by tom bearden - excerpts from 

It is my intent to simply place here many of my papers, write-ups, information, etc. so that the information is more widely available.  As I've just passed my 72nd birthday, I'm very much impressed with how slowly science changes and how quickly we humans age.  I realize that every human being is fragile; one could simply depart this life at any moment...

So it seemed fitting to at least leave behind what I think I've learned or in some cases discovered.  If these are even partially correct, then some of them have potentially significant implications.  It is particularly important, I think, to make the material available for all those sharp young grad students and post-docs who are looking for where the real holes are in their present scientific models. Certainly I've not found all of the holes by any means, but I believe I have found a few of them.  These we will try to point out, and in some cases we will also indicate what we think is the way to correct them...

The purpose of the site is for information only.  I do not have time for, nor am I interested in, debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, so to speak.  Whether a particular model is “right” or “wrong” is not the question; the question is, is it useful and does it predict some new and useful results? Eventually, technical concepts are useful only if they can do something different, provide a better model, etc.  Also, abstract mathematics is a wonderful exercise and set of models, but the physics is in the concepts which the mathematical symbols represent and which the mathematical operations manipulate.  The physics is not in the mathematics itself, per se...

So we will range across a large field of ideas.  We'll indicate those where we've found there is experimental validation or practical use.  Others, we will just present for consideration and list some possible implications. The level will be, hopefully, detailed concepts.  We will also have a go at some better definitions for such things as charge, potential, energy, time, mind, thought, etc.  Slowly we'll put up - and develop - a special glossary...

We'll even have a go at pointing out suggested changes in Aristotelian logic and some of its shortcomings. And interspersed throughout the material will be suitable reference citations. These will help the reader to see what influenced my thinking, and let him or her go back to the original source to see if it really does say what I say that it did. This way, the reader can make up his or her own mind about those points and those references...If these papers, concepts, and ideas stimulate further thought and particularly further development by the target audience, then the purpose of this website will have been fulfilled...
The first things we will be addressing are in the energy field, particularly with respect to an initial theory of permissible electrical power systems that take EM energy from the vacuum and use it to power loads.  Our emphasis will be on mechanisms, concepts, and principles.  The second things we will be addressing will be in the medical research field.  Particularly, we will extend Becker's work to deal with the electrical operation of the cellular regeneration system, which is the body's healing mechanism.  We will also address possible future development of therapeutic systems along the lines pioneered by Prioré, Becker, and others...

To do these first two things, we will also have to address the nature of time, the mechanism that generates the flow of a mass through time, and time as a special form of highly compressed energy.  Here we will cite some experiments consistent with the thesis taken...A few older papers may be placed on the site to show the original, far more immature thinking at the time, but also to illustrate the thrust of that thinking. These will, I hope, clearly show that real progress has been made...

Next we will address the nature of mind, thought, mind operations, and the mind-body connection.  We will particularly deal with the type of radically extended electrodynamics required, including transverse, longitudinal, and time-polarized EM waves and photons...

In addition, we will address the “infolded” internal longitudinal EM waves, currents, and energy inside all normal EM waves, potentials, and fields.  What is in the present textbook are only the “surface manifestations” of a vast, hidden, superelectromagnetics for which all conventional EM entities (fields, waves, potentials) inside matter and in space are just superhighways.

As an example, by the time we get a year along into the site, I expect to see a superluminal communication system entering the commercial markets.  The system is already working now, and is built by a close colleague and friend...We will say more about that when the time comes...Eventually we will get around, perhaps, to the real decisive weapons presently holding the fate of humanity.  They are not the “ordinary” weapons such as nuclear weapons and long range missiles, that so preoccupy the news media...

Anyway, we hope you find the material of interest, and perhaps it may be of assistance here and there to some young fellows who will find  beneficial applications and extensions I have not yet even thought of.  If so, then the purpose of this website will have been fulfilled...In everything we do, we will occasionally point out that the Sachs-Evans unified field theory does possess the ability to model what is being discussed.  A little of it has been modeled by Evans; much of it still remains to be fully expressed in good mathematical fashion but in the Sachs-Evans O(3) electrodynamics...

I would like to close this “mission statement” with a quotation from Albert Einstein, which succinctly summarizes my own scientific philosophy and also, in a way, the mission of this website material.  In his foreword to Max Jammer's Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1969, p. xi-xii, Einstein made the following profound observation:

“...the scientist makes use of a whole arsenal of concepts which he imbibed practically with his mother's milk; and seldom if ever is he aware of the eternally problematic character of his concepts.  He uses this conceptual material, or, speaking more exactly, these conceptual tools of thought, as something obviously, immutably given; something having an objective value of truth which is hardly even, and in any case not seriously, to be the interests of science it is necessary over and over again to engage in the critique of these fundamental concepts, in order that we may not unconsciously be ruled by them”...

At any rate, posting the results of our decades of re-examination of concepts is our task, and we shall get on with it.  But it is also just as important, if not even more important, to keep one's sense of humor.  So we will also try to not tread too heavily, and ever so often even to “lighten up”, so to speak.  In that respect, remember that human knowledge is not absolute; at best it is a useful model or a set of useful models.  At worst it is a set of biases that are of little utility or even useless.  The theory of modeling tells us that we shall never have a perfect theory, but only a theory which is useful perhaps, and still in the act of becoming...

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it beautifully: “Nothing is rich but the inexhaustible wealth of nature. She shows us only surfaces, but she is a million fathoms deep”...We have tried to get just a fathom or two deeper, and that is what the material will present... To the reader, we wish you good reading, and also we wish you good fortune in your own quest, whatever it might be- Tom Bearden / 2 JAN 2003

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The world's tallest Christmas Tree wasn't on the White House lawn or in Trafalgar Square this year: it was in the Styx Valley, a tract of ancient forest in Tasmania. It's a living, 84 meter (276 foot) Eucalyptus tree, currently home to a half dozen activists who for more than a month have lived in its heights, protecting it from being cut down...The activists, from Japan, Australia, and Canada watched their forest perch turn into a beacon of hope for the Tasmanian Forest December 17th when more than 3,000 solar-powered lights were switched on...

"This ancient tree has seen over 400 Christmases in its long lifetime," said Wilderness Society Campaigner Geoff Law..."It is a great pity that a living relic such as this is could be clearfelled, ground into woodchips and sent to paper companies in Japan," he said...Like other trees in the Styx, the tree is scheduled to be logged in the coming year...

The Styx Valley, just 70km (44 miles) west of Hobart in southern Australia, has the largest hardwood trees in the world. Many are taller than a 25-story building, over 400 years old and up to five metres wide at the base. The forest is home to endangered and rare animals such as the majestic wedge-tailed eagle and the grey goshawk, as well as bettongs, bats, wombats and possums. Its dramatic terrain features limestone caves, the high dolerite bluffs of the Snowy Range, and the Styx River...

These forests are being logged for woodchip, using practices banned in the rest of Australia and seen only in developing countries. Old growth forests are clearfelled and fire-bombed from the air with petrochemicals. Carrots laced with poison are then used to kill wallabies and possums that browse on the seedlings established in place of the cleared forests. The poisoned carrots also kill other wildlife ('non-target' species) such as bettongs, quolls and owls...

The Wilderness Society, Greenpeace and other community groups are calling for the immediate protection of about 240,000 hectares of old growth forests. This is about a quarter of the public forests currently available for logging...The activists have been living in the world's tallest tree-sit since November 12. They were recently joined by acclaimed singer John Butler, who recorded "Treat your mama with respect" high above the forest...

> you can join efforts to stop these magnificent forests from being turned into woodchips by adding your voice to the more than 5,000 cyberaction emails that have been sent to buyers from over 91 countries, urging them not to source woodchips from Tasmanian ancient forests @ >

As Japanese activist Sakyo Noda said, "I want to show Mitshubishi, Oji and Nippon, the Japanese buyers of Styx woodchips the beauty of this ancient forest, which is home to rare and endangered species, and to let them know that they can help stop the destruction"..."They can choose to source their woodchips from sustainably managed plantations instead of buying from the destructive logging company Gunns Ltd," he said...Gunns is the biggest native-forest logging company in Australia and the biggest hardwood-chip company in the world...

"Living in that tree-sit, they remind me of Merry and Pippin riding the shoulders of a wise and ancient Ent," said one cyberactivist, in a post referring to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings  -- "I hope their battle against the logging industry will end the evil that is being done to their forest"...

source: @ 


In recent years, scientists have added considerably to the large body of evidence that shows human activity is changing the global climate, raising temperatures and affecting ecosystems around the world. Here we summarize the most significant findings of the last few years...

Study of the global climate is one of our most complex scientific endeavors. Yet we now know more than we ever have about humankind's impact on earth's temperature. The news isn't good. Global average temperatures have increased by 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century -- warming faster than any time in the last 1,000 years. As a result, the 1990s was the hottest decade in the last 1,000 years...

Today, most mainstream scientists and scientific bodies agree that heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) -- mainly from the burning of fossil fuels in cars, power plants, factories, and homes -- have caused temperatures to rise around the globe. Because emissions of heat-trapping gases are expected to increase, scientists predict temperatures to rise dramatically over the next century, resulting in serious harm to life on our planet. Below are some of the landmark scientific findings released over the last few years that outline humankind's impact on earth's climate. Given this growing body of evidence, we must act now to reduce pollution from cars and power plants. Our health and the health of our planet depend on it...



Get truth-telling, straight-shooting real news - Subscribe to Mother Jones magazine now @

---| From the Editor of Mother Jones|---

It's the kind of deal that big corporate polluters would love to get. Faced by a growing hazardous waste crisis, Pentagon officials are proposing that the military simply be exempted from a host of federal environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. And, as Jon R. Luoma reports in the November/December Issue of Mother Jones, " Bush appointees at the EPA appear to have embraced the Pentagon's agenda" - Will Tacy - Editor, / go to:


> Plans are underway to replace bar codes on all the products we buy with small radio transmitters — known as RFID chips. This would allow everything we own to be numbered, identified, catalogued and tracked. The things we own will allow us to be tracked anywhere we travel. Michelin is already testing them in their tires. One company is even developing an RFID tag — called the VeriChip — for people.  It is about the size of a grain of rice and is designed to fit under the skin...

> The Pentagon is training government employees involved in homeland security to use pilotless spy drones currently used by the U.S. military in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Initial plans call for the use of these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in border patrol operations, but it is no stretch of the imagination to say that the government won’t stop there and will want to deploy UAVs in cities and towns across the country. Under current law, the right of privacy does not shield us from aerial views, even in your own backyard...

> The Orlando International Airport tested a body-scanning device that uses low-dose X-rays that can see through clothing but not human skin. The device essentially allows airport screeners to perform electronic strip searches of all travelers...The pictures it generates are of near-pornographic quality...

> Thanks to Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT ACT as well as other numerous weak privacy laws that contain sweeping law enforcement and national security exceptions, the government can obtain all sorts of personal information about you without a warrant and for the flimsiest of reasons. The government does not have to notify you that it is snooping in your private life. Furthermore, the people the government asks for your information — such as your local librarian — can be arrested for telling anyone – including you – that the government is rooting through your records...



 Every day, consumers across the country who buy automobiles are bilked of hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars apiece by fraudulent auto sales representatives perpetuating one of the most pervasive scams in this country, according to a new report by Public Citizen...

The report, Rip-Off Nation: Auto Dealers' Swindling of America, outlines the way auto dealerships rip off customers and is supported by documents obtained by auto sales industry whistleblower Duane Overholt, who worked in Florida auto sales for 20 years. Industry-wide practices range from inflating the cost of warranties and reporting one set of numbers to the customers and another set to the bank, to stuffing the contract with extras that the customer never agreed to pay for. The size of the purchase, the flurry of paperwork and the complicated financial deals make consumers particularly vulnerable to the schemes developed by dealerships to squeeze the highest possible profit from each sale...

The fraud is rampant.  Customers in California, Florida and at least 37 other states have been robbed, according to a recent "Dateline" report. Further evidence is provided in a host of lawsuits documenting patterns similar to those explained in the report in at least nine states...

Public Citizen's report, background information and statements given at a press conference today are available @ 

source: !!!

THE CORN PALACE  by lik roper

this is the now world famous CORN PALACE in sunnyvale, california - 5 acres of some of the last undeveloped land in the silicon valley - the santa clara valley was previously known as the 'valley of heart's delight' because of orchards that once covered the valley is now known as the silicon valley, and sunnyvale is the official capital of silicon valley regardless of what san jose says...

in my roughly 37 years of life in california's santa clara valley, the CORN PALACE has been a permanent has been said there used to be about 25 cars per hour that would pass the orchard on lawrence expressway, now there are that many in ten seconds...the two brothers who own this land can afford to keep it because they also have acreage elsewhere in california, located in mt. view, morgan hill and chowchilla...

they have tried over and over to get their own exit ramp from lawrence expressway, because at one time long ago, there was nothing keeping the cars from lawrence expressway from visiting...limiting access was probably the local government's way of trying to squeeze them out, cutting off traffic flow from the expressway...if so, it didn't work, because they are still there all these years later...

> (and while an exit from lawrence expressway would now cause much excess traffic for nearby residents, at one time there were not as many nearby residents to be affected, so i still believe that denying them of an exit from the expressway really was just one angle at getting the land to be less profitable, and ultimately sold...just like the old 'odyssey room' club in sunnyvale had its' maximum occupancy lowered to put them out of business and have a new shopping center built, government agencies help out other government agencies to ultimately accomplish their goals...whatever they want, they get...except for the corn palace, that is...a nurse lady told me that she had to take care of one of the old farmers one time because the city was pressuring him so much that it literally gave him a heart attack) >

even after their passing, they said their sons will proudly continue to work this same land, because the family loves its' work and still manages profitability...they love to grow food...corn is obviously the main crop at the corn palace, but the crops are regularly rotated to maintain quality topsoil...canadian geese make annual visits to the land to get a bite to eat and fertilize after harvest, feasting on the crop remains...

my favorite time of the year is spring and summer when water is pumped out of the ground for irrigation to get the crops growing... water spreads out from the pump house as it feeds into the irrigation canals, and i still find it enjoyable to pass by and watch it in action...

(this practice of irrigation supposedly originated in ancient egypt, as the annual overflowing nile river was tamed and controlled to grow crops...there are some very ancient terraced gardens supplied by distant water sources in the mountains of south america as well)...when i moved to the santa clara valley with my family back in 1967, it was a bucolic orchard paradise with orchards extending out as far as the eye can see...

> what is now a kmart (which is shutting its' doors after roughly 32 years in business because of president bush's ass-backwards policies) used to be an orchard when i moved here in 1967...and what used to be an open field behind that became a condominium complex sometime in the 1970s...
(lucky for me, because a friend of mine who eventually moved into that old orchard was the singer of jetboy, and he's the guy who recommended me to fill in on drums for jetboy on an arena tour back in the late 1980s, so development is not all that bad i guess)

> there also used to be a cement foundation from an old house right at the corner of lawrence expressway and friends and i used to call it 'hippy hideout', because supposedly it was a place where the homeless lived in the bushes surrounding the old house had an old pool that was filled with dirt...

during the internet boom of the 1990s, the process of land eating accelerated seemed like every week i would drive by another orchard and literally see it disappear...cities were competing against neighboring cities to develop more and more land because of the economic were selling their orchard land for millions of dollars because cherries and apricots were no longer profitable...

the taxes on the orchard land increased because of all the new industrial development, and semiconductors were making all the money in the silicon valley, not fruit...i actually grew up in a home built on old prune orchard land, and when i first arrived here in 1967 during the summer of love, there was a prune orchard right down the street!...some of my earliest memories were of playing in the houses while they were being built on that same orchard land, and at that time i did not see development as a problem in particular...

one of the funnest things my friends and i ever did was repeatedly jump from a half-built two story roof, down onto a huge sand pile, and it was not until way later that i realized the problems that come along with excessive development...

traffic congestion, smog, groundwater pollution - everything from the 70,000 or so chemicals commonly used in the semiconductor industry - to the polluted ground at moffett field - and now a near ghost land of empty and seismically unsafe cement stand-up semiconductor industry buildings, and overpriced rental housing...this is the high price of excessive development...

the development all started after world war II with the moffett field airbase and lockheed corporation...lockheed engineers flooded the valley and housing was the early eighties it was apple computer in cupertino and the mac...but around 1982, when everyone had bought a computer, the local economy stalled...bill gates then took over by selling them all new software, and eventually new computers, etc...

and even though bill used heavy handed techniques for squashing competitors, he still got all of our money and is now the richest man in the world...he also paved over many acres of old orchard land in mountain view, among many other can bet that many an endangered owl and ground squirrel lost their habitat for old bill's semiconductor campuses...there was no real democracy in the silicon valley during the internet boom; if you were the head of the silicon valley manufacturers group, for example, you could babble on for ten minutes at a public hearing...

but if you were joe or jane blow down the street, it was three minutes and shut up or we're going to arrest you...i watched it on tv, so i should they were off 'spreading democracy' or something in, what was it then? kosovo? democracy was non-existent here at home in was gut wrenching to witness the heart of this once beautiful valley cemented over and developed by greedy land developers (that continued their building even when they knew the economic bubble was about to burst in the year 2000)...

and the local governments did not stop until almost every square inch of this valley was paved over...


all this development took a toll on the local wildlife, as endangered ground squirrels and burrowing owls were nearly pushed out of existence on the valley floor by local leaders who more often than not allowed their homes to be destroyed and paved over for now empty buildings...since the owls often use abandoned ground squirrel holes as homes, the loss of ground squirrels pretty much meant an equal loss in the owl population as well...
the winners were the ravens, seagulls, pigeons, and doves (as they are either omnivores or just good scavengers)...and tree squirrels because habitat in residential areas is abundant...

there is also thriving flock of wild parrots from south america living in sunnyvale!...residential backyards still support several other species of avian wildlife...the city of san jose established the guadalupe river parkway, which thankfully provides some protected wildlife habitat amidst all the development...

> development like the pond at 1333 lawrence expressway in santa clara that was illegally paved over a few years back - it had an endangered species - a blue herring etc - using it as a food source > or the old olson family orchard that vice-president gore once visited in was plowed for a new apartment complex called 'cherry orchard apartments'...this orchard should not have been sold, as it was the heart of sunnyvale, and even the olsons regretted it afterwards...when that orchard went, the heart of sunnyvale was ripped out, and i still have not recovered from it...

you can read all about it @ - the olsons also owned some other land down the road a piece that was originally seized by the city of sunnyvale years was eventually given back to the family as the 'heritage orchard', which is located right next to the community center in sunnyvale...

the olsons originally owned a whole swath of land from about mathilda avenue, all the way to wolfe road, and they still own a bit of property right where fremont avenue intersects el camino real...(i heard that an old olson trick to boost cherry output in the spring was growing garlic around the base of the trees in the winter)...

> or the land set aside as a nature preserve just next to mission college in santa clara that was allowed to be plowed over even though some of the last remaining burrowing owls, ground squirrels and jack rabbits in the area lived on the land...(i brought this up at a santa clara city council meeting one night, it was on the tv news soon afterwards, and someone got a big ass fine for destroying endangered species habitat...if you blow your whistle on public record at a city council meeting, they are required to act)...

> or the orchard right across the street from billings chevrolet in milpitas that originally had land set aside to protect the burrowing owls, but instead eventually turned into a parking lot for a deserted post internet boom cisco corporation campus...yes, the heartless gentrification of the internet boom was not limited to humans, as the local wildlife paid a major price as well...

> i miss the endless fields of yellow mustard grass (which as legend has it was planted by early christian missionaries along the trail, to make it easier to navigate between missions) some of the fields still remain, but only a fraction of what once was...

> i miss the old cherry orchard at lawrence expressway and homestead road...even though this land sits right on top of one of the countrys' biggest superfund cleanup sites, they are now building a new kaiser permanente hospital on this site regardless of all the community opposition...perhaps to take care of all the local people possibly sickened by the pollution left there back in the 1970s?...

(an old friend of mine said that he went down to the creek for a grade school project and noticed something very wrong...he told his teacher and it was later determined that the creek had been polluted by some upstream source...a semiconductor plant...and now i am worried about the runoff from the giant new kaiser building and parking lot now built near the same spot as the old polluting semiconductor will it effect the creek ecosystem now? i don't know, it is technically illegal now to access the creek)...

> i miss having a cherry orchard right down the friends and i used to walk home from elementary school and fill our baseball caps full of ripe cherries during the springtime...i don't know how many hours of fun my friends and i had in that orchard...and there was always the legend of the farmer with the salt pellet gun...word had it that someone had been shot by the farmer with a salt pellet for stealing cherries..if i wanted to startle my friends, i would just yell 'farmer!'...

there used to be a 'KB spot' (or 'kick back spot') right by creekside in the middle of the orchard, right under an big old oak once had a tree swing that people would often use when the water was high after a rain, swinging from a rope over the rushing had a tree fort as well...i think it still does...

and for some reason when the creek was widened for flood control purposes in the mid 1990s, the KB spot and tree were both saved as an island that allows water to rush by on both sides, instead of just one side like it used to...this will always be a monument of my childhood...the creek that ran through the old cherry orchard used to be much more biologically diverse than it is today...while there are still ducks, and lots of frogs and lizards at the creek, it is not nearly as teaming with life as it was when i was young...i had to gather insects once for a test at the end of the sixth grade, and i went down to the creek and gathered about 100 different bugs in about an hour...i would be lucky to get 10 or 20 now...

and like i said before, now that developers have paved over the old cherry orchard surrounding the creek, it has warning signs telling people to stay out of the creek area on the gates outside...nature is not something you can touch anymore here in the silicon valley, unless you want to drive 15 minutes to the hills, that is...

the hills are what ultimately saved us from completely out of control development...a law was passed to protect the greenbelt surrounding the santa clara valley to control development in the hills where ground can often be unstable and undevelopable...but what did that really mean to the government and developers? that practically every square inch of acreage in between would soon be cemented over!...and it soon was...

> despite all the new and old development in the central valley and the santa clara valley in california - and now the coyote valley - these are still some of the best locations to grow food on the face of the earth, and i believe that future populations will demand that at least some of the presently cemented acreage be taken back for food production purposes >

i delivered BAM and DRIVE magazine in fremont for about fifteen years and saw the beautiful orchard fields disappear one by one...the funny thing is, while most of the bay area gave out to excessive development about half way through the 1990s, fremont stayed surprisingly like it did in the beginning, until the last few years of the 1990s when every last square inch of land got sucked up there as well...

it made me so sick, i dropped all delivery routes in fremont and pulled out for good, and i hope i never go back, as the place is a cement jungle now just like the santa clara valley...most people moved out of the area as a way of dealing with all the traffic and congestion, i just took on a new lifestyle that ruled out any getting on any of the clogged roadways - between 7-11 am to 3-7 pm (except when i worked,  of course) - the roadways were packed with thousands of cubicle rats madly racing to their dotcom startups that were about to shut down...

people got regularly run over by these insane dotcom people, and the local governments didn't seem to care...their attitudes seemed to be - "we must keep commerce running smoothly and watch the bottom line...who cares if a few people get run over in the process, this is like a war, and you win a few - lose a few"(!?!)...(one sunnyvale man was even supposedly given a restraining order after almost being run over by an irate neighbor!)

i stopped visiting the mountains and going to san francisco, or driving pretty much anywhere during the internet was the biggest godawful uncoordinated traffic mess i have ever seen in my life, and it was painful watching locals leaders pat themselves on the backs for making the mess...the late 1980s gangs that once flooded this valley were replaced by a new gang of equally heartless folks, high on their stock options and looking down their noses at you...

and while it is nice to have this powerful computer - which came out of the dotcom booms' development - it would be even nicer to have kept more of the orchards...the 1990s dotcom boom in silicon valley was like a tidal wave of developmental destruction that ate up everything in its' path, and once that dotcom boom was over, all that was left was a giant semiconductor industry ghost town, and a near environmental dead zone on the santa clara valley floor...and the developers didn't care, they took their money and ran....

regional planning came along a little too late, the valley of heart's delight was paved over...


>>> the local silicon valley manufacturing group had a little too much clout with local governments back in the 1990s (and still do for that matter) and it seemed that money ruled over almost every development-oriented decision, no matter how bad it was...and once that original cement is laid in a new development, it is difficult, if not possible, to turn back...this rams the developmental foot into the doorway, and eventually forces it to stay open once that cement hardens...

the human gentrification that occurred during the internet boom in the silicon valley during the 1990s allowed rental housing prices to go through the roof because of the lack of rent controls in the area, and the out of control rental price increases - from around $500-$700 for a one bedroom apartment in 1990, to about $2000 + at the peak of the internet boom - have held to this day, making the santa clara valley one of the most expensive places to live in the US - (there is a huge overpriced rental housing glut now in the silicon valley, and some in government still talk about building more!)

i see this whole 'milk-them-till-they-are-dry' rental spike mentality as being just a precursor to the energy price manipulation that occurred shortly after during the california energy 'crises'...sure, energy price manipulation milked mostly the big electricity users, like big corporations - but rent increases continue to milk the poor who had a fixed income level, and monthly $100 rent increases ate up most of their disposable income supply, and continue to do so...

and don't wait for city councils to pass rent control laws, some city leaders actually own apartment complexes, or are closely connected to those that do...there is too much money in it for everyone...your money is their money if the 'powers that be' want it... the corn palace orchard has been targeted for development many times over, but the two brothers who own the orchard have turned down millions of dollars many times over......these old guys are 'holding their ground', and like i said before, their sons are poised to take over the business when they are gone... 

> this is the corn palace pump station - the well is about 500 feet deep 

one of the old corn palace farmers repeatedly spit on the ground as he told me about the government folks who came around to get him to sell his orchard land awhile back...he told them where to go, and they never came back...

> a) new tax laws need to be created to protect those who inherit farmland, so they are not forced to sell the land because of sharp increase in taxes once officially handed over - b) embrace an expanded williamson act by which farmers can receive property tax breaks when faced with encroachment from excess suburban sprawl - c) mandate urban growth boundaries requiring developers to pay all new infrastructure costs to serve their projects and require voter approval of all new community plans - d) limit existing urban service boundaries beyond which property owners would be ineligible for city services (sewer water etc...) to then discourage excessive new development in undeveloped areas - e) introduce important blanket land policies to create progressive habitat preservation ratios that allocate land more efficiently towards future human encroachment especially in over-developed areas - f) always favor commercial rezoning and redevelopment over the new development of wildlands or agricultural zones, and offer full transitional compensation to those affected - g) support regional rapid transit systems that utilize pre-existing railroad lines and highways to abate inevitable future traffic headaches, and connect local, state and federal transportation officials for the creation of new regional traffic abatement policies like widespread federally mandated, irretractable residential speed hump installation to save money on law enforcement costs - h) create high rise development over sprawl whenever possible, and surround it with 1/3 orchard land, 1/3 wildland and 1/3 development (residential commercial-educational-government etc) - greenbelt wildlife corridors w/elevated high speed rail lines running through - connecting different land sections, airports, communal childcare facilities, communal gardening zones, athletic fields, open space, - etc >


> in summary, let this be a warning to all of you out there, the bulldozers and eminent domain could be coming your way soon, unless you take action against it - for instance; 1) become an internet gadfly by emailing your opinions to your city, county, state and federal leaders @ - 2) start a neighborhood group by handing out flyers to neighbors that may be affected by an upcoming local government decision, and list the email addresses or phone numbers of city council members on the flyers in case neighbors cannot make it to a makes people feel less inhibited so they can express themselves better than at a public hearing where 3 minute time limit constraints make people flustered and forget what they were going to say - 3) circulate a petition about something you are passionate about changing or keeping the have to be a gadfly to get the government to do their work (as they can be lazy) so be persistent - 4) organize a 'march on the whitehouse' in washington dc on every full moon for the remainder of the election year, and try to make crowds larger than the 100,000 + that surrounded the whitehouse during the nixon administration...

a few other things; just remember that governments often have 'dissent clauses', or laws that allow them to investigate anyone showing dissent at a public hearing ...(yes, just like in the republic of china) just make sure that you are not breaking any stupid government often love to take activists 'out of the fray' so to speak, and especially effective ones, by selectively enforcing stupid laws...


> to make sure you are not breaking any stupid laws, check these links: - - - - (or go to: and search 'stupid laws')...remember; personal opinion obviously plays a large role in what one considers to be stupid...

and watch out, during the clinton years the FBI was dedicating roughly half of its' resources to root out corruption in local government, and i can assure you the current bush administration is not doing the same, because they actually seem to like corruption...and for all of those other criminals (or miscreant youth) out there who may be reading this; people in government do not like you (especially the violent ones) and many of them would just love to lock you all up in their prisons...

BUT, those same government people also generally dislike (more like despise) activists almost equally as much as criminals, because: 1) you bring to light when they make mistakes, and make them do their jobs when they would not otherwise. - 2) you cause them to not get elected next time - 3) you point out the egg on their faces, me, our presently republican-dominated government hates activists, and democrats really only like activists when they support democratic party causes...the green party wants to turn everyone into an activist and deepen democracy to create a more natural, and therefore more beautiful reality...and hopefully that new beautiful reality will be reflected through art...(see below)

so, take all your rebellion and turn it into activism, and boldy tell your government leaders about the egg on their faces...




LIK ROPER has begun work on a new cd tentatively titled
'keepers of the funk'


LIK ROPER   cool personality / 'better than a blow job by a toothless hooker'

('cool personality II' is for G.W. and Cosie  ~  'whatever' is something G.W. always said ~  'amy' I & II is my neighbors' dog barking...)

'who knows what the keepers of the funk are gonna do?'...
all songs written - performed and produced by lik roper (except for cool personality I & II co-written by lik roper and ted lee mattman - are you listening? - are you still listening? - and keepers of the funk II co-written by lik roper and james patrick finley - drunk jimmy is a guitar solo by james patrick finley - pre-cool written by ted lee mattman) ~ cool personality I & II engineered by mark j. yamamoto and lik roper ~ all other songs engineered by lik roper ~ all songs copyright 2003/lik roper (except for cool personality I & II - copyright 2003/lik roper and ted lee mattman - are you listening? and are you still listening? copyright 2003/lik roper and james patrick finley - drunk jimmy - copyright 2003/james patrick finley - pre-cool copyright 2003/ted lee mattman) ~ all songs published 2003 lik roper/BMI (except for cool personality I & II published 2003 lik roper and ted lee mattman/BMI + are you listening? & are you still listening? and keepers of the funk II published 2003 lik roper and james patrick finley/BMI... drunk jimmy published 2003 james patrick finley/BMI and pre-cool published 2003 ted lee mattman/BMI) ~ cool personality I demo was originally recorded in 1993 ~ all guitars on are you listening? & are you still listening? - keepers of the funk II & drunk jimmy by james patrick finley - recorded at finley manor in early june 2003...all guitars for cool personality I & II by ted lee mattman - recorded in the living room in late may 2003 ~ lik roper sort of plays guitar on interlude/afterlude, whatever and inner dialogue and kazoo on are you listening?... graffiti by paco excel ~ cd photo artwork by lik roper...          




good lovin' - now gimme that good, good lovin' - good lovin' (all i need is lovin')  good lovin'  good, good lovin'   
  good lovin' baby  [guitar riff, 2x]  verse 2:  honey, please squeeze me tight  (squeeze me tight) all i really need is 
                         good lovin' (c'mon, gimme that lovin') good lovin' (all i need is lovin') good lovin' baby


LIK ROPER WILL NOT SHUT UP!!! - it all started out as innocent looking emails... wrote:


i predicted about a year ago that since karaoke was recently 'regulated'(?) in japan, it will only be a matter of time until folks elsewhere start seeing karaoke as a threat to humanity...i am glad for this personally, this now gives me ultimate power as a local saturday night karaoke star...i will now relish in my singing of bob dylan's controversial rainy day women #15 and 35...i will take the chance of being considered an enemy combatant when belting out alice cooper's 'school's out'...i will sing out about tucson jo-jo's california grass when crooning the beatles' get back...i am truly powerful and controversial now, thank you san mateo county...

yes, any time people in america find something they really like, a bunch of conservative government fuddy duddies come along and try to ban doesn't matter whether it is - rock and roll, punk rock, hip hop, speed metal, cruising the boulevard, or hula hoops - someone in government will inevitably respond to a few other fellow fuddy duddies and try to ban something people love...(just look at pornography! you must be over 18 years of age) - and what about those new home karaoke machines that mtv is now peddling down at comp usa...i saw one last night...if you do karaoke at home, doesn't that now constitute a 'private karaoke party'?...what are you going to do, go around and raid houses throwing dangerous karaoke parties?...sieze the property maybe?...god knows, the government needs the money...

(it's like hydroponic units, how can you ban them outright when a good portion of the people who use them simply want to grow organic vegetables so they don't have to be poisoned by pete wilson and gray davis's methyl bromide?)...and let's face it; drug dealing is going to go on whether karaoke happens or not...just look at all the pharmaceutical drugs being advertised on about making hospitals, 'drug free zones'?... no need to answer, any response will be considered a lousy excuse...


the grateful dead began during a time when the vietnam war was in full force, and was a large part of the anti-war peace movement...while some of the more naive folks out there probably still blame the beatles or the grateful dead for the rise of the 1960s drug culture, major amounts of hard drugs were being shipped into the US by vietnam vets inside of their GI duffel bags from overseas...all of their buddies shared in the joy and pretty soon you had a real drug culture on your do i know? i was in a band with a 36 year old guitar player when i was 18, and i heard about it all...i will write about it someday, i promise...

so, between the beatles' marijuana experimentation helping to create quite likely the greatest album ever made, sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band - and jimi hendrixs' groundbreaking guitar technique influenced by his acid usage - or pink floyds' drug experimentation which led up to the creation of the dark side of the moon recording ~ another of the many 'greatest albums ever made' ~ and even the early long haired silicon valley druggies who dreamed up the modern computer interface while high on weed - ALL OF THESE CREATIONS HAVE MADE GOVERNMENTS LITERALLY BILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS FROM THE RESULTING PROFITS!!! and! i feel that drugs can play an important part in the creative process, as long as they are not abused or do not cause others to be harmed in the process - (but i still don't think oil tanker drivers should be getting drunk or smoking weed while at work or otherwise)...AND between the vietnam war and THE CIA's 1950s PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION - MKULTRA

>>> THE FOLLOWING IS FROM A 1977 SENATE HEARING - Senator INOUYE: In February 1954, and this was in the very early stages of MKULTRA, the Director of Central Intelligence wrote to the technical services staff officials criticizing their judgment because they had participated in an experiment involving the administration of LSD on an unwitting basis to Dr. Frank Olson, who later committed suicide...

> Now, the individuals criticized were the same individuals who were responsible for subproject 3, involving exactly the same practices. Even though these individuals were clearly aware of the dangers of surreptitious administration and had been criticized by the Director of Central Intelligence, subproject 3 was not terminated immediately after Dr. Olson's death...In fact, according to documents, it continued for a number of years...Can you provide this committee with any explanation of how such testing could have continued under these circumstances?...Admiral TURNER: No, sir, I really can't...Senator INOUYE: Thank you very much...Admiral Turner, MKULTRA subproject 3 was a project involving the surreptitious administration of LSD on unwitting persons, was it not?"...Admiral TURNER: Yes, sir...Senator INOUYE: In February 1954, and this was in the very early stages of MKULTRA, the Director of Central Intelligence wrote to the technical services staff officials criticizing their judgment because they had participated in an experiment involving the administration of LSD on an unwitting basis to Dr. Frank Olson, who later committed suicide...Now, the individuals criticized were the same individuals who were responsible for subproject 3, involving exactly the same practices. Even though these individuals were clearly aware of the dangers of surreptitious administration and had been criticized by the Director of Central Intelligence, subproject 3 was not terminated immediately after Dr. Olson's death. In fact, according to documents, it continued for a number of years. Can you provide this committee with any explanation of how such testing could have continued under these circumstances?...Admiral TURNER: No, sir, I really can't -

(source: >>>

>>> At first, the CIA thought LSD would make them virtual masters of the universe.  Later, after sober second thought, they realized they might have to set their sights little lower, but they continued their enthusiasm for the drug (which Richard Helms called "dynamite")...

The CIA realized that an adversary intelligence service could employ LSD "to produce anxiety or terror in medically unsophisticated subjects unable to distinguish drug-induced psychosis from actual insanity". The only way to be sure that an operative would not freak out under such circumstances would be to give him a taste of LSD (a mind control vaccine?) before he was sent on a sensitive overseas mission. Such a person would know that the effects of the drug were transitory and would therefore be in a better position to handle the experience. CIA documents actually refer to agents who were familiar with LSD as "enlightened operatives"...

At one point, CIA employees were running around, dosing themselves and their buddies in acid to either "immunize" themselves to its effects, or just test its limits.  This part makes amusing reading -- to borrow the hackneyed phrase: truth is stranger than fiction...

Finally, someone had to clamp down on the CIA's LSD consumption.  One of my favorite passages quotes a security memo (dated Dec. 15, 1954) dealing with a rumored proposal to "spike" the annual CIA Christmas party punch with acid...The writer of this memo concluded indignantly and unequivocally that he did "not recommend [LSD] testing in the Christmas punch bowls usually present at the Christmas office parties"...CIA was consumed with interest in developing the perfect drug for every emotion/intellectual brain reaction.  Dial-a-brain drugs...

What's more, according to a document dated May 5, 1955, the CIA placed a high priority on the development of a drug "which will produce 'pure euphoria' with no subsequent letdown"...(I think I might place a "high priority" on such a thing myself) - All this interest led to extravagant CIA funding of LSD research everywhere -- including a soon-to-be famous fellow named Timothy Leary...The rest, as they say, is history...source: 


once again, between the vietnam war and THE CIA's 1950s era PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION - MKULTRA or even the intelligence bungling that led to 911, i am beginning to believe that the US government acts to ensure its' own job security down the line by constantly screwing up, and 911 is a perfect example...

anyway, changing the subject slightly, i think the greatest story ever told is the one about the two aging hippies that were producing LSD in an old ICBM silo, and while i'm not going to tell you that story now, i will tell you this one...while i do not particularly like LSD, i tried it one time in about 1982...yes, i admit it...i was dating a stripper named dawn that i met while playing drums at the old wooden nickel on the alameda in santa clara...(i heard the wooden nickel got shut down because the owner was selling cocaine through the bar...anyway)

it was my birthday and she said there was a surprise for me...aside from the kama sutra, she had a hit of orange sunshine acid... i resisted and resisted until i finally agreed to take just half of wasn't on a piece of paper, it was sort of a little round chunk...about a half an hour later, as i was gazing at my face in the bathroom mirror, i opted to take the rest of the hit of acid...

i soon oozed into the living room and was then sitting on the floor admiring the heating vent, for the first time really noticing its' intricacies...then, a revelation came to me...jimi hendrix! you have any jimi hendrix records? that i am actually on acid, i must hear acid rock music!...after frantically searching through her record collection, i came upon frank marino and mahogany rush live, and it had a cover version of purple haze...every trill on the guitar wormed around inside my all made sense...for a fleeting moment, acid rock finally made sense...

but then a few hours later i wanted the acid trip to stop, but couldn't just shut it was much too intense of a high for me, and i never did it again...(a 'bad trip' as dragnet's sgt. friday would have said)...she said that orange sunshine had speed in it and it kept me awake...i then went to my buddy's house at about 7 in the morning to smoke a few bong hits of weed just so i could go home and get some sleep, and never tried LSD again...      


i still say why would any terrorist do an attack while the terror alert level is raised?...all they have to do is turn on fox TV and know when to do their next terrorist attack - in other words, right after the alert status is, you either keep the alert level raised all the time, and take the chance that the more perceptive people amongst us will have an election year revelation one day -

> wait a minute!...bush and cheney are the ones responsible for the nightmare of 911 and the continuous terror alerts that did not exist during the clinton era!... >

or you simply remain 'semper vigilans', or 'always vigilant', which is what they were supposed to do anyway...(i learned that in the civil air patrol in seventh grade)...if bush and cheney had not been on vacation and remained vigilant to begin with, none of this bogus terror alert crap would even be necessary...but they clearly did not... they royally screwed up and deserve to either be impeached, recalled, strung up or simply voted out, with no 'hijacking of democracy' this time around from the state of florida or the US supreme court...
> and i wouldn't be surprised if the voice of bin laden is actually paul bremer or dick cheney fed through a voice distorter, much like the wizard of oz or something, clandestinely guiding the foreign policy of america behind a cloak of secrecy...
is bin laden actually the secret government at work?...


i heard that rodney blach guy got a 5 year reduction in his of the things he accused the city of fremont of doing was being involved in real estate crimes...well, as the story goes, some of the original farmer-landowners in fremont became city council members, then illegally rezoned their own property and sold it for big bucks...this is common knowledge to many people, not just a maybe...

an old friend of mine told me that in the mid 1990s, a mountain view city council member was indicted for helping asian gangs move guns by helicopter - OVER THE BAY FROM OVER BY THE FREMONT AREA! and she is supposedly now on the run in canada...i think rodney blach knew about this information... and believe me, even many of these local judges and juries are so kept in the dark about the truth, they haven't a clue half the time...

> and right after 911, the FBI finally admitted to 25 years of actively destabilizing the black community!?!...the only real difference between the pre-911 FBI and the post 911 department of homeland insecurity, is the focus has changed from destabilizing the black community, to now destabilizing the muslim community...without this divisive tool, the illuminati CFR cannot exist

(search the ACLU archives or for more information)

in other words; any black leader that raised his or her little red flag up in the air from the ghetto war trenches, got it immediately shot down by FBI investigations or allegations etc, and this is exactly what happened to MLK...i tend to believe that martin luther was such a powerful activist that the US government 'took him out of the fray'...and it wasn't always just blacks, it was pretty much anyone who got a little too big for their britches...(you know, someone like me)...

false allegations, framing and evidence tampering ruled the day for the last 25 years in the FBI, and this is how the government kept tabs on dissent...(former illinois governor george ryan commuted the sentences of everyone on the state's death row before he left office last year, and for good reason)...since the FBI was so disconnected for so long, many out there in government had no idea, as it was important to keep people in the dark about this, and especially people like the judges, so the FBI could pull their strings and get their desired results in the process...

did you notice this story did not make it into the media? not a word about it...the truth would make people lose trust in government once again and cause a 'nixonian' domino effect that would ultimately ruin the reputation of government in the minds of americans all over again...

but, the truth remains; > there is no denying it now  > there is no calling anyone a crazy conspiracy theorist anymore > there is no more calling black people paranoid for saying there is a conspiracy going down > BECAUSE THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY GOING DOWN FOR 25 YEARS, and while 911 and FBI agent robert hanssen brought an end to it, he was just the tip of the iceberg...

but this reorganization also gave birth to a much greater conspiracy, the legitimization of the secret government through the new homeland security department...most homeland security folks are nice enough people, and not part of any conspiracy, just pawns in it, so to speak...

1) strings are pulled at the top to make action happen - 2) vague references to 'chatter' are used to boost the terror alert level...(which does nothing more than alert terrorists when, or when not to know, it's probably "just wait until they lower the alert level, then move in"!) - 3) activists are put on no-fly lists, etcetcetc and viola! you've suddenly got a new-improved secret government at work, 'legitimately' working their little puppet control strings from even higher up now, controlling activists and ultimately information and/or propaganda!?! appears that the FBI has now been officially relieved of the duty of controlling activists, homeland security has taken over...

and now that homeland security has taken over the FBI's old job of controlling activists, they have even now legitimized this controlling and criminalization of activists, and the patriot act II is just another evil extension of this...and mister bush wants it cemented into law forever!!!...

yes, they want to take all activists out of the fray, once and for all so the government can shove whatever they damn well please down our collectives throats with no repercussions...they will live to regret this decision... and how do we know that they are not creating their own chatter? know? prove it!...and if you can't, then i will remain suspicious...

conspiracy theorists have been going on about the secret government for years, and it used to mainly consist of some underground bases for all the chosen white government people to run off and hide to carry on the human race when dick and george finally blow the place off the face of the map with all of their new nuclear weapons that they seem hellbent on making and using...

we just had a chance to break from the great evil of MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION (M.A.D.) but apparently dick cheney still wants many of us all dead...(all of us, except for the chosen white people who will carry on the human race after the nuclear holocaust in that secret underground bunker, continuing to make make their strategic decisions for no one) - maybe it's some sort of population control plan, we did just have a baby boom...

> in summary; false allegations, framing and basic evidence tampering ruled the day for the last 25 years in the FBI, and this is how the government kept tabs on dissent - and since rodney blach was an was an evidence expert once employed by the government, it is highly unlikely that he would have left any evidence or clues to give himself away...he was making a documentary called 'fremont park USA' exposing government corruption at the time of his arrest, and this puts him in the category of influential activist...

i would be interested in seeing what that documentary has to say, but it was probably seized as evidence...


how does this apply to bush and cheney? -


A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

1) failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest; > ignoring international environmental laws, committing war crimes in iraq, ignoring the UN, enron etc - 

2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure; > 'those old documents need to be hidden for national security reasons', 'those energy documents contain nothing illegal', 'vote for me and dick, oil is not the issue', 'there are weapons of mass desruction in iraq, and attacking iraq has nothing to do with halliburton', etc -

3) impulsivity or failure to plan ahead; > attacking iraq without UN approval, ignoring the future of world peace and environmental sustainability (etc) by giving the UN the finger on a number of other issues, ignoring senator feinstein's warnings days before 911, then forgetting that an election is coming up where these issues will inevitably come up and bite you in the butt, etc -

4) irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults; > attacking iraq pre-emptively (then maybe iran, korea, or even the moon and mars), opening the door for another nuclear attack on the nevada desert with the possibility of the resumption of nuclear testing... > go to mother jones magazine: > ...or appointing conservative judges who let cops get away with murder by shooting US citizens on the street with no due process or attention to basic human rights, dick cheney becoming irritable on tv during the florida chad counts of the 2000 presidential election, because his stocks were in free-fall, etcetcetc -

5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others; > softening EPA regulations and therefore poisoning US citizens with even more carcinogenic chemicals, sending innocent men and women off to die in a war for oil, ignoring the fact that the polar ice caps are rapidly melting as we speak, ignoring the possiblility that war activities upwind wreak havoc downwind through reckless weather modification, etcetcetc -

6) consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations; > taking a month vacation just before 911 and ignoring the free-falling US economy, offering tax cuts as your only real solution to economic growth, ignoring the burgeoning US deficit spending, etc...

7) lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another; > i repeat - celebrating the attack on iraq as a victory, instead of the slaughter that it was, stealing from local US economies to feed an oil war, enron, halliburton, etc...

B) The individual is at least age 18 years. C. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15 years. D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia, Manic Episode or Dick Cheney's excessive paranoia resulting from 9-11...


how does this apply to arnold?...

Personality disorder, usually coming to attention because of a gross disparity between behaviour and the prevailing social norms, and characterized by at least 3 of the following: (a) callous unconcern for the feelings of others; > i thought a groper was a fish - (b) gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations; > a groper is not a fish? - (c) incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them; > ok, arnold wins on this one - (d) very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence; > see: first terminator movie - (e) incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment; > see: first terminator movie - (f) marked proneness to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations, for the behaviour that has brought the patient into conflict with society...There may also be persistent irritability as an associated feature. Conduct disorder during childhood and adolescence, though not invariably present, may further support the diagnosis; > instead of going down to the FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC) and demanding back the ferking $9 billion dollars stolen from california through the california energy 'crises' and energy price manipulation, arnold opts for the $15 billion dollar bond instead - (Includes: * amoral, antisocial, asocial, psychopathic, and sociopathic personality (disorder) - see: dick cheney - Excludes: * conduct disorders * emotionally unstable personality disorder)...


almost every US president has been a hunter, except for jimmy carter...jimmy carter was also the only US president that did not allow himself to be coerced into war, and i believe that he got screwed over for it with an oil embargo...we also know that those who bring harm to animals are more likely to bring harm to humans - that george bush and dick cheney brought us into this oil war in iraq pre-emptively, killing countless iraqi citizens - and that many US soldiers have now died because of this iraqi oil war...and dick cheney and george bush are both hunters!...

the fact is, human populations are so burgeoning at this point in history that we must largely back off on this 'living off the land' thing, and especially if it deals with harming endangered wildlife...if all humans hunted, it would be quickly banned, so the roughly 5% of the US population that actually hunts is 'ok', but if it ever increased dramatically, measures would surely have to be taken to control it > to see what i mean, go to:  > or check out more grizzly links and resources @

humans are now the main predator, and we have so upset the food chain by removing natural wild predators that once existed, that us humans must now step in and control the mess that we have made...and one of the main reasons there are still large predators left in the open oceans is because humans are land mammals! is as simple as that...

we have placed ourselves at the top of the food chain, but where do you go from the top of the food chain??? that it? or is there some higher place to dwell???...and while vegans are on the right track, lets' face it; mere thougths of humankind being deprived of combination pizza would likely result in widespread civil unrest, and the possible upheaval of vegetarian pizza...

and regardless of how many people died in the 911 WTC disaster, all the death caused by the iraq war has only proven that the US military is as violent as any other group of terrorists and/or, it's really about what you want to be in your next life..there is KARMA to deal with in this universe, and everything you do returns to determine your future place within it...(and no, governments are not 'karma exempt') > the two main elements of the universe are freedom and karma, and use of your freedom determines your karma...

for example: do you want to return in your next life as a fecal maggot? or the son of a king who turns his autocracy into a democracy, and is the most loved king to ever live???... it is your hunt or not to hunt? that is the question! your actions are wishes, SO LOOK OUT!!!

and this is not a maybe, as i have heard it from a man who was pronounced clinically dead twice after running his car into a tree, and he said that all the pleasure, and all the pain and harm that you cause to others in your life runs through your subconscious mind, or whatever it is, at the time of your death - in a split second!...this means that YOU ultimately determine YOUR OWN future fate, as there is no escaping your personal karma...(and he got sent back to earthly existence twice...i'm not quite sure what that means)...

karma is the metaphysical manifestation of the physical law of action-reaction, or cause and effect...the metaphysical realm represents energy or the energetic realm - the unseen, and the physical realm represents the physical or visible realm...(the universe is nothing more than energy and mass, as energy is essentially nothing more than diluted matter) what you will but harm none, because all you do shall return in threes...

(to be continued)...


i did research after my brother died a few years back, and found much anecdotal evidence that seems to suggest that various energetic sources can affect or exacerbate pre-existing weather patterns here on earth...everything from the recent iran earthquake > (which I BELIEVE caused the present cold snap over north america with the emanation of cool energy from the 20,000 'departed' the moment of death it has been said  that we lose roughly 21 grams of body weight, where does it go? i think i know...20,000 x 21 grams...get out your calculators...

it emanates, sort of clumps together, kicks up a wind chill notch, and feeds and/or creates cold low pressure weather patterns and moves around the earth - this is also otherwise known as the 'devic realm') > to the recent slaughter of civet cats in hong kong - to landing on the moon (and quite likely excavating the moon) can affect the weather in many ways...

i theorize this can include everything from boosting the average speed of the trade winds downwind from areas of energetic emanation, to lowering temperatures over areas of energetic emanation, to spawning devastating level 5 hurricanes like hurricane cammille from afar, which happened shortly after apollo 11 and the first woodstock music festival - (energy released from rocket boosters emanated while landing and taking off from the moon, ultimately goes to the most dense mass that it is gravitationally connected to, which happens to be the earth - GO TO:  - (scroll down to 'perhaps' section)

BUT, if back-engineered (BE) UFO technology was used for moon shots, you could accomplish the task without screwing up the earths' weather, and get there in less than half a second, BUT you would have to take the grand leap of unveiling the FACT that the secret government has the technology to begin with...this is the next big step that the US government should take - (and just think about how much money we could save on all the various UFO 'myth' debunking efforts!)...

anyway, if parts to the moonbase could be transported via the BE technology, and constructed upon the moon, it could be done. > the moon would be a good place for all the republicans to move when the polar ice caps break up and render the earth uninhabitable because of their ass-backwards public policies that will ultimately lay waste to the environment and cause global catastrophe...

but for now this 'moonbase' venture is much too costly, so best put it off it until we can actually afford it...a moonshot should be a peacetime effort so we can give it our all, even though kennedy steered the ship over to the left and went to the moon right as the vietnam war was brewing in the background, and most of the early moonshots happened during the vietnam war ...

and just think; the chinese are going to the moon on walmart and costco profits from the US, but if the US goes to the moon again, we will be doing it on credit...not good...remember, we just had about $100 zillion of our hard-earned tax dollars sucked up out of us by the US military, and all because of bush/cheneys' lack of vigilance leading up to 911, and the clinton era was the first time since the 1930s that the US had paid off its' deficit spending...

and to the people at scientific american - 'open mind - open universe' - let us ultimately join science with spirituality for a better world...and feel free to finish my work by testing my theories...sincerely, lik roper

ps - and i am not against a mission to mars as long as dick and george go along with the astronauts and stay there...


 > > > LIK ROPER - MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN 2004 < < <


 paid for by lik roper



LICK BUSH IN 2004!!!










A dark leader of armies stares into a crystal globe that glows with a fiery, lidless eye, his mind bent to the will of an evil that seeks power above all else...His orders: destroy an ancient wilderness of majestic and mysterious trees, for the benefit of his dark masters... As he signs the decision, you can almost hear George Bush intone in a deep, resounding voice "Rip them all down" - read more @ - source: 



mid 1990s photo taken near montague expressway...


early 1990s photo of niles canyon in fremont, california...

early 1990s photo near north first street in san jose...

mid 1990s photo of milpitas, california...


mid 1990s photo at water tower plaza in campbell, california

(all photos by lik roper - note: most of the orchard fields pictured above have been cemented over for near empty semiconductor campuses)



 updated 17 jan 2006