The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG) has produced up to 100 times more power than was input, by extracting free energy from the vacuum...The MEG has been independently constructed, and its overunity performance independently replicated, by other researchers (US Patent awarded March 26, 2002 - Invented by Tom Bearden and four colleagues)...

ATTENTION POWER GENERATION INDUSTRY:  The Bohren Experiment produces 18 times more energy than is input, any time or place it is performed — it can readily be developed to produce excess clean heat for power generation...The Kawai overunity magnetic motor can be built exactly from the Patents using high-speed switching...Teruo Kawai held nothing back in the Patents...Newly developed Grand Unified Field Theory by AIAS Director Dr. Myron Evans provides solid mathematical grounding for the extraction of free EM energy from the scalar curvature...“I certainly hope that efforts in obtaining energy from curved spacetime will go ahead full speed, otherwise we are headed for the stone age.” — Evans

free electrical energy is nothing new: *U.S. Navy, General Electric and Stanford University used free energy system in 1930s...Network Analyzer was completely self-powering - *Westinghouse patented the overunity process on Minuteman missile in 1960s - *in 1998, University of Buffalo's top "smart materials" scientist announces discovery of negative resistor.  University places indefinite hold on licensing and commercialization...

*Tom Bearden's 2002 blockbuster “Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts & Principles” (Published by Cheniere Press) is the world's first textbook that corrects the errors in the foundations of science to validate the production of free energy from the vacuum...30 years in the making – over 40 free-energy embodiments discussed ...“sufficient information has been released for any competent laboratory team to replicate a version of the MEG”...Learn the forbidden secrets of the mysterious “cold energy”... *Tom Bearden - “Fer de Lance,” 2nd Edition, 2003 (Published by Cheniere Press) is the only book that tells the true stories about Chernobyl, why the Space Shuttle “Challenger” and TWA flight 800 crashed...

"In 1999, the Earth's first strategic sub-space war was silently fought and won...”Read how the future of humanity has been hi-jacked for more than 50 years by the weaponization of scalar electromagnetics, and how the Western scientific community has been blind-sided by dogmatic adherence to 1867 electrical theory...Since 1963, the Russians have had the equivalent of more than seven additional Manhattan Projects (using the Russian 5-year program instead of the 4-year Manhattan Project), back-to-back, in development of energetics weaponry...Western scientists refuse to accept it, and cannot understand it, as scalar EM theory is not in their textbooks. Wondrous medical benefits have been a casualty of the widespread failure to teach higher symmetry EM theory...

(In thousands of animal experiments in France in the 1960s and '70s, Antoine Prioré used scalar electromagnetics to cure terminal cancers, infectious diseases, and restore suppressed immune systems...Government funding was cancelled in 1974, and the technology was suppressed...

December 2002: Tom Bearden places 20 years of research into the Public Domain to stimulate redevelopment of scalar EM healing - the “Porthole Process”...Application of the “Porthole Process” can potentially cure cancer, AIDS, SARS, anthrax, or ANY cellular affliction in 30-second treatment.  Genetic diseases similarly treatable.Based on Prioré's successful results, Process simply amplifies the body's natural regenerative ability to heal itself...A different embodiment of the Patent can also be used to neutralize any form of radioactive waste in minutes!) - (Factoids: 1) the MEG's development has been funded entirely by the inventors' savings and a few modest donations...America's civilian nuclear technology cost a total of a trillion federal dollars, yet delivers less energy than wood. The Economist says of nuclear power plants that “not one, anywhere in the world, makes commercial sense”...Hot fusion research has received billions of dollars of government money for over 50 years, AND HAS YET TO PUT A SINGLE WATT OF POWER INTO THE GRID - 2) Discovery of Oil reserves around the world peaked in the mid-1960s)...

". . . maybe, just maybe . . . March 26, 2002 will be the date I put in my diary as the day the world changed—forever." Nick Cook - The Hunt for Zero Point - U.S. Edition, 2002..."The source charge problem — the most difficult problem in classical and quantum electrodynamics” - solved by Tom Bearden" — (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Toronto) - FOR MORE INFO GO TO:!!!



In special cases, yes.  In general -- it depends on what you mean by "energy", and what you mean by "conserved"...

In flat spacetime (the backdrop for special relativity) you can phrase energy conservation in two ways: as a differential equation, or as an equation involving integrals. The two formulations are mathematically equivalent.  But when you try to generalize this to curved spacetimes (the arena for general relativity) this equivalence breaks down. The differential form extends with nary a hiccup; not so the integral form...

The differential form says, loosely speaking, that no energy is created in any infinitesimal piece of spacetime. The integral form says the same for a finite-sized piece. (This may remind you of the "divergence" and "flux" forms of Gauss's law in electrostatics, or the equation of continuity in fluid dynamics.  Hold on to that thought!)...

An infinitesimal piece of spacetime "looks flat", while the effects of curvature become evident in a finite piece.  (The same holds for curved surfaces in space, of course). GR relates curvature to gravity.  Now, even in Newtonian physics, you must include gravitational potential energy to get energy conservation.  And GR introduces the new phenomenon of gravitational waves; perhaps these carry energy as well?  Perhaps we need to include gravitational energy in some fashion, to arrive at a law of energy conservation for finite pieces of spacetime...



> Last year, in the November/December issue of Mother Jones, Verlyn Klinkenborg provided an unsettling account of how the Bush administration's push to open more federal land to drilling was playing out in the unspoiled Powder River Basin. Thanks to national outcry, the Bureau of Land Management was forced to revisit its plan to open the 12,500-square-mile basin to coalbed methane drilling. Now, after months of review, the agency has reached a telling conclusion: It was right all along - FOR MORE INFO GO TO MOTHERJONES.COM: >

> Earlier this summer, President Bush shocked nobody by announcing that he supports further research -- but no action -- to combat global warming. Bush's go-slow, industry-friendly plan will offer little solace to the residents of Funafuti atoll. The 5,000 people who live on the sliver of sand which just breaks the ocean's surface face the undeniable reality of global warming. As Julia Whitty reports, the residents of Funafuti, along with the roughly 1 million people who live on coral islands worldwide, "are likely destined to become the world's first global-warming refugees" - JUST ONE MORE REASON TO LICK BUSH IN 2004 - GO TO: >

Each winter snowmobiles in Yellowstone frighten wildlife, shatter the quiet, and cause air pollution so severe that park employees sometimes don gas masks to go to work. Yet, incredibly, the Bush Administration refuses to phase out the noxious vehicles. But the White House is beginning to pay attention to public outrage. Take action @  

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OVER THE PAST GENERATION it has become increasingly clear to those on the left that the U.S. mass media, far from performing an autonomous and adversarial role in U.S. society, actively frame issues and promote news stories that serve the needs and concerns of the elite...

Moreover, the importance of the leading corporate mass media in contemporary politics radically transcends the role of the mass media in earlier times. Hence, the Left has begun to pay considerable attention to how the media are structured and controlled and how they operate. Nevertheless, the ideology of the "free press" has proven to be a difficult adversary for left critics; as the media's operations are central to the modern polity, their legitimacy is shielded by layers and layers of ideological obfuscation...

Recently, left analysis of the media has been enriched by the publication of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Pantheon, 1988), by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky...

This book promises to be a seminal work in critical media analysis and to open a door through which future media analysis will follow. In Manufacturing Consent, Herman and Chomsky provide a systematic "propaganda model" to account for the behavior of the corporate news media in the United States. They preface their discussion of the propaganda model by noting their fundamental belief that the mass media "serve to mobilize support for the special interests that dominate the state and private support for the special interests that dominate the state and private activity." Although propaganda is not the sole function of the media, it is "a very important aspect of their overall service" (p. xi), especially "in a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest" (p.1)...

Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky are certainly well qualified to provide a simple yet powerful model that explains how the media function to serve the large propaganda requirements of the elite. Together and individually, they have written numerous articles and books which have chronicled the ways in which the U.S. media have actively promoted the agenda of the elite, particularly in regard to U.S. activities in the Third World. Manufacturing Consent is a work of tremendous importance for scholars and activists alike...

Herman and Chomsky quickly dismiss the standard mainstream critique of radical media analysis that accuses it of offering some sort of "conspiracy" theory for media behavior; rather, they argue, media bias arises from "the preselection of right-thinking people, internalized preconceptions, and the adaptation of personnel to the constraints" of a series of objective filters they present in their propaganda model.

Hence the bias occurs largely through self-censorship, which explains the superiority of the U.S. mass media as a propaganda system: it is far more credible than a system which relies on official state censorship, although in performance the dominant media serve the agenda of the elite every bit as much as state organs do on behalf of the ruling bureaucracies in Eastern Europe...

The credibility and legitimacy of the media system is also preserved by the media's lack of complete agreement on all issues. Indeed, there is vigorous debate and dispute over many issues, as Herman and Chomsky readily acknowledge. They contend, however, that debate within the dominant media is limited to "responsible "opinions acceptable to some segment of the elite. On issues where the elite are in general consensus, the media will always toe the line. No dissent will then be countenanced, let alone acknowledged, except, when necessary for ridicule or derision...

In their propaganda model, Herman and Chomsky present a series of five "filters" to account for why the dominant U.S. media invariably serve as propagandists for the interests of the elite. Only stories with a strong orientation to elite interests can pass through the five filters unobstructed and receive ample media attention. The model also explains how the media can conscientiously function when even a superficial analysis of the evidence would indicate the preposterous nature of many of the stories that receive ample publicity in the press and on the network news broadcasts...

The first filter that influences media content is that ownership of the media is highly concentrated among a few dozen of the largest for-profit corporations in the world. Many of these corporations have extensive holdings in other industries and nations. Objectively, their needs for profit severely influence the news operations and overall content of the media. Subjectively, there is a clear conflict of interest when the media system upon which self-government rests is controlled by a handful of corporations and operated in their self-interest. The second filter is that of advertising, which has colonized the U.S. mass media and is responsible for most of the media's income. Herman and Chomsky review much of the evidence concerning the numbing impact of commercialism upon media content...

Edward S. Herman on the propaganda model / January 1989
Monthly Review -
excerpts from "The political economy of the mass media: an interview with Edward S. Herman; co-author of Manufacturing Consent" by Robert W. McChesney

go to:

other related links:


CHOMSKY.INFO is a grassroots, unofficial supplement to the larger, older Noam Chomsky Archive; it contains articles, interviews, essays, and other materials related to American dissident Noam Chomsky. As a member of various popular movements, and a long-time professor of linguistics at MIT, Chomsky writes and speaks frequently on a variety of social and political issues, most often on U.S. foreign policy...

"Personally, I'm in favor of democracy, which means that the central institutions of society have to be under popular control. Now, under capitalism, we can't have democracy by definition. Capitalism is a system in which the central institutions of society are in principle under autocratic control...

Thus, a corporation or an industry is, if we were to think of it in political terms, fascist; that is, it has tight control at the top and strict obedience has to be established at every level -- there's little bargaining, a little give and take, but the line of authority is perfectly straightforward. Just as I'm opposed to political fascism, I'm opposed to economic fascism. I think that until the major institutions of society are under the popular control of participants and communities, it's pointless to talk about democracy" - NOAM CHOMSKY



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THE SABBATS are ancient solar rituals, marking the points of the Sun's yearly cycle, and are but half of the Wiccan ritual year. The Esbats are the Wiccan Full Moon celebrations. At this time Wiccan's gather to worship She Who Is...


> YULE - December 22 (Winter Solstice)
> IMBOLIC - February 2 (Candlemas Eve, Oimelc, Feast of Torches)
> SPRING - March 20-23 (The Vernal Equinox,Ostara)

> BELTANE - April 30 (MayEve)
> MIDSUMMERS EVE - June 20-23 (Litha - Summer Solstice)

> LUGNASAD - August 1 (Lughnasadh, Lammas)

> AUTUMN - September 20-23 (Mabon, Autumnal Equinox, Harvest Home)

> SAMHAIN - october 31 (Halloween, Feast of the Dead, All Hallows)

The Sabbats tell us one of the stories of the Goddess and God, of their relationship and the effects this has on the fruitfulness of the Earth. There are many variations on these myths, but there are fairly common ones, woven into basic descriptions of the Sabbats - FOR MORE INFO ON THE SABBATS GO TO:!!!


'Content with the gold sun and silver moon;

no leaders or followers will you find...

All paths are one and lead to the center;

bright blessings and peace to all who enter...' 










LIK ROPER cool personality - 'better than a blow job by a toothless hooker '


'who knows what the keepers of the funk are gonna do?'...

all songs written - performed and produced by lik roper (except for cool personality I & II co-written by lik roper and ted lee mattman - are you listening? - are you still listening? - and keepers of the funk II co-written by lik roper and james patrick finley - drunk jimmy is a guitar solo by james patrick finley - pre-cool written by ted lee mattman) ~ cool personality I & II engineered by mark j. yamamoto and lik roper ~ all other songs engineered by lik roper ~ all songs copyright 2003/lik roper (except for cool personality I & II - copyright 2003/lik roper and ted lee mattman - are you listening? and are you still listening? copyright 2003/lik roper and james patrick finley - drunk jimmy - copyright 2003/james patrick finley - pre-cool copyright 2003/ted lee mattman) ~ all songs published 2003 lik roper/BMI (except for cool personality I & II published 2003 lik roper and ted lee mattman/BMI + are you listening? & are you still listening? and keepers of the funk II published 2003 lik roper and james patrick finley/BMI... drunk jimmy published 2003 james patrick finley/BMI and pre-cool published 2003 ted lee mattman/BMI) ~ cool personality I demo was originally recorded in 1993 ~ all guitars on are you listening? & are you still listening? - keepers of the funk II & drunk jimmy by james patrick finley - recorded at finley manor in early june 2003...all guitars for cool personality I & II by ted lee mattman - recorded in the living room in late may 2003 ~ lik roper sort of plays guitar on interlude/afterlude, whatever and inner dialogue and kazoo on are you listening?... graffiti by paco excel ~ cd photo artwork by lik roper - "i spent many hours making this cd, please buy it...i need the money" - lik roper





LIK ROPER was created one day in the late 1980s over bong hits in an apartment building in mountain view...the drummer of ‘PUBLIC PROPERTY’ (a now defunct local band from Palo Alto, California) had left a bunch of stickers on my buddy's kitchen table in his apartment, and after cutting the stickers up various ways, strange names such as ‘pub proper’ - ‘ubli ope’ and ‘pubic pope’(no offense to the popester) magically appeared out of the stickers...then, my friend said, "how about lic roper?" and we all laughed...'lic roper' then became 'lik roper', and the rest is history, so to speak...


1) keepers of the funk I - 3:01 > This song started out quite accidentally while recording the vocals of cool personality I&II...after completing the vocal track for cool personality I&II (see below - # 3 and 7), i hung up the phone and waited, to intentionally use the automated voice lady that occurs to get your attention when you fail to hang up the phone after making a call...

she says 'if you'de like to make a call, please hang up and try again - if you need help, hang up and then dial your operator'...what follows is that that loud, repetitive circuit-busy signal that your phone automatically blasts out...i then thought it might be interesting to feed that into my Roland 1680 digital recorder until it stopped at about 2 minutes...

it remained in this state until inspiration came again to record drums over it a few weeks later...using the repetitive circuit-busy signal as a metronome, i originally was going to do a standard rock 4/4 beat over it, but then i sort of cut it in half at the last minute and did a led zeppelin-ish half-time thing over it on my Roland TD-10 electronic drums...(i then later added percussive rim clicks on a separate track)...

...then, on april 12th 2003 - the same day saddam hussein's statue was toppled in iraq - (the day the war in iraq 'ended') i wrote and recorded the lyrics to 'keepers of the funk I' containing the key phrase 'who knows what the keepers of the funk are gonna do?'...

> (it later occurred to me that this was a really just a metaphor for, 'now what are the terrorists gonna do?'...probably my subconscious at see, to me, invading iraq was a HUGE mistake, MR. BUSH, and if  'those terrorists' weren't mad before, they are probably REALLY gonna be mad now...war has no respect for karma and/or action reaction...karma should not be used for secret government job security, but instead respected...and besides, 'war for oil' is now an officially obsolete concept with the onset of  'new'  scalar electromagnetic energy sources and all)...

>anyway, since on the very last lyrical verse towards the end of the song, i actually say 'who knows what the keepers of the fuck are gonna do? - instead of funk - this somehow turned into an artistic nod to my post-relationship grand revelation of  'the power of the pussy', so to speak - and this is how it sort of arcanely ties it into the rest of the cds' dating-related topics, i is not obvious that i say fuck, so it is hidden well...this is good because it makes the song a little more dangerous...because it makes the song have a little more attitude...because it makes the song just a little more rock n roll...

and let's face it; the band tool has a song where the singer literally says fuck this - fuck that - fuck everything - etcetcetc, and it was played on clear channel radio stations incessantly for over a year - every day - over and over - all over america - with no negative consequences to society (and during a time of great peace and prosperity back in the clinton era, by the way) - or just like steve miller saying  'don't wanna get all caught up in all that funky shit going down in the city' in the song about that big old jet airliner had no real negative effects upon society for a number of years...

furthermore, i recorded the vocals with one phone calling another phone, which was put on the speaker phone setting with a microphone on the speaker...i stood there recording the vocals looking out my window at the neighbors outside, thinking that they must think that i am some sort of weirdo or something...

while applying effects to the vocals during production, i experimented by putting the pre-set Roland bullhorn effect on the vocal recording, which made it sound more pronounced, otherwise the vocals were almost remained in this state until early june 2003 when i took my portable 1680 unit over to my old friend jimmy finley's residence to record some guitar direct into the machine...he did a couple of ok scratch tracks until i picked up another guitar and played it to show him what i originally had in mind for the song, and he then immediately strummed out a very bluesy-metallic guitar with a distorted effect partially pre-applied...

(meaning the choice of guitar effects was not 'set in stone' yet, and able to be changed later...the higher frequencies of the arpeggiated guitar section were not coming through, so at the last minute during mixdown, i changed over to the pre-set guitar effect called 'liverpool' because it was 'rock' enough, yet let those higher frequencies shine through...gee i wonder why they called it liverpool?)

...anyway, he did it the very first take and that was that...but it had no bass on it!!! i originally thought it might hold up as some sort of freaky experimental noise tune, but with this new guitar over it, everything changed and it seemed to demand a whole new direction...

since jimmy finley's little brother michael finley is being a little shit right now, we have no bass player, so as usual, i did the bass playing myself on my dad's piano to make it more of an 'actual song'...the piano bass made it more complete and the song was finally 'done'...but when i later went to burn a scratch cd mix, i was having trouble separating the frequencies of the vocals and the guitar because the common frequencies were sort of washing over each other, andthis made it hard to distinguish between the separate tracks, as the guitar literally mimicked the vocals almost note for note...

i then made two separate songs - 'keepers of the funk (k.o.t.f.) I&II' (see song # 11 below)...k.o.t.f. # 1 consists of drums, piano bass, rim clicks and vocals, and k.o.t.f. # 2 is an instrumental that has only drums, guitar and piano bass...i wasn't sure whether to add it on the cd, but jimmy liked it so i put it on there...

the reason 'keepers of the funk I' is the first song on the cd is because my last girlfriend liked it alot and thought it should come first...and so it was...(a sexy photo of her in a towel can be seen on the order page of this web site, or on this web page above)...

2) k.o.t.f. fade - 0:31 > this is essentially a recurring theme of k.o.t.f. I, featuring the main piano bass riff from k.ot.f. I, sort of trailing off, and the operator lady as explained in the beginning of the last section...(i like it because it reminds me of the operator lady at the end of pink floyd's song from the wall - young gramma worked overseas as a telephone operator during WWII)...                                                                               

3) cool personality I - 2:54 > this track started out as a date...basically, the lyrics are an exact account of what really happened on my date with whatshername so many moons ago (i honestly do not remember her name)... it goes like this - 'i called you up, you led me on, we sat on the sofa, and watched tv - you went on home, or so you say, after you got your sister, from the partay'...etcetcetc...

when talking on the phone one day to whatshername's sister, her sister said' "you have a cool personality"...i wrote it down and it became a song, and then the title of this cd...there is also a lyrical reference to cats in this song - cats are kind of like the opposite of dogs i guess, right? so anyway, cool personality I is the cat song, and cool personality II is the dog song or something (see # 7 and amy I and II # 8 and # 13 below)...

this song started out as a drum track that i talked over on an old 4-track tascam cassette recorder, and as a scratch vocal reference for my guitar player friend ted to play over...

>>> (by the way, ted mattman is an old friend from high school days...we had a band during my freshman year that played lynyrd skynyrds' freebird at a school variety show one night...our guitar player-singer kip bautista had a mic that was hooked up to the shitty cafeteria PA that didn't work, ted played the solo totally out of key while down on his knees and my cymbal fell over at the end of the song...our bass player ken card played pretty good though, as he was an ace french horn player in eight grade...we initially thought it kinda sucked, but by the time we got to the old shakey's pizza on el camino real, we felt like neighbor mike said it went to my head...he was right...
jimmy finley is an old guitar player friend that i was in a few bands with, including a 1970s retro-funk party band called voodoo circus in palo alto, california - it was originally called oh mighty isis...we played at the rippinest frat party at stanford university one night!...

anyway, i met jim while jamming with ted and our bass player friend russ kao at russ's dad's house in palo alto one saturday...jim happened by and asked if he could jam with us...jim, russ and i played an old journey song called topaz the very first time!... i knew the song by heart just as jim did, and russ just faked it right along with us and we jammed out...i couldn't believe that i found someone else who actually knew that song!...ted was livid!...jim's little brother michael finley was jamming on a guitar in the next room, and ted said something like "that kid's pretty good"...michael ended up playing bass with jim and i, and we eventually recorded the epic masterpiece bicycle thief and anything goes - south of heaven...

and so began a great new musical partnership/friendship that lasts to this day...a member of a very popular SF bay area speed metal band saw our cassette tape at a party, and his band soon had an album out called south of heaven...also, in the late 1980s jimmy finley got the best write-up since ygnwie malmsteen in guitar player magazine's up and coming guitar player section by mike varney) >>>

i had no idea that i would actually be trying to re-create this monotone vocal approach later, as i honestly thought it was just a scratch reference track...ted initially made a complete mess of things until i told him to play more 'minimalistic' (less is more theory)...he attacked it at a different angle and used a weird old funky/cheesy sounding keyboard called a 'synclavier' (or something) for the main bass riff, and added some guitar and weird sat in this form on cassette tape for about ten years until i started re-inventing the song from the original 4-track demo tape once again in early 2003...

half of the drums that ended up on cool personality I&II were originally recorded in 1996 with a Sonor 'phonic plus' drum kit, but during production of the song i got the idea to play new drums over my original drums, so i hooked up my Roland TD-10 electronic drum kit and played over the original drums, thinking i would mix them out later...i ended up keeping both of the drum tracks because it was beefier sounding that way...

first came the piano bass, this time with the blues driver effect applied as i recorded...this gave it the funky sounding keyboard effect that the original demo had...i also overdubbed another track with a beefed up piano bass backup, muffling the lower register piano strings with my hand as i played, much like a guitar or something...this too was put through the blues driver remained in this form for a few months until inspiration came to record the vocals...

initially, i tried it out with a regular microphone, but that was not happening at all...i then put a mic on the speaker phone and called that phone with another line (the process i previously explained in k.o.t.f. I)...that vocal track was then put through bullhorn, just as k.o.t.f. I was...(i also created the separate sister song cool personality II with the same music, but different lyrics based upon my relationship with a sex crazed german woman i was dating at the time - see track 7 below) old buddy ted (who co-wrote the song) flaked out a million times until one day i said that jimmy finley might have to play his guitar parts if he continued flaking, and he showed up the very next day and recorded it in about an hour...i haven't talked to him since, as he is supposedly off doing the wild hoochie choochie dance every day with his ultra-horny new asian girlfriend...

at least he finally showed up...after messing around with mixing it down to cd for what seems like an unfuckingbelievable eternity (oh say about upwards of 50 or so attempts) i finally tweaked the mix to my liking...voila! (pronounced 'wah-lah')...enjoy!...

4) cool end - 0:26 > just as with track # 2, this is essentially a recurring theme featuring the main piano bass riff from cool personality I (ted's main riff) sort of trailing off... 

5) interlude - 2:06 >  this 'song' started out as an experimental noise guitar solo inspired by ted talking about jimi hendrix long ago...he said that jimi would conjure sounds by merely tapping the side of his guitar at high volume, making monster-like sounding effects...(in the studio , i am essentially a mad scientist at heart, just as jimi hendrix was) the noise guitar solo appears in full form on 'afterlude/cwwcp~tccp' (seen below - #15)...after recording the solo in late 2002, it sat in that state for a number of months...

one day i decided to record over about 45 minutes of drum tracks that originally recorded in the winter of 2002, with piano bass and eventually a circular three chord repetitive guitar riff added on as an afterthought...i didn't think much of the drum tracks at the time until i got this wild idea to sort of randomly copy and paste (the Roland 1680 works much like a computer in this way) the entire 'afterlude' guitar solo over the pre-recorded drum tracks from the winter of 2002 ...(sort of like pink floyd's early experimental music where the members of the band were in separate rooms recording simultaneously, totally disconnected and unaware of what the others in the band were playing)...

anyway, i pasted the guitar solo over the drums and couldn't believe how much it actually sounded like i was playing over the drum randomly synchronized quite magically!...i overdubbed some piano bass mimicking the guitar part, then faded out the original guitar chords leaving only drums, piano bass and the noise guitar solo, then eventually mixed it down to cd...

6) pre-cool - 0:27 >  just as with track # 2 and 4, this is essentially a recurring theme featuring the main piano bass riff from cool personality I once again (ted's main riff) leading into the song cool personality II...

7) cool personality II - 2:31 >  cool personality II is the sister song of cool personality I - same music - different female subject, this time around it's the sex-crazed german goddess shown on the order page - somewhere in the song i sing 'she took it well - well she took it good - we even did it - like the doggies in the neighborhood...we did it it like the doggies in the neighborhood' etcetcetc - as a reference to doing it doggy style the first night we did 'it'...(hence; my neighbors' dog amy barking  - see #8 - next item)...we never did 'it' like that again, as she wasn't a big fan of 'it'...and i am purposefully vague about what 'it' is, as to not be too explicit...what is 'it', anyway?...i also say 'we jumped into - your funny bed - we did it - we did it - ah then we did it again' - so, you know, did what? what did we do? we did 'it'? once again, what is 'it'? answer the question!!!...

'it' will probably always remain an eternal mystery...

then i sing 'you bumped on up - against my pontoon - you had me almost - layin' pipe in the livin' room' - once again - a pontoon is a piece of equipment used on the outside edge of a small watercraft that works much like the pads on the bumper cars at a carnival - and layin' pipe? well...layin' pipe is layin' pipe - and that's that people...'layin' pipe' is just an expression i picked up from the soundman of a band that i toured with years back in the southwest...put that in your pipe and smoke it!

> YOUTH ALERT! - DO NOT READ THE LAST FEW PARAGRAPHScool personality II is a very sexy song that has not been rated by the p.m.r.c. AND your parents will most likely swear it is bad for you - it contains explicit lyrics - stand at least 10 feet back when listening as to not absorb any potentially damaging sexy vibrations emanating from your speakers - better yet do not buy this cd at all - do not pass go - do not collect $200... >

8) amy I - 1:10 > (see last item #7 cool personality) once again this is my neighbors' dog barking...this is an artistic reference to: - 1)the fact that i am just an old dog of sorts - and 2)amy being a female dog, or bitch, as my last girlfriend was...i'm just being honest...(and a jet aircraft can also be heard flying over while amy is barking, along with the singing of local sparrow birds)...

9) are you listening? - 2:42 > this song was originally written in partial form on the same day that the 'live aid' benefit concert happened way back in the was a sunny day, i was feeling happy, and for some reason i dedicated it to neil young on the original lyric sheet (a piece of college-ruled binder paper...i still have the original piece of paper)...

it was originally recorded in demo form on an old reel-to-reel Tascam 8-track recorder on the very first take...i approached it thinking that it was just going to be guitar and vocals, much like a folkish tune or something, light hearted in feel...
'are you listenin' to the song i'm singin'? - are you pleased (with) what your life's bringin'?  or  'is your neighbor, is your cat behavin'? - have you gone three days unshaven - if they are and if you have let's celebrate together' etc...

the original demo tape has remained in a storage box in one of my closets since the late 1980s, and i had no idea that i would eventually re-record it... in early june 2003, jimmy finley and i recorded many takes of this song with me singing as he played to give it a more live sounding feel...i wasn't happy with how my vocals sounded in the middle of recording it, so i cupped my hands to make myself sound like leon redbone...

as we listened to the various tracks after finishing recording, i immediately heard drums playing over it in my head, and the very next day i recorded over the raw acoustic guitar and vocal track with my Roland TD-10 electronic drum kit (using the 'pop' digital pre-set) and it took on a whole new feel...(i also played a shaker on one track, and a kazoo on the other! yes, that school music program way back in the 4th grade where i played the trumpet finally came in handy)...when i heard the raw acoustic guitar put through an effect that i cannot recall at this time (a lightly distorted guitar effect, i think, one of many pre-sets on the Roland recorder) it got even funkier sounding (funky good, not funky bad)...suddenly it was a weird little pop tune or the heck did that happen?...i just told you!...     

and one night when i decided that it did, the reference to cats in the song 'is your neighbor - is your cat behavin' turned into a recurring theme on the cool personality I lyrics 'i let the cat out of the bag'...(see # 3 above) therefore giving it a conceptual tie in to the other cat reference in cool personality I, and one more reason to include it on the cd...

(and it occurred to me one day...'are you listening'? can also be a subtle reference to increased government surveillance due to the patriot nixon was impeached for bugging the watergate hotel among other things, and bush/cheney are now popular to some for allowing the whole damn world to be bugged? did that happen?...)   

10) pre-funk - 0:30 > this is essentially another in-between piece, a recurring theme featuring the main piano bass riff from k.ot.f. I, sort of trailing off...                                                                                                                                                                               

11) keepers of the funk II - 3:49 >  (see # 1 k.o.t.f. I for a full explanation)...for now, the working title for the next lik roper cd is 'keepers of the funk'...

12) post-funk - 0:20 > this is the repetitive k.o.t.f. 'circuit busy' signal, trailing off...

13) amy II - 1:09 > (see # 8 above)...this is the same as amy I, with a room effect applied to make her barking more ethereal sounding...                                                                                                    

14) whatever - 2:16 > this weird little instrumental piece was an extension of the interlude /afterlude guitar noise pasting experiment (as explained in # 2 above) just at about 6 minutes farther down into the experimental recording... just drums, piano bass and the interlude /afterlude guitar noise explained more in detail in the next section # 15...                                                                                           

15) afterlude/cwwcp~tccp - 6:49 > this is the original noise guitar solo experiment in full, as explained in section # 2 and # 14 above...after bouncing the same guitar track through 9 separate tracks and effects, the damn thing became a friggin' one super long acid induced jimi hendrix whammy bar solo...yes it's ugly, yes it's hard to listen to, but if you think this is awful, wait until you hear inner dialogue # 16 below!...

and while i have never actually heard the cd, i am forever inspired by neil young's 'warp' album, an entire recording of major label recording industry un-friendly guitar feedback noise, or yoko ono's seemingly willfull destruction of the beatles 'white album' with revolution cool...that's more punk than punk...but instead of having to choose between 'pop' (the true definition of pop is what is popular) and experimental noise, i mix the two together on one cd just as the white album did...this is all about being just being plain ridiculous and making fun of the sucky 'filler' tune, or kind of like that whipped cream filling that they shoot into those donuts...afterlude is essentially a parody of the endless 1970s guitar solo, and is not a reference to quaaludes...  

cwwcp~tccp means quite simply 'cheeleaders with white cotton panties' and ' the cotton control panel' - two panty references...i found both of these intriguing phrases while doing some very intense internet porn sex research one night, and it rendered to me newfound scientific theoretical insight into this interesting topic...and if it pisses off all the conservatives out there, i'm all for it!...ah, the power of pussy!

this long drawn out guitar 'solo' can also be seen as a 6:49 second 'masturbatory' guitar solo that is an artistic reference to the end of my relationship with the sex-crazed nympho goddesss mentioned in cool personality is also much like the next 'song' # 16 inner dialogue...
16) inner dialogue - 22:45 > this was a phrase in one of my ex-girlfriends' psychology books...she said that we all experience inner dialogue, and silently thinking to ourselves, or even talking to ourselves, is a normal way of sorting out our daily priorities...some even believe that dreams are just another form of inner dialogue...

once again, it's yoko ono all the way, late brother owned practically every single beatles album ever made, so i just can't shake them beatles, baby...and yoko may be irritating to some, but there is something very inspiring and eternally hip about that woman...she's a true individual in a world full of clones...

yes, this is yet another 'after-the-relationship-is-over' masturbatory guitar solo...(and not that i have ever masturbated! in fact, i have never even touched my penis!)...i recorded it right after recording the afterlude noise guitar solo, basically as overkill starts with a sound collage of 16 tracks of me ranting about everything under the is supposed to be the dark antithesis of cool personality, based on the 'everybody is a dick sometimes' theory...this idea came up at the last minute before mixdown, as i had just broken up with the cool personality II nympho goddess, and i was going through the post-relationship spiritual hell of naturally occurring biochemical/hormonal-addiction bonding withdrawls...

i originally was going to separate the incessant ranting from the guitar solo, but at the last minute, i pasted the ranting over the solo and faded out the ranting as i faded in the noise solo, and it seemed to work...this 22 minute guitar solo expresses exactly how i felt at the time...i figured what better way to get my frustrations out than yell them into my digital recording machine?...i bitched about everything from john ashcroft, to the global corporatization of water on a planet that is roughly 99% water, to the nympho goddess... every track was a reaction to the last track and it just built itself basically...i also added tons of various effects to the vocals later, right before mixdown...

(this track is a sometimes frightening look into the workings of the human conscience, and i wasn't sure whether to include it on the cd due to its' extreme nature...then at the very last minute once again i figured, ah what the heck, why not?)...

17) drunk jimmy - 5:55 > this is something jimmy finley did basically off the cuff at the end of one of our recording was originally  about 3 or so minutes long, but i messed with the stop button on my 1680 during one of the mixdowns to let the guitar effect has the shimmer UD effect applied to it, making it sound almost like a strange dream or something...

i guess this fits into the concept of the cd because oftentimes after a relationship with a female is over, i end up drinking and hanging out with my buddies, or something...(and yes, jimmy was drunk on a few beers and some whisky when he recorded it, as it was towards the end of the recording session)...   
18) are you still listening? - 20:25 > this was originally a mistake that i listened to later and it kind of reminded me of the beatles 'yer majesty' from abbey road...but instead of two minutes of silence and a little acoustic guitar ditty as at the tail end of abbey road, this is a little acoustic guitar ditty (very little...a mere 22 seconds) then 20 minutes of pure silence...thus the title 'are you still listening?'...

it seemed like a good way to add balance to the chaotic noise of afterlude and inner dialogue, and end the also artistically expresses what we all need - peace on earth...

THE MISSION OF ONLY GOOD NEWS - Keeping you ignorant and bondaged within a guilded cage of degrees designed to dazzle the neurotic mind from realizing the process of  debasement into which it has willing succumbed...

DISCLAIMER - this web site does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either myself, my company, my friends, or my cats; don't quote me on that; don't quote me on anything; all rights reserved; in no way are we stating that lik roper is bigger, better or taller than john lennon or whatever; in no way are we saying that we're better or greater than the beatles, or comparing us with the beatles as a band or john lennon as a thing or saying that yoko ono was part of the beatles or whatever it is...i wasn't saying whatever they're saying i was saying...i'm sorry i said it really...and i never meant it to be a lousy anti-bush thing...i apologize if that will make you happy...i still don't know quite what i've done... i've tried to tell you what i did do but if you want me to apologize, if that will make you happy, then OK, I'M SORRY; if that isn't enough, then i just don't know what else to do; you may distribute your drug-free urine freely, and even make a profit from it; terms are subject to change without notice; no laughing at this disclaimer under penalty of law; hand wash daily, tumble dry on low heat;  do not bend, fold, mutilate, or spindle; your mileage may vary; no substitutions allowed; offer good for a limited time only; this message is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted; caveat emptor; message is provided "as is" without any warranties; reader assumes full responsibility; an equal opportunity message; no shoes, no shirt, no message; quantities are limited while supplies last; if any defects are discovered, do not attempt to read them yourself, but return to an authorized service center; read at your own risk; parental advisory - explicit lyrics; text may contain explicit materials some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised; keep away from sunlight; keep away from pets and small children; limit one-per-family please; no money down; no purchase necessary; you need not be present to win; some assembly required; batteries not included; instructions are included; action figures sold separately; no preservatives added; slippery when wet; safety goggles may be required during use; sealed for your protection, do not read if safety seal is broken; call before you dig; not liable for damages arising from use or misuse; for external use only; if rash, irritation, redness, or swelling develops, discontinue reading; read only with proper ventilation; avoid extreme temperatures and store in a cool dry place; keep away from open flames; avoid contact with eyes and skin and avoid inhaling fumes; do not puncture, incinerate, or store above 120 degrees fahrenheit; do not place near a flammable or magnetic source; george bush is a punk; smoking this message could be hazardous to your health; dick cheney is a punk too; reading this could be addictive; no salt, msg, artificial color or flavoring added; if ingested, do not induce vomiting, and if symptoms persist, consult a physician; may cause drowsiness, alcohol may intensify this effect; read with proper lighting; use caution when operating a car or dangerous machinery; your mother wears army boots; possible penalties for early withdrawal; offer valid only at participating sites; this is not a contest; slightly higher west of the rockies; all republicans suck; allow four to six weeks for delivery; must be 18 to read; the ELF is probably the FBI or the CIA, or perhaps someone else in the secret government; objects in mirror are closer than they appear; use of this message is not governed by the terms and conditions of the bank and message holder agreement received by the message holder - message is not property of the bank and won't be returned on request; disclaimer does not cover misuse, accident, lightning, flood, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, hurricanes and other acts of god and/or nature, neglect, damage from improper reading, incorrect line voltage, improper or unauthorized reading, broken antenna or marred cabinet, missing or altered serial numbers, radiation from bush/cheneys' nuclear testing, sonic boom vibrations; customer adjustments that are not covered in this list, and incidents owing to an airplane crash, ship sinking or taking on water, motor vehicle crashing, dropping the item, falling rocks, meteors, meteorites, comets striking the earth, leaky roof, broken glass, mud slides, forest fire, or projectile (which can include, but not be limited to, arrows, lasers, napalm, torpedoes, any kind of shoulder mounted anti-aircraft weapons or emissions of x-rays, alpha, beta and gamma rays, knives, stones, flying monkey dung etc); other restrictions may apply; contest never officially ends - thank you...



updated 17 jan 2006