--- On Fri, 6/17/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 10:41 AM and just because the people doing these targeted crimes are supposedly just "innocent high school kids" does not make it any less illegal -- remember that those "innocent high school kids" are almost always the ones in gangs; and child soldiers are known to be the most vicious of all, so...hold no illusions about this situation...one of these kids needs to be interrogated until he spills the beans -- i say the young kid who lives in the big house in dune court; he will spill the beans if you ask him to during an enhanced interrogation... --- On Fri, 6/17/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 10:13 AM also; when i recorded this video > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZuOygtSY6A&feature=channel_video_title > the officer who showed up refused to listen to my video evidence of the guy making various threats; and then refused to take the SD card with the evidence of the crime (see: ignoring exculpatory evidence) -- then the very next week at the oasis nightclub; some very dark-skinned samoan (i think) minority guy basically did that same thing; but this time three cops showed up and one of them eventually got the guy as he was arguing with his friends in a car while leaving the parking lot next door...so what gives? when is this paolinetti idiot going to be dealt with? and i don't care if he is a police officers' son -- remember fajitagate?! --- On Fri, 6/17/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 10:05 AM i heard your recent comments -- mister holder -- about law enforcement having the tools to catch terrorists; if so then why have the persons who have repeatedly terrorized this neighborhood and my residence; and who have been caught in the act repeatedly -- just let go without punishment? -- why am i being discriminated against? -- the targeted stalking and harassment continues; the last two nights there have been disturbances at 11:45 and and again last night at around 10:45 or 11:05 (sleepy); but i've got new surveillance that is way easier to check and i wrote down the times of the various disturbances -- i just have to figure out how to stream it into my computer through a LAN line -- that's gonna take a little time and focus...probably next week...and who knows; maybe there will be even more video evidence to gather tonight etc -- anyway; i'm calling for frequent patrols tonight with the new phone number i got from a lady on the 24-hour non-emergency line... --- On Sun, 6/12/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 12, 2011, 3:51 AM i got more info from my now ex-CIA buddy -- apparently officer paolinetti is part of a special five officer gang task force that has no governance or oversight -- and this explains why his son jake feels he is above the law -- the thing that concerns me is that sensitive intelligence information was apparently shared with his son jake (example: where i sleep, when i come home from the local bar [see: police logs] etc) allowing their attacks against me to occur in a more precise and pre-meditated fashion -- also; my neighbor across the street who i told officer carrell about and who is friends with officer paolinetti, was at the peterson field the day the sunnyvale police shot at me for picking up litter then left -- i have always had a sneaking suspicion he (his name is steve) could have somehow been part of this whole seeming conspiracy -- because he was on the phone with someone at the time he was down at the field that morning i was shot at after picking up litter (he could have been giving out my location? maybe? hmmm...) either that or he is a witness to the event willing to bear witness in court for me...i don't know what to think...but you could check his phone records the morning i got shot at to see who he was talking to? maybe? hmmm... --- On Sat, 6/11/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 2:00 PM one other thing...last week at the oasis nisghtclub someone pushed over my bike for the first time ever -- i'm guessing it was either those punks who were further stalking me; or the gang i told you about a few weeks ago (hookers and a pimp? not sure) -- either that or a failed attempt to rip the bike off -- not sure...anyway... --- On Sat, 6/11/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 1:17 PM this is as easy as fishin': this video of mister olenak was made after his attack to prove he did it and that the police either missed something or covered something up -- i made the video and walked away...simple...here is a response to that video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcWqCTrPQRk "You get a kick out of harassing old dudes? IDGAF WHAT the old guy did. YOU, punka**, never learned any respect for your elders. I DO hope you keep it up 'til you meet the old man that doesn't take s**t from morons like you. I'll LMMFAO when I see the vid of YOU getting your a** stomped by? someone TWICE your age. Looks to me like you provoke these attacks. NO court would ever convict this dude of battery against you. They'd probably congratulate him though. Why'd you cut the vid short? =) tazztt1 --- On Sat, 6/11/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 12:51 PM note: i have MANY neighbors who love me and will attest to this FACT -- i have brought this neighborhood together in ways it has never been brought together before -- if anyone feels free to HATE ME; it's all about discrimination and the fact that i am caucasian -- nothing else... "You're the wild dog you drugged up moron. There's a reason why the police are trying to build a case against you to remove you from the area, you're a straight up lunatic and you need help. What's funny is that all of the neighbors hate you, it's not just our "gang". By the way, how are we some KKK street gang? Even in your video you can see that we have a multitude of ethnicities. Please educate yourself, you're one of the dumbest people I've ever met. There's a reason why everyone hates?" you, AaronDiaz408 17 hours ago --- On Wed, 6/8/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2011, 8:06 PM and just for fun -- check this out: http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/search?q=are+you+being+delphied --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 9:04 PM this just in: we have another statement from jdiaz: You cut out the part where you got hit in the face twice. There's a reason why everyone in a ten mile radius of your house knows you as the crazy duckman who's a straight up joke. If you don't provoke people you won't get hit, it's not rocket science you moron. Move out of your dad's house and go somewhere else because you're dragging him down and everyone is tired of your childish antics. Grow up and get some help, you seriously need it. AaronDiaz408 note: i did not get hit in the face twice; once again i went right in and called the police right after this attack... --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 8:54 PM apparently jake has offered us all a statement on what happened last night -- it was left on my you tube site and reads as follows: tjpaolinetti Comment on your video: "your a joke jon. you are lucku my friend pulled me of when he did because i probably would have beaten the shit out of you. and im not in the hospital you fuck you barly hit me...n your a bitch because you went to the ground then went into the fetal position because your a pussy. so grow the fuck up n leave us alone because im sick of it. half the shit you say is me like honking the horns at night n yelling kkk isnt even me. so stop being a jackass" > note: i actually got right up from the ground and went right in to call the police -- 10-4 over and out... --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 7:33 PM one other thing; while the supervisor guy was kind of mean (he got nice around the end); there was a young guy who initially said "bullshit" when i was asked if i was ever arrested and said no (actually; i was arrested once for stealing $5 worth of gas when i was 17; but that technically doesn't count anymore; right? sure it stays on my CIA record; but other than that...) i don't know his name but he ended up being pretty cool to me in the end; and i appreciate that... --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 12:37 PM can you please help me out jim? i really need your testimony and support right now, buddy... --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 12:34 PM also; about two days ago i was walking across flora vista drive in santa clara when the vehicle seen in the photo came ripping along the road at a very high rate of speed and almost hit me while crossing the street; so i jumped in the car and caught up to take a photo of it...this could have been targeted; or random -- i don't know -- all i know is it's bad when cops get laid off in droves; because people start driving like maniacs all over again... --- On Sun, 6/5/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 12:24 PM i was attacked by jake the cops' son last night while trying to document the people hanging around in the court [see videos below] these are the same people who have been vandalizing my property and threatening and stalking and menacing etc [THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD] for several years -- and the sunnyvale police supervisor who came out and handled the situation last night added insult to injury by insinuating that i was crazy and/or depressed or something [!?] after a lot of talking; i realized that there is surveillance on the house in the court pointing towards where the attack/altercation occurred; so the last thing they did was leave to grab the video footage in question -- let's hope you can connect the dots finally on all of this and bring an end to this crap once and for all... note: you cannot intimidate and/or coerce anyone with a camera; as this is a violation of civil rights; and law enforcement [when they are doing their jobs right] have a duty to not only enforce criminal law; but civil law as well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHoPZYXSmXU&feature=channel_video_title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnK39H0mrVo&feature=channel_video_title --- On Tue, 4/26/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 12:46 AM here's the latest -- i tried to give the SD card to the officer who responded; but he downplayed the threat and let the suspect go -- it all started when i saw a large truck drive by; so i got my camera running just in case; i was in the process of trying to send the original daytime footage to you; when the rest of it happened -- they came and banged on the house and on my window; so i went outside and recorded the footage while safely behind a fence -- can you please FINALLY make an arrest here? i don't know what other evidence you need -- these targeted attacks have been going on for much too long -- thanks!? > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZuOygtSY6A&feature=channel_video_tit --- On Sat, 4/16/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 6:20 PM one other other thing; just remember that i will likely be eventually filing a lawsuit over all this stuff seeing how that punk-ass cops' son has no intention of stopping his bullshit [shot at for picking up litter w/tons of prior knowledge; along with a police supervisor -- who actually seems like a nice guy -- but who among other things lied about using a bullhorn; and all this after my house was under siege for years unabated -- no swat team; no nothing -- then there's officers pablo lopez and gabrielle seagrave covering up various attacks which happened to me; using violence and coersion to accomplish the goal of shutting down a local ecosystem at lake terrace; an obvious civil rights violation] so the more you all do now; the better you all look later -- otherwise at least some of you could appear negligent in the end -- other than jim carrell, i suppose -- not to give myself away or anything, but remember; i will be saving these emails to be used later in court if needed to show a further pattern of negligence -- anyway; i have shown the willingness to help you all out; so i expect some reciprocation in return for my good deeds [from turning in a head norteno gang member who was the manager of denny's a few years ago; to recently turning in a pimp and his hookers in sunnyvale; i deserve some kind of official federal compensation anyway] and if this situation can be taken care of [mister holder] then maybe i can start filing federal tax returns once again [once i get a job again]; but! you all have to earn your money first and arrest or at very least question these punks that were allowed to harass my neighborhood for so many years...i will not cease my efforts until this is accomplished... --- On Fri, 4/15/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, April 15, 2011, 11:20 AM one other thing; in high school i bought a joint from dan smith and cut class; and the principal caught me standing around in the halls after the bell and took me into a room and [using various threats etc] made me spill the beans about who i got the joint from [turns out the auto shop teacher saw the dirty deed go down while going into the teachers' bathroom -- my punishment? gramma came up from LA and stayed at the house abecause my dad was off on business, and i was playing drums all day and lifting weights (something i still do -- at least i knew what i liked way back then and still do)]... the question is; this is not about a stupid joint of largely decriminalized pot; this is all about why have these punks who have been messing with my dad's house [need a clue? > see: elder abuse] not been taken aside and questioned about their extended multi-year gestapo-style night attacks, waking the entire neighborhood along with my 80+ year old dad? not to mention the felony vandalism and attempted vehicular manslaughter in front of my house [which happened as i came home from karaoke late one night on my bike]; and threats to "crush my skull" by the santa clara cops' son last summer [witnessed by several neighbors willing to testify in court -- that's right; i am not waiting until i end up in a coma with my skull crushed like the guy in LA, sorry about that! -- it's all about pre-emptive measures] the week before i was shot at after picking up litter in the neighborhood [!?] -- it's up to you guys to connect the dots on this one; i can only do so much... --- On Thu, 4/14/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011, 8:57 PM i was coming home from eating with my dad at the acapulco restaurant tonight [driving behind my dad], when a black car suddenly pulled up beside me and started acting squirrelly; so i took a photo of the car as it drove off for future reference -- then out of curiosity i drove by the santa clara cops' sons' house to see if the car i took a photo of was anywhere in front of that house on bluebird, and sure enough; the license plates matched up...apparently; this punk doesn't know when to stop or what's good for him...there has been little or no creepy activity late-night activity around my house lately; but this kid is still a ticking time-bomb as far as i am concerned even if he has stopped for now...he is the one my neighbor witnessed driving by my house with a gang of friends yelling in the middle of the night; and very likely part of the gang who vandalized my car with large rocks through the window before this -- why doesn't someone question this punk and his friends so we can get to the bottom of what went on here that last few years? --- On Mon, 3/14/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 4:21 PM here is a better, uncropped photo of the car on saturday night... --- On Mon, 3/14/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 12:40 PM oops; i meant friday nights...anyway... --- On Mon, 3/14/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 11:26 AM saturday night at around 8 pm a car drove by and repeatedly honked outside the house, but i was getting ready to go out and quickly grabbed my camera and ran out to take a photo (see attachment) -- also; apparently the pimpy hooker situation at the oasis nightclub has resolved itself; as the questionable folks hanging around on saturday nights are pretty much gone as far as i hear, so anyway -- 10-4; over and out... --- On Sun, 2/13/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 3:59 AM i was thinking; it's probably good that i'm not too connected to you guys; not only so i can remain free to think and express myself as i do [and it aint always pretty] but also because then no one bad will ever suspect that i'm helping you guys out either -- other than my various bad experiences; the only reason most people get angry at the police is because of the TV; which generally either tells about people being helped by police; or being shot at; and sometimes i think this contradiction causes anger; because after all; you don't shoot at the people you are sworn to protect and serve; no matter how lowly they seem to be -- but then that's easy to say because i've never stood in your shoes -- and let's face it; like everyone; you too also just want to make it home in one piece; which is totally understandable considering the job that you do... and speaking of that; the samoan gang was back at the O last night; and one of them supposedly kicked the bathroom stall in; and they were up to their usual mayhem; better keep and eye on those guys -- also; stephanie the bartender told me the sunnyvale police cruised through the back alley tonight on the prowl; and i also told jerry the owner of the O about the hooker situation i spoke about last week; and told him it might be a good idea to hang out on friday nights to be the undercover boss and check things out...and, i also told jerry that i told you about the situation as well...anyway, all for now... --- On Sat, 2/12/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 8:22 AM just sorting through the wreckage of the past; trying to make sense of it all; even though it does not seem possible in this situation... --- On Sat, 2/12/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 8:21 AM here's one of my latest facebook posts (no need to respond): i called the police back in the 1990s because a neighbor named mister struble tried to run over ducks in the street; almost ran me over; then attacked me through his car window -- i called the police and he corroborated the story in front of 2 other cops -- i ended up receiving a temporary restraining order... the bogus temporary restraining order stated i could not stand in the same spot where i was attacked(!?); and eventually i recieved another restraining order lasting two years; AND ALL BECAUSE I WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO COME FORWARD AND ASK THESUNNYVALE POLICE FOR HELP...so i let that one go...then a few years later a man named mister olenak attacked me feeding ducks i got permission to feed at a city council meeting from the ex-mayor of santa clara on october 8th 2000 [the city of santa clara illegally destroyed habitat @ the 1333 lawrence expressway property; apparently i was their fall guy]; i was also attacked by a few other people while feeding ducks [who i have evidence of in the act > yeh that's it!; i go around feeding ducks and starting fist fights!?] anyway; so then all of these people were used as "witnesses to duck feeding" of all things; and absolutely no arrests were made for attacking me!?! -- then my house was allowed to be put under seige by a santa clara cops' son and his idiot gang of friends for a few years after this [until a neighbor who moved in across the street caught them in the act; a neighbor who is friends with the santa clara cop] and all apparently as payback for filing a wrongful arrest lawsuit against the santa clara police department... so needless to say; i can say from THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART; (just added: even though jim carrell truly seems to be a good guy) the government is full of a bunch of worthless, self-serving, lying idiots who basically rob us all of tax money at gunpoint; then pretend to be our friends once their tax protection money is gathered... and that's not all!; to cap it all off; once i caught the santa clara cops' son in the act of his constant harassment; he threatened to "crush my skull" in front of the entire neighborhood; then the very next week an entire SWAT team showed up and shot at me after picking up litter in my neighborhood...and i can guarantee it's not over yet; once i file the NEXT lawsuit [with a laundry list of new charges against them]; the harassment will continue; if not escalate; but i am ready; the lord knows i am ready for them this time... and now they can say i "have a history of violence"; when the police are clearly the most violent ones of all -- and these fucking pigs retain a license to kill me if they so desire -- ah! america! -- and! if a dead body ends up down the street; you know who now has a "history of violence?" that's right; me...even thought the police are the ones who threw me down in the gutter; bloodied me up; and shot at me for picking up litter... --- On Mon, 2/7/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 7:34 PM there has been a group of samoan looking dudes at the Oasis nightclub lately (i've been carrying around oasis magnet ad signs on my van while on my delivery route); and not only did they try to start a fight after hitting on some guys' wife a few weeks ago, but i learned last friday night that at least one of the dudes is a pimp (a sort of part-caucausian looking [samoan? i'm not sure] dude with long reddish tinged hair and a bottle of whatever he aint supposed to have at the bar under his coat -- i think the bartender is pissed but afraid of this dude) -- he said something like "i can get you any kind of girl you want; white; black; brown etc" -- i didn't take a picture of him as i couldn't do it without looking obvious...as of now, they think i'm cool because i'm "the dude on the mic"; but as it is i know too much; so i'm going to have to play it cool; maybe go on saturdays from now on or something until you guys can get a handle on this situation, if there is one [by the way; this is all going down after the bar owner jerry leaves the bar; and generally in the back of the bar] -- anyway; all for now... --- On Wed, 1/26/11, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 1:10 PM check this out: http://www.police-writers.com/police_corruption_misconduct.html --- On Thu, 12/30/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 11:14 AM hey i'm back...last night at around 12:25 am i heard a car do burners out in front of the house, and the night before at around 9:30 pm i heard a car race through the neighborhood as well -- it might be good to hang out in around here on new years eve etc if you've got the resources...things are heating up... --- On Sat, 12/11/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 11:56 AM > here's another one for you; i've had this footage for awhile and had it up on another youtube site (called SVCRIME) but it got mysteriously deleted > here it is again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Ms26qvB4A --- On Wed, 12/8/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 10:07 PM back again...i just did my new west coast leaf route over the last 3 days; and while i was kind of angry about the idea of clubs being shuddered; now after doing my route i feel there are a few clubs that are a littel shady -- the one that stands out in my mind is veterans care in san jose -- it sounds like some kind of ex-military persons place, but when i drove up; what looked like a bunch of gang member looking dudes came out to greet me -- i did not act afraid, and was not afraid; but i got a weird feeling from these guys -- it could be legit because its' in a part of town that's a little shady, therefore it probably attracts local riff-raff, but its' worth checking out anyway... also; i was searching around and around and around (i should have gave up) for some club on fortune drive in milipitas when i finally pulled into a parking lot and looked at my map (it was dark and raining) -- some guy who was getting in his car after work and looked like he thought i was about to rip shit off or something (and wanted to be a hero) started following me and following me and FOLLOWING ME, so i high tailed outa there and lost the dude -- it was freaky; that hasn't happened for a long time since i used to do BAM magazine...i wasn't doing anything wrong so i had nothing to say to him; and after a certain point he was essentially stalking me, so i wasn't about to talk to the guy and see what his fucking problem was...anyway; all for now... --- On Wed, 12/8/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 8:01 AM > the 1980s education budget slashed by the reagan administration did not have their dumbed-down way with me; i could have graduated early but dropped out early instead to play rock n roll [no regrets]; and i'm still a genius... that's the main goal of the republican 'illuminati' which doesn't really exist; to deny education; hold people down and make people stupid so they can fill all those low-end corporate jobs (forklift driver etc) and/or end up in prison and/or the military... i'm sorry to say; they did not have their way with me...if education had been supported for the last ten years; my groundbreaking research would not seem so unusual; and dare i say; if i was a poor black kid from the projects; you would have me down at the whitehouse to celebrate my accomplishments... note: one other thing; if and/or when i do get around to filing that lawsuit i was talking about [for my various civil rights violations]; i will make it clear that officer jim did a good job; he was very helpful, and i probably wouldn't be emailing you all right now if it wasn't for him... --- On Tue, 12/7/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 10:39 AM CNN can flash their julian assange propaganda all day long; guys - it doesn't faze me -- tell me; was einstein criminalized for his groundbreaking research? and if not; what has changed since then? who are the nazis now? --- On Tue, 12/7/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 10:37 AM i know you're all wondering why i am not afraid of you all about exposing your secrets -- well; it's because much like organized crime; the government gets off on making people afraid of them [based on their own insecurities] so why should i give you what you want? are you giving me what i want? no. furthermore; the things that happened to me as of late are alot like what happend to john lennon many years ago; the government is up to its' same old COINTELPRO tricks once again -- but this time; since i am A U.S. CITIZEN; and also because john lennon was so afraid of his FBI surveillance [i'm not afraid of mine; i put a west coast leaf magazine and a likroper.com sticker under the windshield of an FBI agents car yesterday] i have decided that fear does not exist within my vocabulary; only truth... --- On Tue, 12/7/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 10:22 AM one other thing; i was talking to a NASA project manager last saturday night, and he seemed to have no idea that LFAS sonar is causing remote earthquakes; remote volcanic disruption [the equivalent of a remote act of war on another country] and also killing wildlife [see photo -- that's his jacket -- i was raised a christian and remain a christian, buddhist, wiccan, roperian, rosicrucian etc] i told him not only how my CIA buddy exposed this to me; and also how i basically came up with the same conclusions on my own before this by doing my own independent research; but also how mister CIA told me the government just doesn't want to spend the money on new electromagnetic technology that will protect animals, yet still allow for all the sub-hunting you want [go to: www.likroper.com > click on LRE RESEARCH] so when are we as a nation going to make the change over to this new, safer technology? and when are you going to let science out into the open so we can all be raised up by it's progress? FREE ENERGY: Invention Secrecy Orders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edS2aelXi7I > note: my CIA buddy says he can see light all around me; the same thing various other people have told me; and the only reason he trusted me with this information is because he knows i am inherently good; as the color of my aura tells no lies [i was once told i am an elohim angel, and i believe it; but i'm not going to get into that story right now];... --- On Tue, 12/7/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 8:20 AM i have noticed lately the anger i feel about the events of the past few years is not waning; and the only thing that quells my daily anger is the medicinal pot i smoke; meaning there is an underlying problem that the superficial drug bandaid is not completely fixing... i recently contacted you to bring attention to my situation and have something done about it expeditiously, but so far i have seen none of my various attackers questioned and/or arrested [as they would be if i was a teenage girl or toddler or edlerly person -- see: discrimination], and/or essentially nothing done about the problems at hand... mister olenak not only has admitted to his attack on me and attempted to attack me once again [www.youtube.com/LREVIDEOGRAPHY] but he also has lied to government authorities regarding the events, with help of his wife, who has essentially colluded with him in the lies -- i recently heard the department of justice came into this term with no intention of helping caucasians, as minorities were going to be their main focus [see: reverse discrimination] the problem is; i am caucasian; and this explains why NOTHING has been done about this by the DOJ as well, something i will surely mention in court if it comes to that... > On Tuesday, Adams told the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that Justice Department officials "over and over and over" showed "hostility" to prosecution of voter intimidation cases involving "black defendants and white victims." Former Justice Department colleagues are now coming forward to corroborate Adams' claims and to counter the department's charge that he "distorted facts." Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/reverse-discrimination-new-black-panther-case#ixzz17RWWKf6s http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/reverse-discrimination-new-black-panther-case the statute of limitations for civil rights violations is 5 years, and my last violation was being shot at for picking up litter in june of 2010, with the police lying about the encounter [something i can prove with various witnesses] giving me until june 2015 to take care of it; not to mention the unfinished business with the city of santa clara and the various civil rights violations they sponsored back in october 2007, giving me until october 2012 to take care of that series of violations criminal acts as well [destroying evidence of my october 2000 santa clara city council appearance etc etc etc] -- this is a pretty serious situation; but i don't see any real action being taken [like you see on LA crime dramas; which have absolutely NOTHING to do with reality] -- anyway... --- On Sat, 11/27/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 4:00 AM a latino looking girl at the bar tonight said her brother came out of a hookah lounge somewhere in sunnyvale a few weeks ago [by a fire station?] and ended up kidnapped and in some guy named daryl or derrick's car trunk!? [she wasn't sure of his name] -- daryl/derrick supposedly lives at or next door to 2361 newhall street in san jose or santa clara, and supposedly drugged her brother with something that made him pass out and lose time, waking up disoriented in a car trunk -- the san jose police supposedly wouldn't do anything about it, because of jurisdiction issues, and the fact the victim did not come forward, instead his sister did it for him...this sounds wild to me, but i'll bet you guys deal with this kind of crap all the time...damn!...anyway, i hope you all can do something about this situation -- all for now... --- On Wed, 11/24/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 1:38 PM > here's the video footage; it happened at about 1310 hours on 23 nov 2010... --- On Wed, 11/24/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 7:46 AM i thought of another interesting angle on this > http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/malicious-vandalism-and-attempted.html -- after having my van vandalized so severely after this attack, i started parking it in the driveway under the motion sensor light and surveillance camera -- one recent night i left it on the side yard where it was vandalized, just as bait to see if anyone would come around and act suspicious -- and sure enough; the guy who drives the blue diesel truck with the pipes sticking up [seen in this video > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpU0uTv72rw] was looming around my van on the side yard in his truck going around the block a few times, until i finally told him to "get the fuck out of here!" -- and i haven't seen since...this leads me to believe he was part of the gang of people who committed the vandalism -- to me; this is telling, this is suspicious activity... also; yesterday my neighbor got the heads up from another neighbor that an asian male with a backpack and a hooded jacket was walking along dunford and tried to steal a purse out of my neighbor's car, he then supposedly walked right under my surveillance camera, so i am checking it now -- i should have some clear daytime footage by tomorrow... --- On Mon, 11/22/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 6:18 PM > FYI: this morning at around 7:05 & 7:55 am two separate cars ripped off dunford and sped onto thunderbird heading towards lillick -- i will try to get out with my camera tomorrow or the next day and send you the footage, but if not; a good inconspicous place to park for traffic patrol and watch for speeders in that zone is on thunderbird at the corner of lillick, right by the electrical box... --- On Sat, 11/20/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010, 1:39 PM > FYI: i just heard on TV that public safety personell can supposedly get free stanford football tickets... --- On Fri, 11/19/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, November 19, 2010, 11:27 AM > CHECK THIS OUT; I FOUND IT ON MY FRIEND'S FACEBOOK SITE: the President who Told the TRUTH @ http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4c0_1253047657 -- powerful stuff... --- On Fri, 11/19/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:09 AM you know what? reading this again reminded me; i overheard some guy in a bar a few years ago telling about how a longtime sunnyvale resident named john steel killed some guy [john steel used to sell pot to our neighborhood high school 'gang', and probably still sells it; he supposedly also ripped off a medical pot place a few years back, his friend told me last year] anyway; the guy who perished had his head propped up against a curb, and john steel allegedly put a beer up to his mouth, then kicked his head to open the beer bottle, and the guy died! -- but the police supposedly could not prove john steel did it, and he was never charged with anything...i wrote an email to a city council member right after it happened, and told her about it -- her name escapes me now -- anyway; all for now; i must go practice now on my electronic drums... --- On Thu, 11/18/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 10:12 AM getting back to the nickle bag incident; i get the feeling this kind of thing happens every day; people fighting over nickle bags; but where this ended without serious injury; how many people have ended up dead over the same stupid nickle bag fight? if so; then the federal government has major blood on their hands regarding this; this is what 'safe access' is all about -- as long as the federal government stands in the way of this safe access, more and more people will be injured, or even die in these stupid nickle bag fights -- that's right; the more it continues; the more you can blame the federal government... and if you're wondering why i did not call the police right when the oasis event happened; not only is my cell phone screen on the blink; but i have also called the police numerous times after being attacked by several people etc etc etc, with no action taken other than retaliatory action, so i am not in any big hurry to call for assistance; this is sad, but true...and i think the bartender is afraid of the bar being adversely affected by circumstances beyond her control -- while they should not; bar fights still happen, and it is not the fault of the venue... another sad but true fact is this; if this attack had happened to a woman; not only would the attacker likely be arrested right now, perhaps on sexual assault charges; but it might even be attracting media attention -- so why is the same focus not put on the protection of men? is this equality? -- why are men held to one standard; while women are held to another? i know the US sort of 'consciously breeds' good soldiers; even my CIA buddy agrees with me on that one, and violence fits nicely into that picture, but where do civil rights fit into it? --- On Wed, 11/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 7:07 PM some other email thread thoughts... the guy you see in the video threatening me was apparently hassling the shaved headed dude (SHD) for $5 worth of weed he didn't even have; he then said 'punk!' and lifted him up off the plastic chair and started throwing him around!? [and the stupid thing is; one of the many reasons medical pot is now prescribed is for the inability to control anger, and if this guy could just get a prescription]... SHD told me a few years back about how he used to get all rowdy and in fights in santa cruz as a gang banger, but he quit all that and decided it was best to walk away when confronted -- but he had no chance to walk away from this encounter; the guy grabbed him out of the blue like some kind of secretly planned, rabid jailhouse attack -- and this is what makes it all so wrong; as SHD has turned his back on his old self and decided to choose non-violence, only to be dragged right back to meet his old self once again... so; it could be SHDs' karma; and believe me; i believe in karma; but sometimes i think forgiveness is necessary for those who have truly decided to change -- i helped by telling the truth about what happened to the bartender; even if it put me at risk doing so... anyway; i have to finish lifting weights now; so i must go...until next time... --- On Sun, 11/14/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, November 14, 2010, 6:15 PM ok; i've got another one for you; last night at the oasis nightclub, some guy attacked another guy sitting in a chair on the back porch, and they proceeded to wrestle around on the ground for a minute -- then after i told my eye witness account to the bartender, telling her that one guy attacked the other; the attacker then threatened me, and said he was going to 'come back next week to get me' of all things (see attached video) so i will be bringing some pepper spray along with me just in case -- also; i'm pretty sure the attacker guy jumped in his car and drove home drunk right after this video was shot (i rode my bike) -- this is a good example of how men get attacked; but have too much pride to come forth and do anything about it -- by the way; the shaved headed dude who got attacked, got the guy into a wrestling hold and essentially won the fight -- all for now... --- On Wed, 11/10/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 7:38 AM about the recent pot club raids in san jose; you couldn't stop the medical marijuana movement if you wanted to at this point, holder; without mass violating the civil rights of voters that is (once again to re-remind you all, it doesn't matter what the judge says; it matter what THE LAW says, and that law clearly states; you cannot intimidate voters before they vote, and you certainly cannot 14 years after as well -- sorry about that; not me anyway) and/or losing your job in 2012; i just called gaving newsome's office and left a voice mail telling him to run for president in 2012 -- i'm serious as a fucking heart attack, holder -- no more bullshit; stop abusing your power as top law enforcemnt agent -- no more! stop the pot club raids or LOSE YOUR JOB ALONG WITH ALL THE EX-POT CLUB EMPOLYEES YOU HAVE EFFECTIVELY MADE UNEMPLOYED ONCE AGAIN! --- On Mon, 11/8/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 8:05 PM i forgot all about this one -- many months ago a blonde female at the oasis told me she robbed a wells fargo bank with her boyfriend; i was a little buzzed at the time so i believed it, until someone said they went to high school with her and she wouldn't do such a thing -- then i thought about it again; wait a minute! she admitted to doing a bank robbery!? -- so i figured; why not tell you guys about it? > attached are two photos; 4065 shows the female; 4066 shows her purported boyfriend -- 10-4; over and out... --- On Thu, 11/4/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 7:23 AM saturday night i saw a bunch of teenagers hanging out on thunderbird around clydebank court; probably just a pre-halloween gathering but you never know -- i heard of no incidents that night, and there was no vandalism here, but it's still something you might like to know...i will monitor the situation for further developments... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 6:11 PM i'm glad i have someone in the government i can trust again; i felt like i was in a void for a minute there; it's good to talk to an actual human being again who represents you idiots...mister CIA is way cool; he's like my super-ntelligent older brother who i lost years ago -- anyway; i probably won't be emailing back (even though i said that this morning) i'm sorry for being mad at you today for something you did not do jim, i don't enjoy being angry at you, you seem like a good guy, and it's not your fault steve lodge is an idiot... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 6:02 PM i just talked to my CIA buddy at safeway, and apparently some of you guys are harassing him for speaking out, and he's not surprised that you all have no intention of rooting out the people who have been harassing me, and either is his girlfriend for that matter -- but that's ok, he's not worried about it, and neither am i -- i told him if he ever gets fired, we'll write a book telling the truth about everything from GNR (gun n roses); to the CIA; and everybody in the fucking world would want to read it, and there is not a god damn thing anybody could do about it -- the truth needs to come out eventually; humankind needs to go forth; the universe is waiting for its' mysterious truths to be unveiled > http://likroper.com -- click on LRE RESEARCH... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 11:47 AM > THIS JUST IN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=echM1G3rciI --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 8:53 AM AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT; TELL ERIC HOLDER TO GO FUCK HIS NAZI SELF! --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 8:30 AM FUCK ALL OF YOU WORTHLESS, VIOLENT CIVIL RIGHTS ABUSING GOD DAMN BASTARDS! GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! AND I MEAN THAT! --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 8:15 AM I KNEW I WAS FOOLISH TO TRUST THE POLICE; SO MUCH FOR COMMUNITY RELATIONS -- i think i wrongfully trusted you, jim; as even though you are likely not behind this latest nazi raid on angel's care collective, you are still loosely connected to the same armed gang which took it over, so i am sorry; any trust i developed for you and/or the federal government is now forever gone -- i should have known you have no real interest in helping me root out this government conspiracy and/or violence and/or harassment and/or civil rights violations i have been facing; because after all; cops rely on violence to get their way, just as the military-industrial complex in general does... so i guess if i don't hear anything back about this from you, i will be taking this email thread and using it as part of my court case against the city of sunnyvale and the federal government, showing how you are ALL negligent and unwilling to do your jobs -- from a local to a federal level [unless you can shoot me again for picking up litter or something again; but hit me this time -- you guys need target practice] the conspiracy has been exposed...go ahead and laugh about it; if you don't give a fuck about me or my democractic rights and are willing to make a sham of it all; i don't give flying fuck anymore about you worthless, self-serving nazi assholes either -- go fuck yourselves and all of your nazi government bullshit... i am sorry; an important community connection is now shutting down, jim -- i really liked being able to actually trust law enforcement for once in my life; and we could have accomplished alot of good stuff here in my part of sunnyvale; but i should have known it was all just a dream -- the dream is over jim; i just woke up -- goodbye -- you won't be hearing from me anymore -- trust is now gone... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:57 AM i just thought you all might like to know where i am coming from; i have no fear; i live freely; so if you all want to come and kill me for showing dissent and smoking the weed i voted to smoke, and all because i was stupid enough to go to you for help, GO AHEAD -- I HAVE NO FEAR... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:56 AM i just left message this on the department of justice, the whitehouse, and jeff rosen's facebook sites -- I AM THE ROSA PARKS OF DEEPENDED DEMOCRACY AND/OR MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION, AND I AINT GETTING UP OUT OF MY CHAIR! I WOULD RATHER BE DEADS THAN SIT IN JAIL FOR ONE MINUTE FOR SMOKING THE WEED I VOTED TO SMOKE! DO YOU SEE THIS PURPLE PAINT ON MY FINGER!? --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:22 AM i'm going to santa cruz to stock up very soon... --- On Thu, 10/28/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:15 AM VERY INTERESTING: i read all about the nazi police state raid of angel's care in santa clara; attempting to criminalize a LEGAL BUSINESS originally given the ok by the city of santa clara planning commmission, then threatened with closure the very next day after opening because of one whining city council lady [see: BAIT AND SWITCH and WHINING CITY COUNCIL LADY] then faced with constant harassment ever since for having THE GALL to follow the law in a city that knows no law... but! as long as there is even ONE POT CLUB in this town, people will get ther pot; and if not here, then in santa cruz; which is still a safe haven much like ancient egypt was (to the equally violent and punitive roman empire); the city of santa cruz has a directive prohibiting police officers from confiscating marijuana plants (interesting note: i have in fact SMOKED A JOINT IN FRONT OF TWO SMILING SANTA CRUZ POLICE OFFICERS AT THE BEACHBOARDWALK, AND TWO MOUNTAIN VIEW COPS AT SHORLEINE AMPHITHEATRE AS WELL) as santa cruz found out long ago that it is an integral part of their tax base -- santa cruz went through all this kind of federal schmederal pot harassment way back when republicrat nazis were in control (bush, clinton) but the truth is; THE FEDS ARE SCARED SHITLESS OF THE PEOPLE OF SANTA CRUZ, YOU DON'T SEE ANY FEDS STRUTTING THEIR ANTI-MARIJUANA SHIT THERE NOW DO YOU? NO! HA! that is so fucking cool! america! yes! hahaha! victory! (not unless they want to face an angry mob of fearless santa cruz activists ready to forcefully take back their town, running down out of the hills banging their hairy chests and screaming like banshees) that's right, because the feds have a very real fear of the powerful, activist people of santa cruz, they are unlike the pushover sheep we have around here in republicrat central; santa clara county... and in the meantime; my cannabis science inc stock has gone from .05 cents to around .16 cents, and is about to go through the roof after the election next week, WHEN MARIJUANA IS LEGALIZED ONCE AGAIN, and there is not a god damn thing you all can do about it...start spreading democracy in america as well; even the score or stop playing the game... --- On Wed, 10/27/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 7:26 AM THIS JUST IN: i have a lady friend named rebecca who i recently went on a date with (i actually don't know her last name); she left a voice message telling me she was beaten up recently and did not go out for awhile because of it -- i'll tell you more when i get the info... --- On Mon, 10/25/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 6:10 PM one other thing; i have a lady friend who had a recent run in with tom foley ['crazy tom']; her friend had to get into her apartment for some kind of medicine; but tom allegedly blocked her and threatened her somehow [she told me about a month ago, a but i forgot the details]; this happened at the lake terrace apartments, and the lady friend of mine is a member of the local chamber of commerce -- all for now... --- On Fri, 10/22/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 7:10 AM I FOUND A MAJOR GLITCH -- i read the sunnyvale police arrested some guy who supposedly exposed himself, and was located through the use of a lineup; (pay someone enough to lie, and lineups are useless -- that's why they're generally not really reliable, and open to abuse - i have a friend who went on a drunk binge after his momma died, and a bunch of lesbians in front of a lesbian bar encouraged him to pull his pants down; which he supposedly did, and which they admitted to; but two dissented after the fact and almost got him in BIG trouble) -- > when i have VIDEO EVIDENCE of my VARIOUS VIOLENT ATTACKERS; not some relatively petty, non-violent crime like running naked or something -- there is also this; WHILE I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS; men who are violent against other men are often in fact latent homosexuals; making most men-against-men attacks subconsciously sexual in nature; and therefore making them in a sense; subconsciously sexual attacks -- to me this all shows obvious discrimination on the part of local police; where all the recent obsessive CNN nancy grace-based fear-based programming has made everyone feel as if only teenage girls matter, and as for everyone else... and believe me; i grew up with this crap where my father always treated my sister one way, and me another (see: engrained cultural discrimination) so if women really want to even the score and be empowered and all that good stuff; they're gonna have to encourage good treatment for all people, including the men in their midst; that MUST be part of that deal, or forget it... > the problem is this: the prison-military industrial complex cannot survive with the strong, across the board enforcement of civil rights; as war and/or crime in general tends to rely on violence and/or the violation of civil/human/animal rights; therefore violence is the essential life-blood of the prison-military industrial complex; and civil rights; THE ENEMY... in retrospect; life is not a one way street; it's more like a 2 or 3 way street, if that's possible; and street violence is and always will be; UNACCEPTABLE... --- On Thu, 10/21/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 11:51 AM > interesting note: i was talking to someone at a santa cruz medical pot collective, and he said that many of the people who frequent the club are in fact military veterans and retired police officers... --- On Thu, 10/21/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 9:11 AM one last thing for today; when a cop gets a call; adrenaline is released; and then cortisol, which is a natural survival drug of sorts which keeps one awake -- but the downside is this; when you get off work, you can't sleep (and this is why many cops drink alcohol) -- every time i get woken up in the middle of the night by the drive by terrorism i have told you about; i get adrenaline and cortisol released as well, and medical marijuana is the only thing that has allowed me to sleep soundly as my house has been under seige, and even that does not work sometiumes [when i was 18 i was in a band with a 36 year old vietnam vet, and he said the only thing that got him through having bullets flying over his fox hole every day was being on something supplied by the local opium dens, and this is part of the reason i got legal medical pot to sleep > the vietnam vets brought home marijuana etc in their duffel bags]...anyway; my pont is; i am speaking out for law enforcement professionals out there who may be losing sleep, and afraid to speak out on the medical pot issue for fear of losing their jobs; so they can legally, carefully and discreetly use medical marijuana to sleep soundly when they would not otherwise [sleep MD, and sleep fast, or calmes forte from wallgreen's work well too, they're herbal-based and work well with medical pot for sleep) --- On Thu, 10/21/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 8:36 AM THIS JUST IN: my dad has gotten hang up calls to his 408-246-3880 number the last few nights, and last night at midnight -- i have gotten a few as well in the last few days -- and this has all started happing after bringing this > http://likroper.com/OASIS3.html > to the attention of the sunnyvale city council -- i got a hang up call on my phone for two days after i sent it to the council, and my father has been getting it since then -- it is either these punks making the calls, or someone down at the city os sunnyvale fucking with us -- i want to know who is doing this... --- On Thu, 10/21/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 8:26 AM also; after the guy named tom foley attacked me and stalked me at my house for a few weeks after the attack; i spoke to him and the lake terrace appartment manager [in front of a witness friend of mine] and the apartment manager clearly knew about toms' attack, and seemed to be ok with it -- note: it is against civil rights laws to use intimidation, coersion or violence causing injury during an encounter with someone... i also have two friends of mine [one named micki, he's gone hunting with alex fagan and his brother is a sunnyvale cop --- BTW: i hate hunting] and another named greg; who saw people laying in wait to attack me in the trees and bushes at lake terrace at night [they lived across the street]...i called them ahead of time, then drove by to draw them out of their hiding places to show my friends what was occurring, without putting myself at risk... --- On Thu, 10/21/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 8:15 AM i mentioned how my windshield got shot three times, and i forgot to add the link explaining the event > http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/08/santa-clara-police-department-fbi.html [warning: i was really pissed off when i wrote this; i had been attacked several times with no arrests made, and then my vehicle vandalized the second time with nobody questioned and no arrests made -- so yer damn right i was pissed off! i still am...] on one hand, a santa clara cop came swerving out of his jurisdiction into dune court in sunnyvale, then guided the suspicious punks [who i KNOW had something to do with this] out of the neighborhood and asked me why i had surveillance installed!? (to solve a crime idiot! duh! i called his night watch officer and reported this) then on the other hand; two neighbors (one of which is a sunnyvale cops' son) witnessed one of the two responding officers blaming my blog posts of all things for my windshield being shot [as i was inside calling the SC night manager]; and this was right around the same time of the chauncey bailey murder -- if this same thing happened three doors down at the black guys' house, or my mexican neighbors' house; this would be considered a hate crime etc -- so what gives? this is really all about reverse racism, something nobody wants to talk about... --- On Mon, 10/18/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 6:33 PM attached to this email is a photo of a sign i put on the back of the stop sign at benton and wood duck [because the now retired traffic engineer told me i could do this] -- and while this is santa clara territory, i was wondering if you (jim) could maybe request a small metal sign in the same place, as people come ripping off lawrence expressway and enter the neighborhood at excessive speeds, and this is a perfect place to remind them to slow down -- no need to respond; all for now... --- On Mon, 10/18/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 5:56 PM i've got another one for you all; i was talking to a neighbor today, and he said that one time danny olenak (mister olenak's son) came over to his house with a sawed-off shotgun and asked him if he wanted to rob the old victoria station restaurant @ homestead and wolfe roads -- he declined, but apparently danny went through with the crime -- he got busted shortly after on a cocaine-fueld interstate liquorstore robbing spree in alabama, i think... --- On Mon, 10/18/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 9:49 AM here's another one: after my windshield got shot three times in my driveway (see photo attachment) i got it fixed within a few days...then someone named JIDE NOWAK emailed me out of the blue and asked me what my source of money is...who the hell is JIDE NOWAK, and did he have something to do with the windshield being shot? --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 2:32 PM here' another one for you; years back a man named rodney blach was attempting to put together a video exposing fremont police corruption; he spoke about helicopters moving drugs and weapons for organized crime to and from the fremont area, and was later accused of what i believe to be ridiculous, trumped up charges, and convicted with the help of a homeless man who did not seem like the most reliable witness -- and all this was happening during the time the FBI was actively destabilizing activists for the federal government (something they admitted to post-911, and now do under the false guise of the USA patriot act) -- then my friend-in-the-know told me about a mountain view city council lady who was on the lam in canada during the 1990s after being indicted for helping organized crime use helicopters to move guns and drugs from the east bay to mountain view -- so i guess my point is this; if you attempt to bring charges against your fellow officers who have broken the law; it could amount to you being harassed internally, but it could also weed out the bad officers and make room for your own promotion... > leading me directly to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzXCvv9g9eI -- the encounter you see ended peacefully, but the oficers lied about the event - they said they used a bullhorn, which they did not, and i have several neighbors who witnessed this, so even one tiny lie makes the whole event questionable, and since so many officers were involved in the event, this could have massive brady law implications...so do the right thing, jim! a half truth is a whole lie, let's get to the root of this matter once and for all... > and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpU0uTv72rw -- event happened about one week prior to the previous event, so i want to know if the accuser who said i had a gun knew the santa clara cops' son in any way; was he told to do this? the cops' son made criminal threats, threatening to crush my skull, and this was witnessed by several neighbors...but at that point; i had given up trying to call the police about anything, it's a miracle i called the friday night that i did -- i had given up seeking help; i felt like a soldier left to die on the battlefield... so do the right thing jim, i'm hoping the presence of the federal government in this case will protect you from negative recourse, even thought they are sort of abusing their own power themselves by illegally attempting to mass-intimidate and/or mass-coerse voters before they vote on the upcoming marijuana legalization issue; don't they know they cannot intimidate voters in any way before they vote, or 13 years after for that matter? it's like you standing in front of the voting booth with a gun or something, a big no-no...all for now... --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 6:56 AM i just posted this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yw3PAQy0VY -- and while listening to it i had a revelation; i changed part of the lyrics to "they'll stone you when you ride your bike home", and i have done many times before in the past -- i have essentially been singing this song the same way for many years -- then it occurred to me; after riding home on my bike from karaoke, i was apparently followed and someone threw large stones through my vehicle windows, then tried to run me down in the street out in front of my house as i attempted to take a photo with my cell phone (but the photo came out blurry) > go to: http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/malicious-vandalism-and-attempted.html -- is this just coincidence, or...? --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 5:27 AM one other thing; i know there's alot of talk about bullying and gay bullying, but; while i am heterosexual [and have several lesbian, bisexual and gay friends who i have respect for] it is rather insulting to me to be lumped into that group, i see it as a distraction from the truth -- i believe much of what happened to me occurred because; 1) i filed a lawsuit against the santa clara police for wrongful arrest [under duck crossing signs i worked with both cities to install], and; 2) mainly because i got involved in distributing 10,000 flyers around the neighborhood stopping a development at peterson field, leading to the inception of full circle farm, and puposeful negligent behavior on the part of the local police who repeatedly harassed me after my city council appearance for everything from picking up litter to trying to slow traffic in my neighborhood > http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/03/safety-cones-25-mph-enforced.html --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 4:41 AM i want peck to be treated the same way that asian lady who keyed cars is being treated; this unexcusable; my window still gets stuck when i lower it, even though it got fixed... --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 4:26 AM > hot off the press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x36zGEZguo --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:37 AM > read this: http://likroper.com/SC-HEARING3.doc --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:26 AM > HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM MY WEBSITE THAT MAY SHINE A LIGHT ON THINGS AS WELL > 19 jun 2006 / THE LAKE TERRACE APARTMENTS (AND THE SCPD COVER-UP) - i heard reports from deep throat that a ground maintenance worker who was allegedly killing baby ducks at the lake terrace apartments was terminated last year - so if anyone at the lake terrace apartments (or anyone, anywhere for that matter) witnesses any animal abuse, please create a video by using your windows movie maker, then email the .wmv file to email@likroper.com or send a cdr hard copy to: p.o. box 3617 / santa clara, california / 95055-3617 - and i will post it on this web site... also; since animal rights are very closely connected to the issue of human rights, and the santa clara and sunnyvale police departments seem to be actively colluding to cover-up the attacks that occurred against me (lik roper) by ignoring exculpatory evidence; anyone else living in or around the lake terrace apartments (i have two solid RRJ-3 witnesses so far) who witnessed the violence that incurred against 'the duckman' (and/or lik roper) by RRJ-3 and/or ROAD RAGING JACKASS 3 (a lake terrace apartment resident named peck) on may 20 2006 - and/or violence and/or stalking behavior by CRAZY TOM (see: exhibit A / exhibit B / exhibit C / exhibit D - another lake terrace resident) PLEASE contact LRE @ email@likroper.com - your eyewitness testimony is needed - thank you... --- On Sun, 10/17/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 3:15 AM > check this out: http://likroper.com/NEIGHBORHOOD_LETTER1.html --- On Sat, 10/16/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 5:44 PM after the egg attack on my house last week, i was out on sunday afternoon and stopped at a 7-11 -- i noticed they had producer's milk and eggs, like the ones thrown, so i went to the local 7-11, and sure enough they had producer's milk and eggs too -- so i asked the owner ray if he had footage of last friday, but it's only available for 24 hours -- i figure maybe if it happens again, he could check his reciepts and at least narrow down the time, then check his surveillance footage, but he apparently won't check it without the police encouraging him to do so, if you know what i mean -- anyway, all for now... --- On Fri, 10/15/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: Re: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 7:25 AM HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM -- here's another one; this is a video showing where we need some new signage, can you help me out mister jim? > check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEw0U15oaMQ -- the sunnyvale zone cross street is dunford @ lochinvar; and the other is dunford and thunderbird -- i was wondering if you could perhaps put in request for the dunford/lochivar signage to the city of sunnyvale? -- and as for the dunford/thunderbird crosswalk signage; could you also perhaps contact santa clara traffic engineering and put in a request for this sign as well? i believe it is actually required by law being in a school zone -- maybe you'll have better luck than me -- all for now... --- On Mon, 10/11/10, Lik Roper wrote: From: Lik Roper Subject: hey jim... To: jcarrell@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us Cc: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 8:09 PM here is the link i told you about early saturday morning showing my various harassers and attackers etc; http://www.youtube.com/LREVIDEOGRAPHY -- i will gather and send to you other raw footage from my files which is presently not on youtube, to investigate as well -- i added the DOJ email just to provide oversight, even though i beleive that you (jim) actually are a good hearted person who truly wants to help me out with this situation -- it may take a couple days again, but i will find the footage and pass it on to you --- thanks!