> 4 apr 2007 / KAISER PERMANENTE'S RIGHT TURN - the new kaiser permanente hospital (section Y above) will be opening in the summer of 2007, and as it is; drivers leaving the parking lot (see section X and photo below) cannot turn left to go west down homestead road - they instead must make a U-turn at the intersection of lawrence expressway and homestead road (section C) to travel west on homestead, and this was done purposefully to divert excess traffic away from the surrounding neighborhood (section Z) the plastic posts in the middle of homestead road (in the center of section X - see photo below) are typical city of cupertino traffic calming measures, and in this case they stop vehicles from making left turns onto homestead road (cupertino tends to be better than most cities when it comes to traffic calming) to remove these posts and allow increased left turns from section X would inevitably cause increased traffic congestion in section Z through the intersections seen at section A & B - a few years back hundreds -- if not thousands -- of people in the area surrounding section Y (which used to be a cherry orchard) signed a petition against the construction of the new hospital, but the city of santa clara allowed it to be built anyway, so don't you think kaiser has a bit of a responsibility to step up to the plate and protect the neighborhoods that really did not want them here to begin with? - the fact is; kaiser permanente has roughly 35,000 members which are going to be using this facility in the near future, AND WE DON'T NEED THEM TRAVELLING THROUGH OUR NEIGHBORHOODS! - you have until APRIL 13, 2007 to submit your comments on this issue to the SUNNYVALE CITY COUNCIL @ council@ci.sunnyvale.ca.gov - thanks!