportant it may seem, because you never know...oh, and my irate neighbor eventually moved away, about a month or so after a large volcanic rock from his front yard ended being up thrown through my neighbor's windshield...the sunnyvale police almost did not show up when called for this...i pretty much gave up on trying to get the city of sunnyvale to do their jobs until...

WHAT EMAIL? - a few months ago as i was gazing out my kitchen window, i saw a lady trying to cross a crosswalk on the street by my house...she waited and waited for all the speeding SUVs full of miniature human cargo to speed by, and i finally got pissed off and ran out in the middle of the crosswalk to stop the cars, much like a crossing guard...this allowed her and her baby to safely cross the street (the same street that the city of santa clara still refuses to patrol, by the way)...

after this, i went inside and fired off some emails explaining the crosswalk event to my usual chain of command (the UN, the president, the congress, many major newspaper editorial columns all over the US etc) be sneaky, one email was sent to the city of santa clara and city of sunnyvale with my cross street listed, and another email was to the aforementioned list of major players listed above without the cross streets...the very next day a cop was sitting outside the house, right at the cross streets listed in the email i sent the day before!...

i thought nothing of it until later that afternoon when i went to get a haircut and came back room mate said the same cop sitting outside my house came by and said  that i supposedly 'chased a little girl', but the story was later recanted by the tiny accuser...i wasn't there to see the look he had on his face, so i cannot tell whether the cop was being purposefully full of shit as some kind of draconian social engineering maneuver, or just reacting to a bogus complaint...either way, i once again caught the government with their pants down - up to their usual tricks of character assassination - and he never came back again...i always knew the government was half crooked, but i had no idea!...

ACHTUNG GI-JOE! - well well well, it seems that all the important lessons of joseph mcnamara have gone by the wayside for idiot cops once again!...the government gives them jobs straight-outa-the-military so they can take their zombie-like GI-JOE attitudes to the streets...listen up, government; people will be less likely to come forward when they witness a crime in progress, if the cops are gonna be jerks about on... 
i helped the santa clara police catch some guys escaping a hit and run yesterday because i witnessed the criminals abandoning their damaged car, but while two of three offficers i dealt with were very nice, one clearly was not...he was a real jerk...let's just call him GI-JOE...

when GI-JOE showed up on his motorcycle, he first off treated me almost like a suspect...this guy was like a robot-zombie...i get the feeling he is suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress syndrome from either his police work or from the military...(one or the other, maybe both?)...the lady police officer that i talked to first was very nice, and the second motorcycle cop was pleasant as well, but not GI-JOE...after joe arrived, lady cop stopped smiling and being one point i was just sort of standing there innocently looking down at the suspect's car, and GI-JOE barked out an order to step away from the car...whoa GI-JOE, cool yer jets already!...

after he took my driver's license number for his police report, he gave me back my license, waited a minute and asked what i was doing still standing there!?!...what an asshole!...he didn't even thank me for my cooperation!?!...GI-JOE may think he's real tough or whatever, but i can kick his ass at arm wrestling any day, along with governor arnold! it mister GI-JOE?...sure, you're baddas, but i am badder asser!...(?)...why? because i am alot nicer than you, i can sing like a screamin' banshee and i can pound on the drums like no other!...and just because you have a shaved head doesn't make you a real man! just means that you have a shaved head...dude, you're a macho-man robot, time to lossen up and take your silly self less seriously!...i know, you're a cop, so what am i gonna do about it, right?...I'M GONNA WRITE ABOUT IT, THAT'S WHAT!?!...anyway, i am always happy to help out, but just treat me like a civilized human being in the process GI-JOE, and you won't have any literary troubles like this next time!...

BLACK HELICOPTERS - parts of the 'history of CIA covert operations' document were posted on my website @ after midnight one night in late 1999, and the next morning a US army helicopter flew directly over my house at an altitude of about 30 feet over the rooftop, did three circles and flew latest wisdom quote "the rising middle fingers of true deepened democracy answer to no one" was then born, after i flipped off the rogue helicopter pilots with my middle fingers...

a few weeks later, my brother was killed in a head on collision, a crash that was determined to be an accident, and the vehicle he died in was looted shortly after his death at the wrecking yard...the document that i found on the internet back in 1999 was called - HISTORY OF CIA COVERT OPERATIONS: The Secret Government - Origin, Identity & Purpose of MJ-12 - by Milton William Cooper - and whether or not the death of my brother is connected to the weird 'helicopter flying over the house' incident, this kind of harassment - along with the questionable death of Milton William Cooper - is almost an admission that there is some truth to the HISTORY OF CIA COVERT OPERATIONS document, written back in 1989...
VIETNAM -  i suppose the best thing for any good democratic activist to do now is to say things so outrageous (yet true) that most republicans will self-destruct, therefore ridding us of the great republican evil by sending them all up swift boat creek with no goes - in a sense, many soldiers are a dangerous cross between an international diplomat, trained killer, and cop...

1) i was talking to 'the old man with the dog' while cleaning up the peterson field recently, and he told me some troubling things...back in the 1960s he worked in a kodak photo processing lab, and used to develop photos for soldiers in vietnam...he saw many gruesome pictures, including a picture of a decapitated vietnamese man's head with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, among other things...the head was apparently kicked around like a soccer ball...

2) i was out working years back when i came upon a vietnam veteran in a water store...he said that the troops used to go from village to village, systematically torching the huts, killing the men and children, and raping the women - and sometimes finding a wife in the process!...his soul sort of shook while tellin me about this, and it was obvious to me right then that this war thing has got to end once and for all, because of the sacrifice of the souls of men (and now increasingly more women), and regardless of the $15 worth of pot metal that makes up the medals awarded...

3) another account i heard was from a guy named dale who was 36 years old when i was 18...he seemed ancient at the time, and now i'm older than he was then...imagine that!...he was the guitar player and singer of a band i was in back in high school called 'blaze'...he was heavily into southern rock and sang 'there goes another love song' by the outlaws just like the shit...being the young, horny and relatively inexperienced lad that i was at the time, i really wanted to get laid, and dale said "don't worry, once the band gets playing you'll get some puss"...and i did...that's what he said!...i believe in telling the truth...anyway, he said that one time his wife surprised him by jumping out of the bushes by the front door, and he almost lost it...he went down to the gun position and freaked out...she never did that again...he suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome...agent orange made him sterile so that he could not have a child, and this caused them much grief...the first day dale got to vietnam back when he was 18, someone yelled 'gook!' and shot a machine gun into a bush nearby...they pulled out a dead body and a tank came in and did donuts on top of the body...once again, this was his first day in vietnam and as he told me, he immediately grew up when he saw this happen...crazy north vietnamese guys used to go around with a piece of wire and two handles on the ends, chopping off soldiers' heads in the middle of the night and putting the heads up on their guns...soldiers' buddies would often awaken to their buddys' head up on top of their gun...some would go crazy and turn their machine guns on their own troops, only to be killed...dale slept with one eye open at all times, even after returning home...many soldiers in vietnam used to be on drugs all the time to take their minds off the bullets flying overhead, while laying in the trenches covered with ants and sniffing the odiferous feces a few feet over...he said they used to go to opium dens and gell out for days at a time just to escape the war...many of the soldiers stuffed their GI bags full of drugs and went home with their new overseas connections and drug habits to feed all of their friends and family the newfound drugs...

4) back in high school i had a friend named brett who later went into the military...he said that while on duty in grenada, he witnessed US military aircraft accidentally take out a whole city block of residential neighborhood...oops!?!...there goes gramma!?!...ever wonder why some people in grenada are pissed off at america?...

5) a guy named james (who later became an mtv cameraman) was the 32 year old manager - rhythm and two finger lead guitar player - and singer of a san jose based band called 'panzer'...(we practiced on talyor street in san jose)...panzer played heavy metal and the german panzer tank was the heaviest tank in WWII - but it didn't matter because some people would make fun of the name and call the band panzy instead, because for some odd reason our bass player wore black tights onstage...james got really mad one night when the band asked him to stop playing guitar and just be the manager - his strong point...anyway, while sitting in a florida bar right after his duty in vietnam as an unemployed veteran, some guy asked james if he wanted to run drugs from islands off the florida coast in small boats for $500 per trip...he agreed and did that for quite awhile...he said that many soldiers kept their connections from overseas and got the best thai sticks you ever saw - the kind we used to see back in high school...(the kind that dried up during the reagan era)...aircraft used to drop containers off the coast weighed down with weights and guided by divers to the coastline, only to be abandoned after emptying...this left evidence that eventually led to the end of this time somebody found one of these containers on the beach full of drugs!...back in the early 1980s there used to be the best columbian gold buds, lots of seeds but way stony weed...hash, etc...high school was great... (editor's note: more questionable bad cop - no donut accounts will be added soon...stay tuned)...  


The Copwatch Database is a permanent, searchable repository of complaints filed against police officers. It was designed and intended both to promote public safety and to ensure that police officers remain accountable for their actions.

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein?...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."

"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."

 "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."

"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."

"God is subtle but he is not malicious."

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

"I never think of the future. It comes soon enough."

"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility." 

"Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing."

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."

"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."

"God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically."

"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking."

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."

"Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity."

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

"In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep."

"The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead."

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

"Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves."

"Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them!"

"No, this trick won't work...How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?" 

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

"Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever."

"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker."

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeeded be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."

"The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge."

"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."

"One had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for the examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect on me that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year."

" of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought."

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton?) 
(editor's note: are these really albert einstein's words and/or writings?...does it matter?)...  

A new issue of Defend the Global Commons is now available on You will find other interesting
information and materials on

Water, like air and mountains, stories and language, is part of our
common global inheritance. Defend the Global Commons gives voice to
grassroots and movements working to protect water as a common resource
and to provide clean and affordable water to all. 

Defend the Global Commons is published every six months and appears in
four languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. Subscriptions
are free and copies provided by email. In order to subscribe send an

The Declaration of Independence from Dirty Energy -
National Call-In Day was on Tuesday, October 19! 

Energy Action, a coalition of student and environmental groups,
declared Tuesday, October 19, to be the day we declare our independence
from dirty energy sources. The focus was on getting students and youth energized about
clean energy issues, but anyone is welcome to participate.
The groups had several specific demands: 

1) Declare Freedom from Oil! The United States has less than 5 percent
of the world's population yet consumes 25 percent of the world's
dwindling oil supply. Our nation must dramatically improve fuel
efficiency and lead the way toward zero emissions vehicles. Raising the
average fuel economy standard to 40 miles per gallon would create more
than 160,000 jobs and reduce oil consumption in the U.S. by 2.3 million
barrels of oil per day by 2015, an amount nearly equal to our current
imports from the Persian Gulf. 

2) Invest in Clean Energy! The United States spends billions of dollars
every year subsidizing powerful dirty energy corporations like
ExxonMobil, Exelon Nuclear and Peabody Coal. Our nation must shift
these investments into energy efficiency and a new generation of clean
energy sources such as wind and solar, which will create millions of new
jobs and improve our economy. 

3) Achieve Environmental Justice! The United States consistently sites
power plants, mining operations, and other environmental hazards near
poor communities and communities of color. Our nation must demand that
all energy policies be based on mutual respect and justice for all
peoples, free from any form of discrimination or bias. 

4) Stop Global Warming! The United States creates nearly a quarter of
the world's global warming pollution, but has worked to derail the Kyoto
Protocol, the only international treaty addressing the problem. Our
nation must create a mandatory cap on global warming pollution at home,
re-engage international climate negotiations and invest in clean energy
for developing countries... 

To endorse these demands and get others to do the same,
Visit to learn more... 


Jonathan Magbie's death at the hands of DC's court and jail should not be quickly forgotten...

Medical marijuana activists from around the country converged on
Washington, DC, for actions culminating in a demonstration with civil disobedience...

As part of a package of articles covering drug policy in
the presidential election campaign, we present an interview with
Ralph Nader, the controversial independent progressive candidate...

Carrying the Libertarian Party banner in this year's election is
Michael Badnarik, a computer consultant and constitutional scholar
living in Austin, Texas. The Libertarian Party has for years been
a staunch advocate of ending drug prohibition...

The fallout from the Supreme Court's explosive June ruling in
Blakely v. Washington, which threatens to invalidate the 17-year-
old federal sentencing structure, came back to the Court Monday as
the nine justices heard oral arguments in two cases seeking to
apply the Blakely decision to the federal sentencing system...

Just weeks after departing Gov. Scott McGreevey signaled his
approval of needle exchange program (NEP) legislation, a bill that
would permit Garden State cities to operate such programs has been
approved by two committees and was passed by New Jersey Assembly...

Led by the human rights advocacy group Human Rights Watch, more
than 50 organizations have called for Thai Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra to be stripped of the "International Forgiveness Award"
granted in September by an Italian group, the Istituzione
Perdonanza Celestiniana. Thaksin's government has been accused of
complicity in the murders of thousands of Thai drug users...

At a Sunday meeting, representatives of the Bolivian government
and coca growers (cocaleros) in the Chapare region signed an
agreement permitting approximately 8,000 acres (3,200 hectares) of coca to be grown in the region this year...

EXPLANATION - In a so-far unexplained move, the Drug Enforcement
Administration's (DEA) Diversion Control Program has removed a set
of frequently asked questions and responses designed to ease
doctors' fears of persecution by the agency for prescribing opioid pain relievers...

The Atlanta Police Department is spending more than $545,000 in
funds seized from drug suspects to replace its guns with a newer, more deadly model...

For years, Tennessee law enforcement officers routinely seized the
vehicles and other property of people possessing even small
amounts of drugs. But a July 9 opinion by the state's Attorney General Paul has put a stop to that practice, and the law
enforcement establishment is grumbling...

Drug prohibition-related law enforcement corruption continues
apace. This week's cases range from the silly to the subversive,
with "good cops gone bad" breaking out all over the place...

Showing up at an event can be the best way to get involved! Check
out this week's calendar for events from today through next year,
across the US and around the world!... 

LAW PRISONER ANTHONY PAPA - Anthony Papa was just another clueless young man, raising a family
and scrabbling to make ends meet when an offer of quick cash ended
up landing him in Sing Sing prison doing a 15-to-life sentence for
carrying a package of dope into Westchester County. In prison he
found art, and art won him his freedom. Now he is a prominent
activist in the campaign to repeal the Rockefeller drug laws and related efforts...

After three years of legal defeats, the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) has quietly given up its effort to ban the
sale and consumption of hemp food products in the US...

Alaska is already in the vanguard of marijuana law reform, and a
marijuana initiative on the November ballot could see the state
pushing the envelope even further...

The fledgling effort to get Congress to do something about the
creeping crisis in pain management in the United States took
another small step forward September 17, when the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons and more than 60 endorsing groups
brought a briefing on pain issues to Capitol Hill...

Is it a full moon or what? Drug-related law enforcement
corruption cases were reported at epidemic levels, with
offenses ranging from the trivial to the murderous...

A poll conducted by the Missoulian newspaper found an initiative
sponsored by the Medical Marijuana Policy Project of Montana in
good shape -

BEGIN 2006 EFFORT - The 2004 Nevada initiative to "regulate and control" marijuana is
off the ballot after a failed court challenge. Organizers have
already begun petitioning for 2006 -

THROUGH WINDY CITY - The Chicago Sun-Times first reported on a
Chicago police officer's proposal to stop arresting people for
small-time marijuana possession and instead issue them tickets.

NONVIOLENT PRISONERS - With more than 26,000 prisoners, including more than 4,000 doing
time for drug crimes, Alabama's prisons are overstuffed budget-
busters. Dozens of people marched on the state capitol
in Birmingham to "Shine the Spotlight of Shame on Alabama..."

Three Texas police officers were re-indicted in the Dallas
sheetrock scandal, where Dallas police arrested, prosecutors
convicted, and judges sentenced dozens of people, mostly
immigrants, to prison on drug charges when the alleged drugs
turned out to be nothing more than ground up sheetrock...

The New Zealand Green Party Thursday launched a comprehensive
proposal for a new drug policy emphasizing prevention, education,
harm reduction, and the scientific evaluation of the relative
risks and dangers of various substances. It also calls for the
legalization of marijuana possession for people over 18...

Ronald Reagan, Donald Scott, Janis Joplin, Bill Clinton, George Shultz...

Showing up at an event can be the best way to get involved! Check
out the calendar for events, across the US and around the world!...

Not subscribed? Visit
to sign up today!

DRCNet needs your support! Donations can be made by credit card
at or sent by mail to P.O. Box
18402, Washington, DC 20036-8402. Donations to the Drug Reform
Coordination Network are not tax-deductible. Deductible
contributions supporting our educational work can be made by check
to the DRCNet Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization,
same address. 
PERMISSION to reprint or redistribute any or all of the contents
of Drug War Chronicle is hereby granted. We ask that any use of
these materials include proper credit and, where appropriate, a
link to one or more of our web sites. If your publication
customarily pays for publication, DRCNet requests checks payable
to the organization. If your publication does not pay for
materials, you are free to use the materials gratis. In all
cases, we request notification for our records, including physical
copies where material has appeared in print. Contact: Drug Reform
Coordination Network, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036, (202)
293-8340 (voice), (202) 293-8344 (fax), e-mail
Articles of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle
appear courtesy of DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.


Good news from the Coordinator of the National Consumers Defense Network in Nicaragua - The bidding for the concession for the modernization of the management of the national water company (a.k.a privatization) in Nicaragua has been postponed!...Thanks to all around the world who signed their organizations on to the sign-on letter to the Inter-American Development Bank (which is funding the privatization) and to those who called or faxed the IDB. There were well over 200 groups on the letter and Dr. Iglesias' office was receiving so many calls that they asked folks to send faxes...The letter was sent to Nicaraguan organizations and to the Nicaraguan media so that it could be used down there to pressure at the national level while we continued to add signatures to send to the IDB... Water for All / Public Citizen / 510-663-0888 ext. 101 /


National School Lunch Week was October 10th through October 16th, and it provided a great opportunity to recognize how important school nutrition is to children, and to take action to keep irradiated food out of schools...In 2003, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved irradiated foods in school lunch programs, which not only allows questionable technology to be used on children's food, but also does not require it to be labeled. Three states (Minnesota, Texas, and Nebraska) initially requested irradiated meat for schools this year, but later canceled their order, citing high prices and inadequate information. However, proponents of irradiation (including the USDA) have been disappointed that irradiated ground beef has been so slow to catch on in school lunches - and they will continue to promote it to schools across the country...

 School nutrition is an important part of children's development and learning. At a time when there is a growing school nutrition movement, with an emphasis on healthy, fresh, and local food for students, irradiated food has no place in our schools. Make sure the children in your school district are receiving healthy and nutritious food by advocating against irradiated food in your school district.Take a few minutes of your day to take action on healthy school lunches!...

 Here are several action ideas, with different types and levels of involvement -
1. Call your school district's food service director, find out their
position on irradiated food, and talk to them about your concerns with
irradiated food in schools. Ask them to sign a pledge agreeing not to
serve it. Send us a copy of the signed pledge. Sample pledge at
(To contact the school district's food service director, look on your
school district's website or call your local school.)
2. Find out if your school district has a food nutrition policy or a
working group on nutrition. (To do so, look on your school board website
or ask your PTA president for this information.)
a. If they do, see what policies exist or are in development. Talk to
the people who work on school food nutrition, sharing your concerns
about irradiated food. New policies could incorporate a provision
banning irradiated food, or they could pass a resolution against irradiated food.
b. If they do not or existing policies & leadership are poor, try to
get greater awareness and new people involved in school nutrition. Write
an email to a parent's group about irradiated food and school nutrition,
or book yourself on the agenda of the next PTA meeting.
3. Prefer the hands-off approach? Send a letter to your local paper
about National School Lunch Week, which includes a critique of
irradiated food. We have talking points @

Do you need more information about this issue or these actions? Check
out or call Audrey at 202-454-5185 for suggestions. We
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Thank you for your time, Audrey
Audrey Hill
Public Citizen
215 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 454-5185 


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 IN THIS UPDATE - 1. California Proposes Vehicle Emissions Standards that Would Significantly Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions / 2. SUVOA’s Misinformation Campaign Against California’s Proposed Emissions Standards / 3. Administration Extends Dual Fuel Credit System Despite Its Failure to Reduce Fuel Consumption / 4. The Environmental Protection Agency is Petitioned to Revise Its Out-of-Date, Inaccurate Vehicle Fuel Economy Testing and Calculation Procedures / 5. SUV Gas Guzzling Slams Drivers at The Pump...

In June, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) put forth a proposed standards that would cut passenger vehicle emissions by up 30 percent by 2014. As is true nationwide, transportation is California ’s largest source of greenhouse gases, with passenger vehicles and light duty trucks responsible for a third of all greenhouse gases. The standards would have a two-tiered phase-in, one set of standards for 2009-2011, and then more stringent standards for 2012-2014.

In a time of rising concerns over global warming and degrading air quality — as well as high gas prices — the proposed California standards represent a landmark effort, demonstrating leadership and vision, as well as thorough and thoughtful technical analysis. The proposal is in stark contrast to the federal government’s dismal failure to effectively regulate emissions, and receives widespread state support as Governor Schwarzenegger has pledged to defend the proposal from legal challenges.

But challenges there will be. The auto industry has already indicated that it is ready to launch a public relations and legal assault. Industry surrogate groups, such as the fake grassroots, public relations firm-concocted SUV Owners of America, have already begun challenging the proposed standards with misinformation campaigns. The group’s insulting Web site (, rather than addressing the issues, mocks concerns about climate change by labeling all who are concerned “climate clowns.”

Perhaps in response to industry pressure, in a revised proposal released this month, CARB slightly increased stringency for passenger cars but reduced stringency for heavy pickups and SUVs, as well as extended each of the two phase-in periods from three to four years each, still starting in 2009. Finally, the revision estimates higher implementation costs for automakers, equaling about $100 per vehicle more compared to the June estimates. The higher vehicle costs would still be more than compensated for by fuel savings over the lifetime of the vehicle.

It is crucial that CARB not backtrack any more on its proposed standards. Public Citizen wrote comments in response to the standards proposed in June, and on September 23rd, Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook will be providing testimony to CARB.

To read Public Citizen’s comments on CARB’s proposed standards, follow this link:
To read CARB’s proposal, follow this link:


On the forefront of the auto industry’s efforts to block CARB’s proposed vehicle emissions standards is SUV Owners of America, which has recently launched a radio and newspaper advertising campaign featuring “Squeezy the Clown.” The campaign of misinformation tries to get Californians to sign a petition against the emissions standards, claiming that the regulations would force auto manufacturers to produce smaller vehicles to meet the standards, supposedly endangering Californian drivers and their families.

However, the law mandating the emissions regulation, Assembly Bill 1493, specifically prohibits the creation of a regulation that would force a reduction in vehicle size or weight or that would prohibit large SUVs. Although SUVOA’s spokesman recent said the emissions standards would operate as fuel economy regulations and force reductions in vehicle size to improve vehicle efficiency, historical data shows no long term “downsizing” of the American fleet despite decades of fuel economy standards. For example, this year’s new vehicle fleet is 26 percent heavier than the 1987 new vehicle fleet. Moreover, SUVOA’s claim that large trucks are safer than smaller passenger cars flies in the face of government statistics showing SUVs expose drivers to higher risks of serious injuries or death than passenger cars because SUVs have a much greater propensity to roll over.

According to data released by NHTSA this month, SUV occupants have over a 10 percent greater chance of dying in a crash than people in passenger cars, and just in the past year SUV rollover deaths have increased 7 percent. Californians should not be fooled by SUVOA’s attempt to portray itself as a grassroots campaign. Not only is SUVOA’s advertising an attempt to mislead Californians — who, according to recent polling, overwhelmingly support the proposed standard — but SUVOA is not a grass-roots organization at all. The organization is run out of the office of a Washington , DC , public relations firm that works for all three domestic auto manufacturers and both major auto industry trade groups.

IN-DEPTH: To read the recent Los Angeles Times expos้ of SUVOA (free registration required):,1,6269539.story?coll=la-home-local  / To read Public Citizen’s comments on a recent NHTSA technical report, in which we discuss vehicle weight and safety, follow this link:

ADMINISTRATION EXTENDS DUAL FUEL CREDIT SYSTEM DESPITE ITS FAILURE TO REDUCE FUEL CONSUMPTION - On February 19, NHTSA issued a final rule extending a “dual-fuel” vehicle fuel economy credit program for another four years until 2008 — despite overwhelming evidence on the record that the extension would lead to substantial increases in fuel consumption and greater pollution.

A “dual-fuel” credit provision, embedded in the fuel economy statute, allots automobile companies inflated fuel economy credits for selling vehicles that can run on gasoline as well as alternative fuels — such as ethanol, a corn alcohol-based fuel. Basically, automakers get a break on the fuel economy standards they are required to meet in exchange for producing flexible-fuel vehicles (FFVs) that never actually use the alternative fuel. The rationale of the credit program is to reduce automobile gasoline consumption and strengthen the incentives to build alternative fuel infrastructure.
The “dual-fuel” provision, functions as loophole for manufacturers. As of April 2002, only seven percent of the nation’s 176,000 gas stations sold ethanol; the overwhelming majority of dual-fuel vehicles are being run only on gasoline. On the grounds that the credit program undermines the objective of CAFE, a 2001 study by the prestigious National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommended that the government abolish the dual-fuel credits provision. In putting the extension up for public comment last year, NHTSA highlighted the near-total failure of the credit program and discussed the NAS study.

The agency’s own research shows the credit system has failed — and predicts it would only worsen oil consumption and air pollution in the future. A NHTSA study published last year showed that if the program were extended to 2008, it would likely result in an additional increase in petroleum consumption of about 14.0 billion gallons, and an additional increase in greenhouse gas emissions of about 42 million metric tons, over the 2001-2008 period. This assumes manufacturers would produce enough FFVs to garner 0.9 mpg CAFE credit, which NHTSA views as probable. If manufacturers produce enough FFVs to garner the maximum 1.2 mpg CAFE credit, the predictions for resulting increased petroleum consumption and increased greenhouse gas emissions are even worse.

IN-DEPTH: To read Public Citizen’s comments when the extension was proposed in 2001, follow this link:


Public Citizen and several of its environmental allies would like to file suit to block the dual fuel credit program’s extension. To make the suit possible, we are looking for plaintiffs who would be harmed by this extension, which undermines light truck fuel economy. If you are a prospective SUV, pickup or van buyer for model years 2005 through 2008 and are interested in purchasing the most fuel-efficient, low polluting vehicle possible, you could be a plaintiff in our case. If you are interested in helping us bring this suit by becoming a plaintiff in the case, please send an email to containing your contact information and a short message about yourself. Please put “Dual fuel plaintiff” in the subject line of your email. You must be a legal U.S. resident to participate.


This spring the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave notice that it was considering a petition from the California environmental group Bluewater Network that asked the agency to revise its methods of testing and calculating passenger vehicle fuel economy. The EPA is responsible for testing and calculating the fuel economy ratings that appear on a sticker required on all new passenger vehicles.

As Bluewater Network points out in its petition — and which we and the Center for Auto Safety (CAS) highlight in comments supporting the petition — the fuel economy information relayed to the public through the EPA’s fuel economy labeling program is both flawed and severely out-of-date. When the original fuel economy framework was established by Congress in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, the difference between the EPA ratings and real world or in-use fuel economy was only 3 to 6 percent. After fuel economy standards were established, the auto companies had an incentive to improve fuel economy on the test cycle versus making real world fuel economy improvements. Thus the difference between EPA laboratory fuel economy and real world has grown over time. While the EPA’s latest Fuel Economy Report found that the average fuel economy of 2004 vehicles is a meager 20.8 miles per gallon (mpg) — six percent lower than in 1987 — the fuel economy that drivers are actually achieving with their vehicles is even lower!

With gasoline prices hovering around record prices, it is important to consumers that they have accurate fuel economy information when purchasing new vehicles or developing their family budget. In addition, policy makers in Congress need correct fuel economy information as they consider critical energy policy issues. Furthermore, the flaws of the EPA fuel economy testing and labeling program are problematic not only because they interfere with people’s ability to make informed decisions, but they undermine the government’s duty to deliver to the public the most accurate information possible.

IN-DEPTH: To read Public Citizen’s and the Center for Auto Safety’s comments supporting the Bluewater Network’s petition, follow this link: 

LENTICULAR CLOUDS - has a web page dedicated to the mysterious lenticular cloud phenomenon @ - and has more information on lenticular clouds...check it out!

Question: - what is the best thing to do when i accidentally fart in a grocery store?...thanks, the anonymous supermarket flatulator... / Answer: - i know we have all wondered about this one...well, not that i have ever farted in a grocery store, because after all; i am the mighty lik roper and i do not fart, but i would say this to you; move away quickly and go to another part of the store, then come back through the lane shortly after to continue shopping while looking at a newcomer in the shopping lane sniffing the air with your face crinkled up to successfully pass the blame to this unsupecting person...(video surveillance cameras presently in use cannot detect flatulent outgassing, so this distraction method can sucessfully pass your methane blame onto others)...


lik roper's random thoughts...

HEY ARNOLD - get it straight; the democrats won california fair and square, so in this fine state, republicans are losers!...hah!...and i can beat you at arm wrestling any day!...ignorance is bliss if you control the media and keep people like little mushrooms; in the dark and fed bullshit...  

and if the symbol for democrats is a donkey (a cross between a horse and a mule) then the republicans should change over from an elephant, to a really stupid chicken, because you are all a bunch of stupid chickens who win elections with fear of terrorists that you seem to infuriate, instead of being in fear of the nuclear bombs that you all keep on creating (for instance)...true unadulterated stupidity!...republicans couldn't find their sunglasses if they were sitting on their own heads!...i tend to think that lack of emotional intelligence is the main republican stupidity factor...
OIL FOR FOOD? - i think the main thing driving the french in the 'oil for food' scandal was the basic need to make french takes and incredible amount of oil to make french fries, and this was likely their underlying motive...(oil + food = french fries...anyone see the connection?)

LOVE IS BLIND? - if love is blind, then why is lingerie so popular?

happy halloween - happy thanksgiving - happy birthday - happy solstice - happy christmas - happy hannukah  -
happy new year 2005!!! -


updated 14 jan 2006