NOTE: This conversation was started with a comment by John in the Blinkys' parking lot after hours; John said: "The biggest stars are often the nicest people..." --- SUN 5:46PM hey so i guess if that monitor still isn't working next week we can still go with the smartphone lyrics plan...i will pre-charge my phone ahead of time just in case... MON 11:47AM this same thing happened one time with DJ israel and he just got people up on the stage to sing from the computer monitor...last week was just a fucking weird week compared to the karaoke nirvana of last week...very anti-climatic but not necessarily your fault or anything...shitty nights are just shitty nights...i think some people are actually scared about all the ISIS crap on TV they are are staying home...the best way to overcome that is to carry on like nothing happened...same shit next day...anyway...even if i have 2 or three people who want ot hear me sing (luiz who likes my voice along with diana ross of all things; those dudes who left on saturday wanted to hear me sing etc) i want to put on a show for them...and i only feel like singing my todd rundgren when there is a receptive female like last hot...anyway...anyway... other than that; lil wild was kinda bitchy at times and didn't stay with the order all the time; but overall she was actually pretty good at keeping the energy level up...but no karaoke host is perfect...the best host i have ever encountered is nickolas knight who used to be at the O...he was unflappable and a good singer too and just a good all around guy; and still is...he's in colorado now in the land of legal weed...anyway; it's difficult being a good karaoke host because people are drunk and bitchy and mean and etc etc etc...i don't even know if i would be a good one...but overall you are a good karaoke host; better than most; and a good singer just need to keep people singing wait for those nights with few singers so i can sing my brains out... TUE 11:05AM and hey! and as long as i have a little time this morning...what i was saying about the biggest stars being nice people -- for instance; led zeppelin once did an interview for rolling stone magazine; and some of the band members essentially sexually attacked the assigned female reporter; causing led zep to be ignored by rolling stone mag for many years to come until recently...not like led zep need the press or anything...and axl rose; for instance and the whole GNR thing...that band caused SO MUCH trouble (police and fire department called out to every show just in case etc etc etc) that when the dust settled government decided they had ENOUGH (i still know steven adler on facebook and GNR photographer robert john; who my girlfriend lived with in hollywood years back) causing the PMRC; shawn fanning etc and BOOM! the music business as we knew it all but disappeared...billions in tax revenues...GONE! then there is eminem; who got lots of shit for his rants about killing his family members or girlfriend or whatever...the list goes on...justin beiber etc...any artist that crosses that imaginary line gets shit for it; but that imaginary line is not well defined; as it changes all the time with the politics my plan is to just speak my mind and if people don't like it; then don't buy my music or whatever...i refuse to watch what i say and water down my message just to win over a few fake fans who don't like me for who i am...anyway; i am telling you this in case you end up being a public figure known for your music; which you very well could be due to your need to play the game intelligently and stay with the times in order to stay afloat... here's my latest release...and you were right about that; i am a rapper of sorts too > INSTINCTS (HB15090), by LIK ROPER INSTINCTS (HB15090) by LIK ROPER, released 01 January 2002 LYRICS: Been fully tested; information ingested; gotta chill out for awhile; but you know I need a fix; get some sexual kicks; no more of that cold turkey with a smile; but I aint no fool; gotta be protected from this parasitic disease; aint… anyway...i'm giving you advice as if you are my little brother; because i used to be a little brother until my big brother died; and he gave me all kinds of invaluable advice... just remember that you cannot retaliate against people who complain; that is a third world country tactic that doesn't fly here in other words; if vladimir putin and/or the mafia etc would do it; don't do's that remedy this; i now have an ACLU app on my smartphone that will record and automatically send to the ACLU any rights violations recorded...because i have dealt with freaky karaoke hosts in the past and don't put up with any bullshit...i am a man with dignity and rights that i will protect no matter what... look what happened to doug ward after attacked me and covered it up at the oasis > > i only fuck with people who fuck with don't fuck with me...i have a lawsuit filed right now that the superior court is wating to get to...and i DO NOT want to add a blinkys post... THE ADDENDUM BLOG: OASIS NIGHTCLUB KARAOKE HOST DOUG WARD FLEES TO NEVADA : AN ADMISSION OF GUILT? i have superior court commissioner lisa steingart on my side now > DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO SUPERIOR COURT COMMISSIONER LISA STEINGART ON 18 OCT 2013 @ > the superior court is right around the corner from blinkys... THE ADDENDUM BLOG: DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO SUPERIOR COURT COMMISSIONER LISA STEINGART ON 18 OCT 2013 John had a positive experience with Judge Lisa Steingart; she is a no-nonsense judge who treated the people in her court room with the respect they just follow the laws and rules and play fair and everything will be all good (smile emoticon) TUE 10:01PM Nickolas Knight here's nicholas should be friends with him; he's a karaoke host too > Nickolas Knight and this is tommy the soundman from the arena tour i did with jetboy and stryper many years ago...his last gig was working for seal > > anyway...he knows the mixing board so if you have any questions he knows fucking everything there is to know...and he's a cool dude too... Tom Giatron that's his dog of course...he's like elliot a total dog person... THU 9:54AM oh and i've been thinking about this and it occurred to me that if i ever did write anything negative about blinkys in the addendum blog that could possibly affect the way the courts look at your visitation status with your kids; so i will refrain from such actions to protect your good name and/or your sons' dad...that's a promise...other than that; HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (grin emoticon) push reset button... THU 1:12PM ADAM DISALVO WROTE: "Did you passive aggressively threaten me and my children??" THU 3:18PM no I just thought it through and I know how the courts discriminate against men so they have probably fucked with you too much already for no good reason... I am around my 90 year old father all the time and I can't imagine a court getting involved in that...fuck the government... the bottom line is you need to keep people singing...there have been 5 or 6 karaoke hosts come and go at blinkys in the last two years, so you only threaten yourself in this instance I suppose... If I don't do my job I get fired...that's the way things work...Other than that, I'm actually trying to be nice don't want to see pissed off...I fear no one once crossed...oops passive aggressive-ish're right, I better watch that...other than that, thanks for reminding me to hurry up blow past this karaoke bullshit and get into a band...I'm sick of the power trips...Not like being in a band is bullshit-free...just different headlining bands' stage managers who force you to use 50% PA so the drums sound like you're hitting chairs...anyway... ADAM DISALVO WROTE: "Bob. You're about to get blocked.... This cyclical nonsense is ridiculous. Stop" happy thanksgiving! no drama just food... did you just threaten me? ha ha wink emoticon ADAM DISALVO WROTE: "You're done right??" (John was then blocked on Facebook by Adam Disalvo) --- ADDITIONAL JOHNNY ROPER FACEBOOK MESSAGE THREADS: i talked to michael roulston about this; so just bury the imaginary hatchet and move on...i don't care if you are my facebook friend; i just want to sing saturday nights and hang with my friends at the just let it go and stop being so damn sensitive about things...and have a happy thanksgiving while you're at it...i've been fucked with sooo much in the last few years that i have had it up to here; so if you are my friend you will respect that and understand; otherwise you're just someone who doesn't deserve to be my friend be it...i just want to sing... Fri 7:40am just let me sing and don't discriminate against me; pretend i'm black or something...treat me like you do your black friends...that is the solution... and i guess with your filter you may take these comments as being threatening or whatever...i have tried give of myself and my time to make numerous good points in the past few days and help you out in the process maybe; but all you can focus on is one small negative element of the larger whole and be defensive and full of shit...just be a human being and allow other people to express themselves freely even if you were not necessarily raised that way or whatever or wherever this oppressive trend of yours comes are not cooler than thou simply because you do not respond to messages...that is all dysfunctional ego based crap...when you do this; you create a void to be filled...i am a prolific writer and i know better than to be ridiculed for one of my many great talents... if it comes down to it; i will talk to heather about it and/or your boss...that is not a threat...that is a drove people out of the club last week spinning discs and smoking weed...and! you just got a new years karaoke gig so you need to step up your game by trying to be the best karaoke host you can be... end of thread...